


  • Gska17
    Gska17 Posts: 752 Member
    I try with all my might to empty out before I go. I did have an incident a few weeks ago. I visited a (thankfully) deep ditch.
  • enterdanger
    enterdanger Posts: 2,447 Member
    I've been running on the stupid treadmill now that my stress fractures are supposedly healed. I tried pavement and it still hurts after 2 miles or so. I guess now I can say there is one good thing about running on the treadmill. Always a potty nearby.
  • cat_lady77
    cat_lady77 Posts: 203 Member
    I asked this same question about having to pee while running because it happens without fail!!! No one had any creative answers & I am not about to pull my shorts down in the public park or my neighborhood, just saying. It sucks to even have to get off the treadmill & restart!
  • dbienz
    dbienz Posts: 188 Member
    Even when you go before your run it sometimes still sneaks up on you! Just because you go once doesn't mean you've emptied out your entire digestive system haha. I've learned this throughout my new running journey.

    Haven't had to go in some plants yet (always been able to hold it or find a bathroom) but I did live in the Zambian bush in Africa for a while so I've gotten good at using nature as my bathroom. Never thought that was a skill I'd need!
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    My cup of java before the AM run usually takes care of business! But there just seems to be something about running that gets the old digestive system humming, not a problem I've experienced personally but I've seen some very distressed looking faces at the porta-potties along race routes (especially humorous when running a HM in January in -35C temps)
  • erimethia_fekre
    erimethia_fekre Posts: 317 Member
    Didn't read the comments.. I get runners runs as well at times. It moves everything down naturally. Another thing I love about running.

    Run in the morning and try to have a bowel movement first ;)
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    you did not realize that you had to drop a number two before you started said endeavor????

    Some runs last for hours. I usually try to go before running for that reason. I've been 45min-1hr into a run and it hits and you gotta do what you gotta do. However, if you're running distances like that, taking a 5 minute deuce shouldn't hurt your time/pace too terribly much.

    I just know if I have a squat or deadlift day I always try to take a dump beforehand...because I don't want to accidently squeeze one out mid squat...

    I will never get that image out of my head. Thank you. I worry about eating broccoli or beans beforehand, for squats, deadlifts and running.
  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    edited July 2015
    I poo every morning pre-run like clockwork. Sometimes twice or three times if it's before a long run and I've got some jitters. Once though (in like 8 years of running; I'm a lucky duck) I wasn't able to do my business, so midway through a 7 miler, I was in actual pain trying to keep it in. I came across a lonely port-o-pottie which had NEVER EVEN BEEN USED on an elementary school soccer field and took advantage. Sadly, I ran by the school yesterday (this poo-ccurence happened about 9-10 months ago) and the port-o-potty was gone :( Now I need a new emergency poo station! But generally, I'll run by at least 1-2 port-o-potties on a long run between parks and house construction, or I'm running in town so I can stop somewhere on campus (I live near a university) if I really have to.
  • R1rainbows
    R1rainbows Posts: 129 Member
    karla24687 wrote: »
    I asked this same question about having to pee while running because it happens without fail!!! No one had any creative answers & I am not about to pull my shorts down in the public park or my neighborhood, just saying. It sucks to even have to get off the treadmill & restart!

    Omg this happens to me IMMEDIATELY after I finish my session on the elliptical, I am fine while I'm on it but once I complete my workout I'm running upstairs cus it's like I'm gonna pee my pants omg 911 style!