24 and can't run to save my life !

SabKab16 Posts: 114 Member
edited September 27 in Fitness and Exercise
Hello everyone!

So, I'm new to MFP, and i'm so glad I joined! I'm really hoping I find the motivation to finally begin my weight loss journey, which will lead to an overall healthy lifestyle!

However, I have one little problem.. I have no endurance when it comes to running/jogging! At the most, I can run 5 minutes, and then get tooo tired, and end up walking! I get soo out of breath, and soo exhausted.

I live in a very small town, where the gyms here don't have good cardio classes at all, so running outside is something I really want to be good at!

Any advice would be REALLY appreciated!


  • I love your topic title! :)

    Best of luck! You can do it !
  • nikki_zav
    nikki_zav Posts: 320 Member
    You will get a FLOOD of answers here which will all be the same....C25K! It's a great running program that takes you from a couch potato to running a 5K in a few weeks.

    If you have an iPhone, download RunKeeper. It's a great application that you can input the intervals you need and track your runs and times.

    Best of luck!
  • dontstopnow
    dontstopnow Posts: 152
    you should look into c25k! even if you don't have any plans to run a 5k, it helps build your jogging/running endurance up little by little. you can read about it here: http://www.coolrunning.com/engine/2/2_3/181.shtml. i'm only starting week 2 this week but so far i like it!
  • Talako
    Talako Posts: 79 Member
    Work up to it. Judging by the number of posts on MFP, C25K is a popular method to get going.

    Try this website: coolrunning.com/engine/2/2_3/181.shtml
  • Athena413
    Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member
    Best advice you'll get: start slow and GET GOOD SHOES!
  • moniquejanaeh
    moniquejanaeh Posts: 7 Member
    I'm 24 too! I've done C25k and it works great! I now run 30 minutes plus everyday with ease. When I first started, I was tired after 2 minutes and look at me now!
  • mcgym
    mcgym Posts: 2 Member
    I started running on the treadmill a month ago and trust me you get strong very quickly! I suggest try the treadmill..its good for beginners because you can pace your speed and keep track of how long youre running, etc. You also have no excuse to not exercise because it is raining or something like that! Start off slow....jog or do a brisk walk (3.5-4mph) for 20 mins. If you have to take a break let yourself....but also remember to push yourself! Soon you won't have to take as many breaks and you'll be able to increase your speed to where you are able to jog for a long time! I started off not being able to run without taking a break after 15 mins and a month later I'm able to run for 45 mins straight at 5mph =) Just keep at it and you'll do great!
  • Schwiggity
    Schwiggity Posts: 1,449 Member
    The best way to get better at running is to run. You can do intervals or just slowly increase your distance (I did the latter), but when it comes down to it, the thing that adds mileage is usually practice.
  • SoCalSwimmerDude
    SoCalSwimmerDude Posts: 507 Member
    I started running on the treadmill a month ago and trust me you get strong very quickly! I suggest try the treadmill..its good for beginners because you can pace your speed and keep track of how long youre running, etc. You also have no excuse to not exercise because it is raining or something like that! Start off slow....jog or do a brisk walk (3.5-4mph) for 20 mins. If you have to take a break let yourself....but also remember to push yourself! Soon you won't have to take as many breaks and you'll be able to increase your speed to where you are able to jog for a long time! I started off not being able to run without taking a break after 15 mins and a month later I'm able to run for 45 mins straight at 5mph =) Just keep at it and you'll do great!

    ^^what she said^^ I'm not a big 'program' guy (C25K). Nothing against it, I'm sure its great... I just won't do it. But I did exactly as the above poster said and it sounds like her and I are on the same timeline and I have the exact same results. Just start walking on a treadmill, build up to a jog, and walk again if you need to. Each time, try to increase the amount of time you run/jog for. Everyone here will PROMISE that it gets easier... and it gets easier much quicker than you might think.
  • tersh79
    tersh79 Posts: 19 Member
    I started out having really poor endurance as well, I believe i was 24 when I ran my first mile in my entire life! I Was up to running a straight mile and a half (ish) 2 years ago, but have been out of shape for a while now so that is no longer on my list of things I can do. However, I've been doing the C25K program, and it definitely is a fantastic, paced out, do-able plan. My husband is running 3.25 miles (not straight, but still, considering what couch potatoes we are it's amazing!) and I'm working my way through the weeks so I can beat him some day. Believe me, if you WANT to accomplish this goal, you will! Start with small improvements, and before you know it you'll be running miles and impressing yourself like crazy. You CAN do this! Good luck :)
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    Lots of good advice here, there are lots of ways to get going - C25k was great for me because I downloaded an app that told me when to run and when to stop, so it made it easy(ish!) and very achievable.
    Or you can just build up your distance gradually, alternate running and walking till you can run for longer.
    I also highly recommend good shoes, fitted for you - expensive, but worth the money.
  • Justina224
    Justina224 Posts: 5
    I'm 47 and couldn't run to save my life ... now I run a 5K a month and am working up to 10K's and will do a 1/2 marathon by September:smile: . COUCH 2 5K WORKS!!! DO IT!!! if it can work for me, IT CAN WORK FOR YOU!!! GOOD LUCK!!
  • I'm 38 and I couldn't even do that much! I will throw in another recommendation for C25K. I'm on week 7, which has me running for 25 minutes straight. I could NOT do that 7 weeks ago!!
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