Looking for someone to help, support and guide

First let me say that I haven't been religiously logging in MFP so if you look at my food log it is missing a ton.

I am 5'1 and weigh 165. 43 years old.
I have yo-yoed for years on my weight. The happiest I have been was a year and a half ago where I was about 151. I would LOVE to get back to that. currently I just feel horrible. I "feel" I eat pretty healthy. I am not a big eater so I have to really push myself to eat 5 times a day. 3 meals and 2 snacks. As far as working out...when I can get to the gym I walk 2 miles (32 minutes) and lift weights. At home I do yoga for 25 minutes a couple times a week and little things such as 25 counter push ups, sit ups, lunges, etc when I have the extra moments.
I can really tell a difference in my arm muscles (biceps) but that is all at this time.

Getting the scale to budge (or just getting my clothes to fit better) is becoming discouraging.
I honestly do not know where I can tweak anything..what I need to change...what I could do better...I just know I need to lose 10 lbs, at least. I will be happy with that.

We do not have nutritionists here that I can go to for help. And the last one I tried, several years ago, was the standard eat 1200 calories...etc....which I was doing.

Is there anyone that would like to take me under their wing....give some advice...and help me?
I'm currently trying the IIFYM plan but am not very successful in getting the protein in. at all :neutral:


  • DemoraFairy
    DemoraFairy Posts: 1,806 Member
    kay_bear52 wrote: »
    I honestly do not know where I can tweak anything..what I need to change...what I could do better...
    kay_bear52 wrote: »
    First let me say that I haven't been religiously logging in MFP so if you look at my food log it is missing a ton.

    Well, you've already answered one of your questions! After looking through your diary, another answer is obvious - you're not weighing everything. You've got many measurements in cups and tablespoons and things like that. Get a food scale, weigh everything, and you'll probably find you're eating a lot more than you think. And just to prove my point: http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10212490/has-anyone-posted-on-here-cant-lose-weight-then-bought-food-scale-and-lost/p1 Estimating can be fine, but if you're not losing, that's most likely the reason why.

    Weigh everything and see if there's any difference in the next few weeks. Good luck!
  • Krystle1984
    Krystle1984 Posts: 146 Member
    kay_bear52 wrote: »
    I honestly do not know where I can tweak anything..what I need to change...what I could do better...
    kay_bear52 wrote: »
    First let me say that I haven't been religiously logging in MFP so if you look at my food log it is missing a ton.

    Well, you've already answered one of your questions! After looking through your diary, another answer is obvious - you're not weighing everything. You've got many measurements in cups and tablespoons and things like that. Get a food scale, weigh everything, and you'll probably find you're eating a lot more than you think. And just to prove my point: http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10212490/has-anyone-posted-on-here-cant-lose-weight-then-bought-food-scale-and-lost/p1 Estimating can be fine, but if you're not losing, that's most likely the reason why.

    Weigh everything and see if there's any difference in the next few weeks. Good luck!

    ^This! Use a digital food scale and weigh everything. Log in grams and check the entries you're using are accurate. You are almost certainly eating more than you think you are.

    Good luck!
  • Krystle1984
    Krystle1984 Posts: 146 Member
    edited July 2015
    Just an example from your diary today: you logged a medium baked potato for lunch at 149 kcals.

    I had a baked potato last night. It didn't look huge, certainly wasn't the largest potato I could've bought, but weighed 372g and worked out at 305 kcals. I don't know what your potato weighed, but you could easily be eating twice as many calories as you think with that one entry alone.

    Edited because I hit post too soon...

    For protein I like Greek yoghurt. 170g pot is 97 kcals but 18g of protein. I add a bit of honey to sweeten it a bit. Soya beans are really good too - 14g protein per 100g and easy to add as a side to your evening meal. :)