

    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    edited July 2015
    I spent 3.5 hours of non-stop walking in the pool so that I could eat BBQ ribs and all the fixings @ birthday celebration at my DOS's house. I guess when we go to the beach I am going to have to keep up with how far I walk; and maybe get on my DYS elliptal machine when we go there. Who knows. I'll stick to my diet between now and then. o:) ... and in between.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member

    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.

    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gif Stats for today:
    19,000 steps
    three hours of dog walking
    90 minutes on the exercise bike while knitting and watching TV
    a bit of yard work and a bit of housework

    smiley-happy065.gifTerri, the music I have on my phone comes from CDs that I have and have ripped to my computer then transferred to my phone or have purchased from Amazon. Podcasts can be downloaded from the website they are on (that takes a bit of data time but then you listen to them without using your data plan). I download audio books from the library (the download takes a few minutes of data time, but the listening doesn't). I learned how to do most of this stuff by taking a deep breath and trying it. If DH won't help, then ask a friend or a teenager to teach you. Take your phone to the library and there is probably someone there who can teach you how to download audio books from the library system.

    253149qtzkf0ld22.gifBarbie from beautiful NW Washington
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Barbie - Thanks! I understand I can learn stuff online on youtube, too. I just need the time and patience. I am creating my Pandora playlist now, so I think I'll work more in bed.

    Again, thanks ! ! !
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Checking in .. still alive, after a 17- hour day yesterday, and six miles of walking inside the restaurant. Started writing my preliminary report at six this morning, after only being able to sleep a couple hours. My whole body was hurting. Specially my knees and my poor feet. Four hours writing my report and then another seven hours in the restaurant. But... things are starting to settle down. On my phone, too hard to type... and falling asleep sitting up.

    Home Monday. Love y'all.
    Lisa from West Texas
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    edited July 2015
    barbiecat wrote: »
    smiley-happy065.gifTerri, the music I have on my phone comes from CDs that I have and have ripped to my computer then transferred to my phone or have purchased from Amazon. Podcasts can be downloaded from the website they are on (that takes a bit of data time but then you listen to them without using your data plan). I download audio books from the library (the download takes a few minutes of data time, but the listening doesn't). I learned how to do most of this stuff by taking a deep breath and trying it. If DH won't help, then ask a friend or a teenager to teach you. Take your phone to the library and there is probably someone there who can teach you how to download audio books from the library system.
    253149qtzkf0ld22.gifBarbie from beautiful NW Washington

    @terri-mom If I use Pandora while in the Fitness Center, how will it NOT use my data? I don't see a button to download my favorite songs onto my phone, and DH just keeps doing everything for me instead of teaching me what to do. For now I will just keep touching the thumbs up and hope it works for me while I work out or walk or such.
    I had to teach myself how to do all this downloading stuff. It takes some knowledge and lots of reading on the internet but it's doable.

    As long as your phone is set to wi fi and it is available where you are playing your stuff then no data will be used. If your fitness center has open wi fi you should be good to go with no data usage.

    Actually if you have access to wi fi you don't have to use any data to download. Then once downloaded onto your phone there is no data used to play. I made the mistake of downloading an audio book once at home here forgetting to make sure I was on wi fi and it used a ton of data! Come to find out my husband had set my phone on manual wi fi and that is why the data usage was up. I always keep my phone on wi fi because most anywhere you go outside your home these days there is a wi fi available for usage.

    I use the Overdrive app through the local library to download audio books. I download music from Amazon Prime Music. Haven't done any podcasts as of yet but am looking into that now. You have to be careful to watch your memory limits. Be sure to remove from your phone any books you have finished reading etc. to avoid memory space issues.

    Good suggestion to take phone to library. They can be very helpful with downloading using their app.

    The audio book I just finished was The Girl On The Train and the British readers made the story come alive. Quite suspenseful. Just the kind of book to keep you walking and walking so you can listen!!

    Hope everyone had a great Saturday. Very hot here in NE Ohio.

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Thank you ladies for the wishes.We did go to the block party for awhile.Violet had a ball,they had a slip and slide.We were under a tent,so it wasn`t too bad.Drank lots of water.Going to Violet`s house tonite to babysit.Hubby and I went to our fav family resturant last night.Everyone at the block party,told Mike to be nice to me.lol.Good day.
    hugs jane
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    edited July 2015
    I just took a tumble while we were walking across the dam with the dogs. Spot saw another dog and I was trying to drag him away. He yanked hard and down I went. Both palms and left elbow have road rash but the bleeding has stopped. My left hip and shoulder are banged and I can feel the bruises starting. Luckily nothing was broken. And the best news...I managed to get up off the road all by myself! The last time I fell was at a national park more than two years ago and it took two VERY burly cops to help me get up. Another small victory.

