Emotional Eating! Please help me.

<3:( I'm an emotional eater. I've had this problem for many, many years. Today is my second day on MPF however my household has been working on dieting for a few weeks. We walk every night down by the river. I have a decent support system at home. For the most part. However I'm home alone from 3pm until 11:30pm Monday thru Friday. Well myself and the dogs.

Today I binged on some Ice Cream. I was so proud of myself I woke up this had an slim fast shake with almond milk and some flax seed.

Recent thing's that have happened in my house has caused some emotional problems with myself. My little sister moved out leaving us to handle some financial problems.

When I get upset I eat. And it doesn't matter how strong I wake up being in the morning, I cannot seems to not emotionally eat.

I guess my question is please give me some tips on how you handle it. Or ways you've heard of helping the emotional eating??? Please Help Me.

Sorry it's so long. : / Thank you so much for any and all help. It is greatly appreciated. :(:'(:#<3


  • aseaprincess112
    aseaprincess112 Posts: 9 Member
    Well first step I suggest you get rid of all the junk food in your house for a while. You know till you make countable progress in your fitness plans. Bit by bit you will be stronger in front of these temptations. Remember, being healthy and fit is a life style matter. When you're done and have reached your goal, you're not supposed to go back to the same bad habits. Rather you should have better healthier ones so you don't go back to where you started.
    A good place to start, and sorry if this is against the forum rules or anything, but helpguide.org gives really good information about something called "emotional intelligence" or EQ. To be brief, it tells you how to handle your emtions and stuff. I don't want to talk more and FYI I have no ties with the site. It just helped me a lot when I started. So, good luck and stay strong and positive. Every step counts!
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    edited July 2015
    I had to stop bringing foods in the house that I knew I would emotional/binge eat. One at a time I started bringing them back in, and teaching myself to just eat one serving and put it away. I had to put sticky notes with my name in a red circle with a line through it on the boxes of Cheez-Its at work. I was majorly stressed out almost every single morning for 6 months, and I would go in the work kitchen as soon as I got there and eat half a box before I realized it. Seeing that sticky when I grabbed the box would snap me back to reality. It's a process, but it can be done. This post helped me think of food differently. It was a huge part of turning it around. myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/925464-fitting-it-in-giggity
  • linda2014mfp
    linda2014mfp Posts: 8 Member
    One trick I use is to chew gum.
  • 77TiffanyIrene77
    77TiffanyIrene77 Posts: 16 Member
    <3 Thank you all. Very Much! <3