Implanon removal : soo nervous!

So I'm new here, and tiptoeing along my new lifestyle plan carefully, but one major hiccup has been the hormones that have been messing up my body ever since the last pregnancy from my contraceptive implant, Implanon. So I decided to get it out, this Friday. I've had 2 put in over the last 8 years, so I'm no stranger to the minor surgery (the GP can do it) but ugh, it's in the inside of my upper arm *squirm*
We think it's whats causing my anxiety and some of my weight gain, so it's got to come out! Trying super hard to focus on the pro's so I don't chicken out and put it off until October when it runs out.

Has anyone else had weight/anxiety issues to do with contraceptives?


  • Zombella
    Zombella Posts: 491 Member
    edited July 2015
    I had the Nexplanon put in in December. I didn't really feel any effects until I started losing weight. Now that I am losing more, it seems like it is causing me to have anxiety. The thing is, the pill made me feel very sick and it was too much to remember to take it. The past 3-4 weeks, I've been having a really tough time with the dieting. I lost a pound and I have been eating foods that I've given up in the past. I'm trying to get away from those foods but it is tough. Trying to see the big picture (being happy and healthy). My husband and I talked about getting it removed but it does work and I don't feel ill like I did with the pill. I just hope that my body will get used to it. The dr said it releases less hormones over time.

    I was really scared about having it put in but it was nothing. I guess when the option is to have minor surgery or another c-section (I've had two), I'll take the minor surgery haha :) I have no idea how it is removed though lol.

    I hope all goes well!
  • Songlark
    Songlark Posts: 6 Member
    If it's like Implanon, a small tube in your arm, it's removed pretty much the same way it went in :) I was told I could have an IUD that has no hormones, since getting my tubes tied would cost 2k euros and our insurance won't cover it. So will be doing that in a few months. Looking forward to a life with no extra hormones :) I had 2 c-sections too, they suck!
    I liked the long term-ness of the implant though.