Pizza help please

Hi All
I am going out tonight and my sister has chosen a pizza restaurant, she eats like a horse and is really skinny. Can you please advise which is the lowest calorie choice? It is not a chain restaurant, will be able to get a thin crust, I am guessing a vegetarian?

Any help much appreciated.


  • glendeb
    glendeb Posts: 129 Member
    Vegetarian or Margarita would be your best best, and a salad if you can swing it!
  • oBirdieo
    oBirdieo Posts: 148
    Thin crust, whole grain if possible, loaded with veggies. Limit yourself to two slices (or one if they're HUGE) and get a side salad.

    Have fun! :smile:
  • Noctuary
    Noctuary Posts: 255
    Also try to see if you can do a mini one with a side salad and low fat dressing. Something to feel you up with less pizza!
  • UltraRunnerGale
    UltraRunnerGale Posts: 346 Member
    Load up on veggies (no processed meats), thin crust, whole grain if possible. NO extra cheese. One-Two slices.

    Big salad before hand (dressing on side) or bring your own healthy dressing. I work in a restaurant, it's OK to do!!

    Pizza is a killer and when it's just sitting there, in the middle, it's just calling to you. As soon as you both are done, get that sucker OFF the table!!

    Good luck!! :flowerforyou:
  • miffykins
    miffykins Posts: 6 Member
    Maybe one without cheese?
    I know that sounds horrid but they do make them and they are nice plus maybe fill up on a side salad minus a dressing?
    Just guessing...
    I'm going out to a similar place and I am hoping I can stay strong and not drink cos thats another load of cals!
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Marinara usually has sea food but no cheese :smile:
  • katieb63
    katieb63 Posts: 26 Member
    Thanks for all the suggestions so just to recap

    One slice or two if they are small
    Cheese-free if possible
    Load up on salad with low fat dressing
    Drink lots of water
    No alcohol - I volunteered to be the driver.

    I can do this, thanks for the support.
  • wildon883r
    wildon883r Posts: 429 Member
    Ask yourself what you want to eat and not what others think you should eat. If you want a normal sized slice of deep dish combination style then have it with a salad but limit your intake to 1 slice. I would rather eat something that was tastey then settle for something just for the sake of calorie count. As long as it falls within your daliy caloric goals it's all good! I still eat all the things i ate before i started losing weight i just don't eat as much.
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    Veggies or plain. I limit myself to 2 pieces and have a large salad no cheese, no croutons and either the Italian dressing or oil/vinegar. I drink water or seltzer with lemon. If you get a dessert, go simple. Sorbet may keep you under calorie goal but blow your sugar so plain the rest of your day accordingly.

    The other thing I have found helpful when eating out is to focus on enjoying the friends I am out eating with. So far I've had several successful dinners out.
  • misschocolate82
    have you got time for a workout before you go? maybe earn yourself a few more calories? thats what im doing, as we're having pizza for dinner too x
  • Noctuary
    Noctuary Posts: 255
    I had no idea how relevant this post would actually be for me. Tomorrow I am meeting a friend at BJ's Brewery and have been trying to figure out what to eat that I would like. I think I'm going with the personal veggy pizza and iced tea! And I am adding jalapenos so I will be full of spice and not want to eat more than that!:laugh:
  • corieueber
    corieueber Posts: 72 Member
    dont forget to enjoy the company and night out - yes it's important to try and eat as healthy as possible given the situation but it also important to not feel like you are depriving yourself of anything so don't let guilt be your though for the night :)
  • katieb63
    katieb63 Posts: 26 Member
    Thank you for all your suggestions and support. It turned out we went to Frankie & Benny's so I chose the Lemon Chicken Salad,

    Plain salad with grilled chicken on top, so hopefully that was not too high but they do not publish their nutritional information.

    Am guessing I did ok, no dessert and just sparkling water.

    The best bit, I had a great night out and did not feel in the least bit deprived :-)