Anyone out there struggling to lose those final 10 lbs?

Hello, I lost 10 lbs last year and have lost a few more pounds since them but am struggling to lose those last 5-10 lbs. I exercise practically every day, but the weight is just not coming off. If I do lose a few lbs, I gain them back so easily after one weekend of eating out and parties. I know what my weaknesses are: soda and sweets! I know I need to really limit myself from eating sweets and drinking the soda because I don't think I can give it up completely. I think I just need to carry a water bottle with me everywhere I go so I can resist ordering that Coca Cola which I love so much! Just wondering if there's anyone else in a similar situation!


  • snrose
    snrose Posts: 233 Member
    i'd love some insight on this as well :( struggling!
  • drblythe
    drblythe Posts: 163 Member
    I'm up to my last 10 but have hit a bit of a rut too,

    workout 6 or 7 times a week and generally always under cals but this week the pounds seem to have stop dropping off.
    though my eating hasn't been great.

    I do feel myself getting more toned though, so still a positive result.

    Just want those scales to move a little further!
  • NearlyThere2011
    NearlyThere2011 Posts: 29 Member
    I know exactly how you feel. If someone had told me back in December that I'd still be the same weight now, I'd have cried, however, it's the last 10lbs with me too... so hard... but I think you're right, it's more self discipline and awareness than anything else. It's easier to cheat when you already feel and look and quite good. I stick to diet soda (cos I can't give up coca cola, but stick to cola light), but chocolate is a killer with me - I need to have some every day, but have managed to contain myself with one or two pieces rather than a full bar..

    Time to re-focus methinks! Good Luck :flowerforyou:
  • ashlinmarie
    ashlinmarie Posts: 1,263 Member
    Try upping your caloric intake. I know it seems counter-productive but from what I've been reading in the forums, you need to trick your body by switching things up. Plus, the closer to your goal weight you get, the more imperative it is to eat back any calories your burn during exercise.

    And yes, cutting back on the soda and sweets could definitely help too.
  • swaymyway
    swaymyway Posts: 428 Member
    Yeah, lost almost 100 over the last few years and it's just ground to a halt in the last six months or so - been ping ponging with the same 5lbs.

    I feel like I have tried every suggestion offered over that time and although some of it might work for a week or two, it stops working again, I change it up and gain the few pounds I lost back in the meantime.

    Been in the 122 - 127 range since before Christmas, only looking to get down to about 119 but just can't do it, very frustrating!
  • acable178
    acable178 Posts: 9 Member
    I'm in the same boat. I've been stuck around 150 for over a year now. I even quit going to Weight Watchers because I got tired of hearing everyone else raise their hands to celebrate their weight loss, and never having one myself. I'd love any tips that you guys would have!
  • DKev
    DKev Posts: 266 Member
    ME! I am struggling. I was up 1.6 pounds this week....
  • DKev
    DKev Posts: 266 Member
    Try upping your caloric intake. I know it seems counter-productive but from what I've been reading in the forums, you need to trick your body by switching things up. Plus, the closer to your goal weight you get, the more imperative it is to eat back any calories your burn during exercise.

    And yes, cutting back on the soda and sweets could definitely help too.

    I had someone else recommend this as well so I think I may have to give it a go.
  • Sweetcheeks278
    Im in the same boat. Have 10-15 more pounds to lose and have stayed the same weight for 3 weeks now. :( Like you I have been working out everyday and staying within my calorie range but no movement. :(
  • sweetrunning
    sweetrunning Posts: 35 Member
    Me too- I know exactly what you are going through. I was to 132 this time last year and have crept up slowly and was at 145 yesterday. Ouch- so time to get back on the wagon, but I hovered around 141 a long time until a couple of weeks ago. This is my wakeup call to lose these last 10 lbs. I too eat sweets at weekend party and ruin all the work I had that week and I workout hardcore- boot camps, insanity, running, etc. all to just maintain and never lose. I think waht it takes is really eliminating those sweets for a while until you lose or allowing yourself one cupcake or something a week and really watching everything else. And then once you get to your goal, you can slowly introduce back a few sweets but you have to be cautious to maintain so low, I think it's really tough. And I Think the person's right about eating a lot while you workout, just eating the right foods. I need to follow my own advice.
  • Suedre
    Suedre Posts: 435 Member
    Yep. I've got 10 I wanted to take off and really worked at for over five months now. I've tried it all, strict calorie counting, high protein, zig zags, eat more, add more weight training, nutritionist appointments, blah blah blah. I'll drop five or so then with something as small one meal out with the family, or a couple of chocolate chip cookies it comes back and I'm starting all over again.