    Good night all.

  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening my friends,

    Lillian, I don’t even know what to say but have a good day.

    Heather, yes, I like your contraption. It blends with the garden.

    3dtammy, welcome. You did what you need to do to join. Now we just ask that you sign each post with the name you want to be called and a location. Come often and join right in.

    Pip, I had wanted to you be back to normal by now, at least your head. That must have been a pretty bad concussion to be lasting this long. Congrats on the dishwasher. I remember the top load one that we pulled up to the sink to wash the dishes. I know you’ll miss it. Lol Take care and get well soon.

    Penny, it sounds like a wonderful get together of the generations. I like your “mother stuff” thing. Belated Happy Anniversary. Enjoy your time there.

    , safe travels.

    Barbie, glad you got to enjoy your alone time. It is nice to have on occasion.

    Yannie, I hope you have a wonderful trip and no one gets sick this year. I hope you get a chance to peek in here once in a while just to say hi. We will miss you.

    Jane, Happy Anniversary!!! Is the block party for you? I’d pretend it was, anyway.

    , I had someone tell me today that I didn’t need to lose any more weight. I’m still between a size 14 and 16 so certainly not small. I think it was the face that they thought didn’t need to lose more, but like you said, it will hopefully even out after a while.

    Sylvia, are you saying “fat ladies float”? what.gif I haven’t been in a pool since I lost weight so I’ll have to check it out. With watermelon you have to thump them. They should sound hollow like an echo. At least that’s what my Daddy always told me. smiley-laughing002.gif Everyone that I’ve had this year has been very good, including seedless. When I want something sweet, good sweet grapes work for me.

    Betty, it’s amazing how many calories can be in a simple thing like a muffin. Definitely not worth it to bake.

    , congrats on fitting in the tank top. Glad back is getting a little better. (((Hugs)))

    , your garden tours sound so nice. That is something I’d enjoy but DH wouldn’t. It’s not something they have around here.

    , it was good to hear from you. Hang in there and hopefully it will calm down a bit and get easier.

    Cheri, you always give such good suggestions about phone use and downloading, etc. Would you like to come to the beach and work on my computer while you are here?

    welcome.gif to any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    My seminar today was from 8 am to 4 pm. That was a long day of sitting for me. I did stand up a few times while the session was going on and they were pretty good about breaks but I was worn out when I got home. I’ve read to catch up and am off to bed.

    Have a great day, my friends. rose.gif
    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Good night, everyone!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,625 Member
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    I haven't been on since Thursday. Thank you everyone for posting updates on the forum for me. I know that everyone isn't on my friends list but I wanted everyone to know what was going on.

    Friday I was so wired after getting home from the hosp that I went in the pool at the Y. They open the pool at 5:30, so I did my thing then. Actually, it was good for me because there were people there swimming laps and that pushed me to go faster, the time seemed to fly by. Came home, took a shower, and got 2 hrs of sleep. Gave the cats their treats. Took the cake over to Lynette, went to Bi-Lo, then realized that if I had to go into Hickory multiple times/day, I better get gas so I did. And while I was there I stopped at WalMart.

    The doc in the ER said that v-tach can sometimes be a side effect of the propathenone, so he's on amiodrone right now.

    Lisa - so glad they accepted your offer for the warhouse

    Lenora - feel better soon. Too funny about that steer

    Welcome everyone new and those returning

    Carol/peach - I had a grilled fish taco once. It was really good. You'd enjoy it. I'm really surprised that Sears wouldn't take the swim top back. I'd always heard that if you ordered something online from them that you could return it to the store

    Lillian - I still regret not getting a larger freezer. Good luck to you

    DJ - I really think that in many ways I'm addicted to exercise. I'm constantly thinking of how I can get it in when I have something else to do

    Today I did Strength Full Body DVD and the plan for tomorrow is to do a yoga for the Belly Butt & Thigh DVD

    Vicki - so glad for your mom that there isn't a tumor

    terri - LOL about that trampoline. And here I thought I was doing good at cherries for $1.97 a pound -- but you have me beat. I would be buying them, pitting them and then freezing them. Congrats on the NSV of that top being just a bit snug rather than too snug

    pip - I told Jessica that women are born with an extra gene -- the "worry" gene and it doesn't kick in until you've had kids. That's when she told me she wasn't having any. We shall see. But almost all of us on here have had kids so we have that extra gene.

