Anyone on Wellbutrin?



  • lschifko314
    lschifko314 Posts: 25 Member
    I have been on a very light does of wellbutrin gerneric for a year i mainley got it for anxiety and ocd type problems. It has helped me be in better control of my thoughts and overall feel better but i did have problems when first taking it. The first week was amazing the next was awful i couldnt sleep or eat anything but cheese n bread and i has very bad depression . i lowered my does and now im good. No significant weight loss or gain for me . i have lost weight with diet and excercise with no problems while on it. Hope it helps
  • peterjens
    peterjens Posts: 235 Member
    I'm on Bupropion SR (Wellbutrin) 200 mg twice a day for depression and anxiety. It works but it takes about two weeks before it kicks in. One of the side effects (for me) is appetite suppression (I gained weight while on Lexapro). And another side effect (for me) is constipation. Good luck.
  • elvismom1
    elvismom1 Posts: 2 Member
    I quit smoking about 12 years ago with Wellbutrin, I only took it for a month but everything was foggy the whole time. It only helps with the nicotine addiction. You have to replace the habit with a good one. I drank water a lot to replace smoking. I did not lose a pound. I did gain weight but I munched on pretzels at work to keep my mouth busy.
  • hekla90
    hekla90 Posts: 595 Member
    It won't make you lose or gain weight. It may influence your appetite. If you quit smoking at the same time that may also influence your appetite. Neither will make you gain or lose directly be a use they don't have calories.
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    moledew wrote: »
    I went to my PCP yesterday for anxiety and smoking cessation and he prescribed Wellbutrin to "kill 2 birds with one stone". The more I read about it, the reviews seem mixed but *most* people seem to have a good experience with it. I'm now seeing A LOT of reviews mentioning weight loss which is something my doctor didn't really discuss with me. I'm trying to lose 100lbs ish and will take whatever help I can get but I'm so worried it's going to have an adverse reaction and, with my luck, I'm just gonna gain:(

    Does anyone have personal stories about this medication and/or weight loss?

    Yes, I have not gained nor lost on it and have not noticed any change in my appetite. I was really hoping to get the appetite suppressant side effect. :laugh:
  • ariamythe
    ariamythe Posts: 130 Member
    I have been taking bupropion (generic Wellbutrin) since April 2013. In that time frame, I dropped about 60 lbs using a CICO approach. Also, it's worked wonders for my depression.
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    MommyL2015 wrote: »
    I remember about 15 years ago, I took one of my boyfriend's pills. He was using it for smoking, so I thought I would take one and see what it did (I know, not so smart) . Well, I took it the night before and when I woke up in the morning, it was like someone put rockets on my butt. I ended up stripping the wallpaper off the walls in my bedroom and repainting everything (bedroom and master bath) and then putting it all back together. I got it done in a single day. At midnight, I finally flopped down on the bed. I didn't smoke that day either.

    I didn't take another one. LOL

    I was like that the first day as well, fortunately it subsided.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I took Welbutrin for awhile for anxiety and smoking cessation. I didn't have any weight issues at the time, but my guess would be that often anxiety and depression is a root cause of people overfeeding and emotional if the pill fixes that, the other dominoes fall as well. some of these kinds of medications are also appetite suppressants as well...but I don't remember if that was a thing for me or not...long time ago.
  • ValerieJean
    ValerieJean Posts: 35 Member
    edited September 2015
    peterjens wrote: »
    I'm on Bupropion SR (Wellbutrin) 200 mg twice a day for depression and anxiety. It works but it takes about two weeks before it kicks in. One of the side effects (for me) is appetite suppression (I gained weight while on Lexapro). And another side effect (for me) is constipation. Good luck.

    I have been on it for the past 4 weeks and the constipation is terrible that I just stopped taking it 3 days ago. Dr started me on 150mg once a day then bumped me to twice a day.
  • amyepdx
    amyepdx Posts: 750 Member
    edited September 2015
    ariamythe wrote: »
    I have been taking bupropion (generic Wellbutrin) since April 2013. In that time frame, I dropped about 60 lbs using a CICO approach. Also, it's worked wonders for my depression.

    Same here - lifting the depression (which I had a hard time accepting) was what I needed to get serious about weight loss. Within about a month, I started excercise & CICO on MFP and have lost 55 lbs in 7 1/2 months! I only take 150 mg a day. When I asked my doctor about Contrave, she said start with the Wellbutrin and save $$. Good luck!!
  • CrazyMermaid1
    CrazyMermaid1 Posts: 350 Member
    I've been on it for 7 years. Dr prescribed it to counteract the weight gain side effects of other mess. I have gradually lost 50 lb but it was a cico approach. I think it's helped
  • Labyrinthine93
    Labyrinthine93 Posts: 46 Member
    My last doctor prescribed it for depression, but it was more for weight loss. For me it was a pretty good appetite suppressant. Unfortunately it didn't make me eat less, it just made me extremely nauseous eating particular foods. I just ended up binging on the ones that didn't make me sick.