    In three days, it will officially be two 1.5 years I've been restricting, counting and adding extra gym time. I finally decided to just stop it. I'm healthy, I feel great, I'm training for TWO marathons this year. I honestly think that it's time for me to let go and let my body be what it's going to be. Don't get me wrong, I'm not going back to the old habits that put me sick as hell and at 200+ pounds, but I will eat a cookie, drink an extra glass of milk or sit outside with my daughter and enjoy fresh summer strawberries with no guilt or shame. So what if I'm a size 8 and not the size 6 I wanted to be. I'm living life 100% like I want to completely unencumbered by my weight (too sick to participate or too restrictive to meet what might be unrealistic goals). My official plan is to keep keeping on and manage what I can control. Eat well, spend time at the gym, push myself a little harder for each of my athletic goals and let my body just do what it does. 10 pounds be damned!
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Yes. I am aiming for 130 to start with, but have been stuck around 140 for 5 weeks. I made it down to 137 this morning, so maybe am heading the right way, but it definitely feels like a struggle!
  • scotty579
    scotty579 Posts: 4
    Just want to cut back 2.5kg of fat. Hopefully within 4-6 weeks. I'm going to eat back half my weekly exercise calories with good clean/lean food which should help. I also have a cheat day on a Saturday to kick start my metabolism due to cutting back so much during the week.

    I've lost around 5 kilo's since Christmas but with a bad diet and exercise. I've now cleaned up to get better results.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    The one thing I am really bad at is sleep. I rarely get more than 5 hours a night, so for the next month I am going to aim for 7 hours a night and see if that helps. There aren't any other lifestyle changes I can make, I am so careful about what I eat, and I exercise a lot.
  • hpygirl64ColleenLinder
    hpygirl64ColleenLinder Posts: 146 Member
    Make sure you don't exercise every day as your body needs rest days as well. I offer free nutrition and fitness coaching for those that want to friend me I am more then happy to work with the willing & share with you what got me down to my goal weight after 20 years (post 4 kids). ;0) Happy Memorial Day everyone. Hugs and Health, Colleen
  • Angizzle76
    Angizzle76 Posts: 15
    I am struggling as well. I am exercising and trying to watch what I eat... It gets discouraging for me because I think.."it's just 10 lil pounds!" lol
  • karenpsal
    karenpsal Posts: 30
    The one thing I am really bad at is sleep. I rarely get more than 5 hours a night, so for the next month I am going to aim for 7 hours a night and see if that helps. There aren't any other lifestyle changes I can make, I am so careful about what I eat, and I exercise a lot.

    I could definitely use more sleep. I have been waking up in the middle of the night and can't get back to sleep. I would be happy if I could get 6-7 straight hours of sleep.
  • karenpsal
    karenpsal Posts: 30
    Im in the same boat. Have 10-15 more pounds to lose and have stayed the same weight for 3 weeks now. :( Like you I have been working out everyday and staying within my calorie range but no movement. :(

    I did read that it's good to change up the number of calories you take in per day According to Jillian Michaels' "You can also try playing around with your caloric intake a bit, varying it from day to day throughout the week while keeping the same weekly total. The body can't slow its metabolism to adjust to a reduced caloric intake if the intake isn't fixed from one day to the next. For instance, to bust my plateau, I might have 1,200 calories on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday and then eat 1,500 calories on Tuesday, 1,600 on Thursday, 1,400 on Saturday, and 1,700 on Sunday."

    I may try this myself to see if it helps!
  • ginagn73
    ginagn73 Posts: 89
    I am in the same boat as you...let me know if you find a solution!!!
  • bethrs
    bethrs Posts: 664 Member
    Yep. I've got 10 I wanted to take off and really worked at for over five months now. I've tried it all, strict calorie counting, high protein, zig zags, eat more, add more weight training, nutritionist appointments, blah blah blah. I'll drop five or so then with something as small one meal out with the family, or a couple of chocolate chip cookies it comes back and I'm starting all over again.

    In three days, it will officially be two 1.5 years I've been restricting, counting and adding extra gym time. I finally decided to just stop it. I'm healthy, I feel great, I'm training for TWO marathons this year. I honestly think that it's time for me to let go and let my body be what it's going to be. Don't get me wrong, I'm not going back to the old habits that put me sick as hell and at 200+ pounds, but I will eat a cookie, drink an extra glass of milk or sit outside with my daughter and enjoy fresh summer strawberries with no guilt or shame. So what if I'm a size 8 and not the size 6 I wanted to be. I'm living life 100% like I want to completely unencumbered by my weight (too sick to participate or too restrictive to meet what might be unrealistic goals). My official plan is to keep keeping on and manage what I can control. Eat well, spend time at the gym, push myself a little harder for each of my athletic goals and let my body just do what it does. 10 pounds be damned!

    I like this. Most of us get down to a 10 lb goal and we are really fighting with our already healthy bodies over vanity. I have a goal of 125, but I weigh in at 127.2 most of the time. Why do I care so much about 2.2 lbs? To hell with it, I agree. If you are 10lbs outside of "healthy" for your height/BMI etc., keep working, sure. But if you are stressing about 10lbs on a healthy body, it may be time to forget the numbers and focus on treating that healthy body right (by feeding it healthy foods and letting it rest appropriately, but also working it hard). heck, who knows maybe it will repay you with dropping a few pounds.