    Heather - great pics

    JanetrOKC - I know you can go to line dance classes by yourself and not feel "weird". I've done it. You can't be anywhere near as uncoordinated as I am

    NC Carol - An EP study is an electrophysiology study that measures the electrical activity of the heart. Vince was having tachacardia Thursday. He tried every trick that he knew to get his heart to convert but when it didn't convert after 3 hours, we went to the hosp. Well, when he has tachacardia it's usually a-fib. This time it was v-tach. When he's been in tachacardia before, his hearrate was usually around 150-155. This time his heartrate would be 80 and then 120. It was all over the place. But that's because it was v-tach this time

    JanetMMc - good for you going to the gym before going out to eat! I'm proud of you. Isn't it nice when something you figured in doesn't come? A "cootie catcher". You've brought back lots of memories. I do have an exercise room. Admitted, it's not real real big, but it's big enough for me to walk around some. I just had to REALLY talk myself into doing that walking DVD in the afternoon. I swear, if I don't exercise first thing in the morning, I have an awful time getting it done. Good for you joining that gym!

    Update about Vince: I went to the hosp, spent most of the afternoon there. Seems that the doc yesterday who looked at the electrocardiogram didn't document that he'd reviewed it so the doc there today was waiting for it to be read. I went to church and as I was walking out the door, CVS called to say that Vince's prescription was ready. Well, I know that they close at 6 so after I did my reading, left and went to CVS to get the prescription. I didn't know what it was, but "what if it's the new med (amiodrone) and he needs it for tonight? I didn't know if the hosp would give him his last dose or not. Well, he had the cardiologist paged who finally looked at the echo and released him. After I went to CVS, had to go back to the church since I knew I was supposed to pick up the donations for the soup kitchen. Actually, I left church early since I had a strong suspicion that Vince was going to be discharged, and he was. Brought him home and he even said "it'll be so good to sleep in my own bed"

    We haven't told Jess about this. Vince is supposed to see the cardiologist on Friday, but now with this happening they may move his appt up. He'll need the EP study, not sure when they'll do it. At that point I do think we need to tell Jess because she'd be VERY upset if something were to happen. Wouldn't surprise me if she takes off work to be here. That's her. We shall see what happens.

    cory - so sorry about your friend. That must be so very hard, especially for an active person. I know that when I couldn't exercise, I thought I'd just about go crazy.

    Mary from MN - so glad you're having such a great time in the new house

    Joyce - thanks for your great explanation of th EP and the heart. It's good to know that there really isn't a definitive amount of time for the study, it can take as little as 1 hour or 8 hours. The one time he had it done (about 30 years ago) was at a hosp in PA and I wasn't there. The kids were pretty little at the time. I do remember buying a pizza and bringing that to Vince since he didn't have any dietary restrictions. Of course, the kids thought that was pretty coool, to be able to sit on the hosp bed and eat pizza! OMG $100,000 for medication per month!

    Alison - Vince didn't get much rest because you know how hospitals are. You get to sleep and at 2a.m. they come in for blood (why they need it at that hour is beyond me). But I'm sure he'll get a good night's sleep tonight with the only interruption being from a cat. Our floor is hardwood, not sure if it's laminated or not. Anyway, when we bought this house there were these spots on the floor of the exercise room like someone had been exercising and sweating and the sweat dried. Well, I tried EVERYTHING to get rid of them. We were thinking we'd have to replace the floor. It's not a big room but it would have been about $1,000 to replace it. The guy we called suggested that first we try using white vinegar and water (I forget the mixture he told us but now I use about a 50/50 mix) on the floor. It cleaned it! So now that's all I ever use. Hope Rita comes back, she's been missed. Glad you got to see her

    pip - I'm sure Kirby wouldn't mind helping you with the bra. Congrats on the built in d/w! I love mine.

    Went to the farmer's market today. Got two cantaloupes and some peppers. The guy said that he won't have the cantaloupes he had last year that were so so good because he couldn't get the seed. Bummer!

    janemartin - happy anniversary!

    doglady - dried fruit is usually quite sweet. You do need to really portion it because it can be high in calories. Many times I use those small raisin snack boxes. If I crave something choclatey, I usually get those Dove promises and have one or two. Keep the rest in the freezer. As a matter of fact, I have some Dove Easter Eggs in the freezer right now. Yup, Easter eggs

    Sylvia - if you smell the end of a cantaloupe and it smells "cantaloupey", then it should be good. So sorry you hurt yourself, but WTG being able to get up!