    I left that doctor, and I stopped taking the wellbutrin. I didn't start losing weight until well after this.
  • ErinV1974
    ErinV1974 Posts: 21 Member
    It hasn't affected my appetite, but it has absolutely helped with smoking. I just don't crave it anymore. Miracle drug!!
  • esaucier17
    esaucier17 Posts: 694 Member
    I have been on Wellbutrin fro 3 year. At first to quit smoking and anxiety like you! It worked for both. I have been smoke free for 3 years August 25th and it does help my anxiety also. It did not cause me to gain weight. In fact I lost 25-30 pound about a year and a half ago while taking it. I don't think it caused the weight loss but it didn't hinder it either. I have gained it back due to poor eating habits and I stopped exercising :neutral:
  • rhtexasgal
    rhtexasgal Posts: 572 Member
    I took wellbutrin for post-partum depression and while it worked for that, it did not help me lose the weight I gained from pregnancy (I wasn't using it for that). Plus, I must have been one of the "lucky" ones (insert snark here) because after a while, I had some bad side effects such as dizziness and vertigo, heart palpitations and sudden blood pressure drops. I had the dizziness happen when I was driving with my kids in the car. I barely made it into a parking lot before I had an accident. I ended up quitting cold turkey because I just could not do it anymore and did not have any withdrawal symptoms either. It took a while before the side effects went away.
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    Wellbutrin hasn't helped me with weight loss, however when I started taking it, I felt more energised than usual... I can see why weight loss would be a mentioned 'side-effect' due to the jitters/energizing effects.
  • jenlo1971
    jenlo1971 Posts: 49 Member
    I used to take it. I took to assist with stress or depression . I was also actively watching what i ate and exercising to try and had about 15 lbs to lose. weight loss had stalled for me. I started the Wellbutrin and the first week and lost 4.5 lbs, the next week 2.5. A lot to lose when you've only got 15 to go. That weight stayed off for years. It didn't kill my appetite I just found that a was less prone to snack at night which is when I typically take in the most calories.
  • wargirl51
    wargirl51 Posts: 6 Member
    I read thru all your post ands didn't see that anyone mentioned this to u about Wellbutrin, it DOES affect ur
    Memory. U can check it out on the web if u like. I have been on it for years and my memory is shot. The studies say if I go off of it, it won't come back, so I stay on it. Plus I do well on it.
    But if I had to do it over again I wouldn't take it. However there are a lot of antidepressants that affect memory u just have to do ur homework cause Doctors WON'T they go on what the drug sales rep tells them.

    Good Luck
  • firephoenix8
    firephoenix8 Posts: 102 Member
    I was on Wellbutrin and Celexa for about six months about 8 years ask for a very severe depressive episode (in a much longer chronic depression). I had anxious dreams where I often woke myself up by talking out loud, and it didn't help me much. I did lose a little weight during that time, but I've always attributed it to eating more - due to the depression I was going days at a time without eating, until I would get extremely cold and start shaking (I didn't really ever feel hungry. I eat when I'm happy, not when I'm upset). At the same time I started the meds I promised my doctor I would eat three times a day even if it was something tiny. I managed about twice a day, and it was often just what I would consider a snack, and not really very healthy. But anyway I lost about ten pounds in that six months. Eventually I was switched to Cymbalta which worked a lot better, except that I slept a lot (12 hours a night, 18 hours on weekends).

    A couple months ago I switched back to Wellbutrin (just the Wellbutrin) because I had gotten to a place where I was sleeping excessively (as much as 36 hours at a stretch on weekends) and generally having no energy, no interest in anything, and trending into dangerous depressive territory (thoughts of self harm, for example).

    Within two weeks I felt like the sun had come out, I had lots more energy, etc etc. One of the things I had the mental headspace for was getting on MFP and planning my week's meals and cooking. Food tastes good so that I care if I'm eating good stuff I cooked at home instead of processed crap from McDonald's. So again, I've lost ten pounds on Wellbutrin, but only incidentally to the med, I would say. It's working as antidepressant, which allows me to make the wise decisions I always wanted to make but couldn't.

    As an aside, I don't find it to be an appetite suppressant, although appetite isn't really my problem (fast food because I don't have the energy to cook...). I would say I care more about food on it and have for probably the first time ever been enjoying the whole involved process of choosing, planning, shopping, cooking, eating, and cleaning up. I always saw that as an insurmountable chore before and have been known to say that I would sign up for a pill you take once a day and not have to eat in a heartbeat of such a thing came out.

    I also find it weird that Wellbutrin is used for anti anxiety. The person who said it was an upper definitely described my experiences. Anxious dreams, insomnia, jitters, can't sit still, etc. It's gotten better after the first few weeks but I was cat-on-a-hot-tin-roof there for a while, ready to jump out of my skin constantly. Coming from the extreme other end of the spectrum where I was sitting around like a lump when I wasn't sleeping, that's actually ok with me, but I have trouble understanding how it could help with anxiety unless it affects other people differently.