You know you're old when... find your first gray eyebrow hair. That was this morning. Sigh.

*crawls over into corner and sobs quietly*

Tell me yours. Misery loves company.


  • fitniknik
    fitniknik Posts: 713 Member
    Its a bad one...

    You cant drink 2 nights in a row anymore LOL! :drinker:
  • K1Teacher
    K1Teacher Posts: 324 Member

    ....when you can't sleep past 7. Grrrr....
  • BryanAir
    BryanAir Posts: 434
    You hire someone who was born the year you graduated from high school.
  • millerll
    millerll Posts: 873 Member
    You turn on the radio to your favorite oldies station, and they're playing the theme song from your prom. What the????
  • dracobaby82
    dracobaby82 Posts: 380 Member
    When you are tired or in bed by 9
  • mrrodriguez
    mrrodriguez Posts: 158
    You fall asleep in the movie theatre!:laugh:
  • dognana
    dognana Posts: 10
    your new doctor looks younger than your grandson!
  • sandrapops
    sandrapops Posts: 4 Member
    Your son doesn't know how to actually "roll" down a window.
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,307 Member
    I refuse to get old. CrossedArms.gif
  • When your 17 year old brother posts a status about having left school a year ago - 2 days after your 29th Birthday! lol
  • Nancyhusanu
    Nancyhusanu Posts: 65
    When every other sentence in a conversation with your teenagers is "What does that mean?"!!:indifferent:
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    When you need an extra large pill holder.
  • Breckgirl
    Breckgirl Posts: 606 Member
    When I had to explain what a "rotary Phone" was to my 15 yr old nephew! :cry:
  • Jennjenn1974
    Jennjenn1974 Posts: 350 Member
    You are in bed at 10pm...on a saturday night . >.<
  • SMarie10
    SMarie10 Posts: 956 Member
    when your high school graduation gift was an electric typewriter, and it was the latest technology at the time.
  • JJtexasgirl
    JJtexasgirl Posts: 106 Member
    16 year old student " There was this old guy in front of me this morning on my way to school"
    Me (the teacher) "How old was he?"
    Student " Really old, like 40 or something"
    Me (at age 44) *sigh*
  • kittyloo123
    kittyloo123 Posts: 300 Member
    when you are still calling dvd's "tapes"
  • Micheller1210
    Micheller1210 Posts: 460 Member
    When geting an incredible back massage is better than sex.
  • _beachgirl_
    _beachgirl_ Posts: 3,865 Member
    you find grey hair down there! :sad:
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    When you're calling anyone under 35 a "kid".