    Lesley - everyone I know who exercises while on chemo has had a much better time of it. Actually, one lady when we lived in PA was teaching aerobics while on chemo. There were days when I just didn't feel like going but then I'd think to myself "if she can teach on chemo, I can go to the class". Your daughter will be an inspiration to her students

    Sylvia - good for you making a turkey burger. I know that Vince doesn't care for the salmon burger or the veg burger that I prefer to a hamburger. I always use the sandwich rounds, too. As a matter of fact, someone invited me to a cookout and a regular bun just didn't appeal to me at all -- all that bread.

    Michele in NC
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Saturday night is always an early night for me. I only had 2 pages to read!!!!

    Heather, so I need to get a bunch of money, US dollars, and convert it into pounds which is good for me and then come visit you because it would cost you more to come here. At least I think i read it as that way. I have really enjoyed watching The Open golf championship, seeing the sea and listening to the commentators and their accents. It really makes a person think they are actually there. But some of that awful weather I would prefer not to see.

    Allison, we use our Swiffer for our laminate floors. Make sure and ask the floor installers of the place you bought them from. Our floor is getting up there in age. Just do not use Lemon Pledge like my 'intelligent' husband tried one time. It's a mess. Somehow I let my mind drift to another forum when I saw you post that you had seen Rita. I got all excited. I am on another forum that has an equal to this very family close knit relationship. Rita has decided that she needed a break from Face Book for awhile so I was excited to see how Rita was. But then I was brought back into present reality when I saw the next post. But you gave me a thrill for a moment!!!!

    DJ, woops, it seems as if I put some extra 0's in there. My medicine up front is about $1300 for a month supply. On my Medicare D for January and part of February I pay about $600, then March, the full amount and then I am in the catastrophic period and pay about $160/month. But many people down't have the kind of insurance I have and pay far more. Never more than the up front cost though. I can't remember what Charlie and I were talking about, yeah I get like that at times, but he said he wouldn't be a responsible person for his own health if he didn't do all he could to get treatment for any medical condition. Couldn't believe he said that. So he is going to call doctor's office on Monday and see if they know what is going on. Oh, we were talking bout his dream of going to Disney World next year and we were asking him how in the world he thinks he can go to Disney. Going to Florida would be hard much less a major theme park. He said yesterday that he is tired of me treating him like a baby and not realizing that he can do some things for himself. So maybe i need to step back and let him do calling and things like that. He has just always told me that I need to do it because I have more patience on the phone.

    Lillian, so glad that you have had enough rai that life is getting back to normal in your province.

    Tammy welcome. you post, you have joined!!!! No dues, initiation fee, anything.

    Penny, it sounds like the perfect birthday for you. How much longer are you here?

    Yanni, have a good time with your DD. I really loved my Mom but there is no way I could do a 2 week car trip with just her and me.

    Jane, Happy anniversary!

    Lisa, just giving big hugs and an 'atta girl'.

    Sylvia, big hugs to you also. So glad you could find and NSV in a fall.

    Still miserable heat indexes for us here. Right now at 10 PM it is 95 degree heat index. We have quite a few choir members gone tomorrow but the song is just a two part, women and men and it is quite beautiful harmony in that. So we will be OK with about 10 people.

    Joyce, Indiana

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    @Sylvia – Oh goodness that's not good. Take care of yourself. You'll be sore in the morning. It was a nice little NSV, but not a fun way to get it. :) Hope you rest well.

    @Lisa – wow you have been a busy lady. How wonderful that you are able to do this. I hope it all works out the way you and hubby are hoping and you get rich and important and publish loads of books when you no longer have to work and I will tell EVERYONE “I knew her when”. :) I'm very impressed with your skills, your energy and determination, proud of you.

    @Michele – glad to see you are back and that things seem to be all right with Vince for now. What a relief. We sure missed you. Thanks for the encouragement on the dance classes. I'm not sure tho about you being more uncoordinated than I am, with all the exercise you do. :)

    Janetr OKC

  • JanetMMcC
    JanetMMcC Posts: 410 Member
    Bkrimpet - I can't stay at 1200 either. That's why I exercise. :) I've eaten 1,401 today and have 135 left over. I may have yog w/ fruit; I may just feel virtuous.
    I haven't made muffins for a while, but when I do I make them in mini-muffin tins. That way I can nibble at one or two, and the calorie total isn't so hefty. (An article I read a year or so ago said muffins are just cake made for breakfast.)

    Terri in Milwaukee - clever way to avoid chip temptation. :)
    Some fitness centers have wi-fi. The one I just joined doesn't. And yeah, if you use Pandora there it'll use data.
    What kind of phone and what kind of computer do you have? If the phone is Android and you have a PC, or if both are Mac, you should be able to hook them together and treat the phone like an external hard drive, and copy the music files to it.
    Otherwise, you can download mp3s from the Internet when you're at home and using wi-fi.
    Yay for the NSV dressy tank top!

