Binge eating disorder



  • jensquish1
    jensquish1 Posts: 499 Member
    marwyvi wrote: »
    anybody here with a success story of overcoming ED ? Or still struggling? I do myselft, i'm on a diet and my friends tell me to encorporate "cheat day" i'm very afraid not to get into an emocional eating cycle, but i'm also craving everything around me :(
    I've struggled with ED in the past and still do. It's just not as controlling as it used to be. I don't have any advice, but just know you aren't alone. It's a *kitten* cycle.
  • majigurl
    majigurl Posts: 660 Member
    Binge eating sucks. I have Non-defined ED. I have the whole gama of ED's.. yay. But I have them controlled now.

    This is how:

    Get help. Seriously. Number 1. you need to find out why.
    Get support. Tell your family and friends that you trust about your ED. It makes you accountable.
    Don't ever miss meals or snacks! Count your calories and never let yourself get too hungry! YOU WILL BINGE. It sucks. But keep small 100 cal snacks on you and log them into MFP. If you get a little hungry eat it with a big glass of water.

    You can lose weight and not STARVE.

    If you need more advice or just want to chat, pm me.
  • ABabilonia
    ABabilonia Posts: 622 Member
    I've been struggling with BED for a very long time. At night I used to eat everything (chocolates, chips, candy, ice cream, etc.), and my logic was: Let me binge today, and I will start a strict regime tomorrow. Unfortunately tomorrow never came, and I gained 70 lbs in the process. I was about to find personal help, but I find the following book:

    That book has been helping me a lot. I'm still not completely out of the woods, but I feel that little by little I'm getting stronger. Good luck.
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    You need to seek help from a mental health professional who specializes in eating disorders.
  • dogcatac
    dogcatac Posts: 124 Member
    something i do is log my calories with the largest meal first. its way easier to stick to a goal that way. i do 5pm to 5pm
  • purpleposies
    purpleposies Posts: 90 Member
    slaite1 wrote: »
    marwyvi wrote: »
    triciab79 wrote: »
    Satisfying your cravings is the problem isn't it? Ultimately you have to change your relationship with food. Some people can treat food as a reward and be ok. Just like some people can drink and not need to get drunk. You cannot. Its not fair but it is your thorn just like some people are more prone to alcoholism or getting cancer. You have to play by the rules that keep you healthy not the rules that work for your friends. I have diabetes in my family. Most people who are as slim as me and work out as hard as I do can enjoy just about whatever carb they want, I cannot because I am pre diabetic and I don't want to be blind like my grandmother.

    Where there might be some truth, comparing ed to diabetes is not right, ED is 100% psychological problem which can be overcome with right treatment, i'm not planning on living with this forever and i know there are people with probably great willpower, who did Get over it

    It takes more than will power to overcome psychological problems. Just like you wouldn't tell someone with severe depression or bi-polar disorder that they can get over it if they just had enough willpower, you can't expect to treat an eating disorder with sheer willpower. You need to involve professionals who can assist you in figuring out the best way to manage it.


    I would venture to say overcoming many psychological problems are about 1% willpower and 99% technique.

    This. Lawd. If someone looked at me and told me I could overcome my bipolar and anxiety disorders with willpower I might be liable to punch them in the teeth.

    OP, seek professional help.
  • themonstermash
    themonstermash Posts: 71 Member
    Youre going to need professional help. Not what you want to hear but its just the damn truth. I'm bulimic and have been for nearly 8 years. Never wanted to accept i needed to see a professional. But i have unsuccesfully tried to beat this for the past 8 years. Its not willpower. I have willpower. What i do not have are the TOOLS that a professional who has spent years training specifically to help people like you and me. I'm entering a treatment program Monday which requires 6hr/day hospitalization. While that specific program may not be best for you, you definitely need to see someone who actually has the KNOWLEDGE on the TOOLS you will need to beat this. Best of luck.