    Lenora - wow! onthe 3.5 hours.

    Barbiecat - WOW! on 19000 steps. My best so far is 15000. Managed once.

    Lisa - yikes, what a day! Take care of y'self!

    Sylvia - Oh, ouch! But yay! on getting up on your own! I'd say that's a pretty major non-scale victory. I mean, IMPORTANT!

    DJanet - yup, fat floats. Muscle sinks. Take it from a former lifeguard - and from one who's tried it both ways. :) When I weighed 125, I had to scull to float on my back. If I didn't, I could keep my head at the top, but my body was at a very steep angle under the surface. When I got fat, I floated. (The deadman's float, otoh, I could do at 125, no prob.)
    Then there was the really muscular guy who taught one of my water safety instructor courses. One of the things we had to learn was how to get loose if someone got us in a headlock, either from in front or behind. This guy got me in a headlock from behind and we both went straight to the bottom. (I did get him off - though he told me afterward he was starting to wonder if he'd have to let go first to come up for air. My lungs were better back then.)

  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    edited July 2015
    Alison - I am glad you got to see Rita and that she is looking good.

    Pip - I've been following what's happened to you. I surely hope you make a full discovery.

    Michele - So happy that things turned out okay for Vince. It was a scary situation.

    My Saturday-Sunday this weekend is filled with a certain little (almost) 4 yr old. He is a gem, and I think it such a great thing when a grandchild gets some one-on-one time with us. And I mean that for everyone concerned. He is now out like a light and I do not expect him to move until about 7AM tomorrow morning. That is, if he lives up to his reputation as a good sleeper. :p I will be going to bed early tonight just in case.

    Today was a hot day, so everyone is trying to stay cool as best they can. We are sure experiencing unexpected drought conditions.

    Be well, my friends.

    <3 Renny
  • gawworthington
    gawworthington Posts: 1,131 Member
    Speaking of lavender my chef dh makes the best lavender jelly, we eat it with lamb. Today I was in a local community days parade. My OES chapter is 100 yrs old this year. So we also had an open house. This kicks off the celebration with our official birthday in December. Ate lots of fruit today
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    @Joyce, Indiana - still that hot and humid here too. My daughter, SIL and two grands are coming on Thursday. They will sleep in our travel trailer out in the yard beside the shop. I just told Jack its still so hot they will be sweating just to walk between the house and the trailer. Ugh.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
    :) It's hot here for us (over 80 degrees in the afternoon). We are not used to warm weather and we are grateful that we added a heat pump when we replaced the furnace four years ago so it stays cool in the house. Today we are going to the lavender festival with friends who are new to the area and haven't been before. Now it's time to walk dogs.....that's how I get so many steps.....45 minutes of walking before breakfast, two hours after breakfast and then all the regular walking during the day including a 20-30 minute dog walk in the afternoon.

    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gif Barbie from warm NW Washington
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Slept ten straight hours, three on the couch without meaning to, seven in bed. Might just survive. Someone please remind me the next time I can't resist a consulting challenge, that I'm not 40 anymore, and there's a price to pay! Back to writing my process and procedures recommendations. Miss you guys...
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Michele - Thanks for explaining about Vince's procedure. My father has two artificial heart valves--one arterial, one ventricular--so I understand most all of the terms but drew a blank on EP. His cardiologist is in Asheville. I'm glad Vince got to come home and get some rest. He'll better tolerate whatever comes next if he is well rested!

    Well, totally unexpectedly, the boy child came home last night. What a treat to have both children unloving under my roof! (Please read that with all the sarcasm you can muster--they are at their worst around each other.) I have no idea how long he will be here.

    Because this is a safe place...I'm also really worried about money if Andrew stays here. I have $20 in my checking account to last until Wednesday/Thursday when I get paid again. I'm really not sure if that is enough for gas to get me to PT twice and to work every day. I don't have his gluten free bread on hand and I think many of the things that are naturally gluten free have been cross-contaminated because we were not expecting to have share them with him. It makes me feel terrible to not be able to afford food for him while he is here. He needs his money for school next year. I am on short pay since I'm not able to work my regular hours and I have also been feeding and providing transportation for my daughter since she is staying with me. I guess it will all work out but it is making me stressed and sad.

    Alison - Thanks so much for sharing that you saw Rita! I have been missing her and worrying about her.

    Okay! Now I am going to try again to focus on the trees and birdsong while I enjoy my quiet time outside this morning.

    I hope everyone has a great day!

    Carol in NC