Currently 330lbs and Journey Begins Now

adrianharris53 Posts: 10 Member
edited July 2015 in Health and Weight Loss
I'm Jamal and I'm way too big for a 23 year old. I'm finally making the commitment and could use all the support anyone is willing to offer.


  • bpetrosky
    bpetrosky Posts: 3,911 Member
    Welcome to MFP, good luck.
  • adrianharris53
    adrianharris53 Posts: 10 Member
    bpetrosky wrote: »
    Welcome to MFP, good luck.

    Thank you
  • callen901
    callen901 Posts: 17 Member
    Hi Jamal, good luck on your journey. With time and patience, you can do this.
  • adrianharris53
    adrianharris53 Posts: 10 Member
    Thank you Callen
  • Steelkid
    Steelkid Posts: 74 Member
    I'm gonna turn backflips when I hit 320. I was a whole lot bigger at 23 and still am, just for you to put it into perspective. I was once 570 and now I'm 439 (after yo-yoing between 370-470), so yea, it can definitely be done.
  • cowleyl
    cowleyl Posts: 169 Member
    I'm Jamal and I'm way too big for a 23 year old. I'm finally making the commitment and could use all the support anyone is willing to offer.
    You can do it. It's important to realise that you are likely to have 'failures' along the way but if you look at it as a change of lifestyle rather than a diet, you'll do well. Don't let your 'failures' drive you back into old habits. I'm 62 and was 280 lb when I started 'this time'. I'm down to around 220 lb, so still a way to go, but I sooooo wish I knew then what I know now. Think of your future self constantly and best of luck!

  • professionalHobbyist
    professionalHobbyist Posts: 1,316 Member
    Settle I for the ride

    Took me a year and a half to drop 125 lbs.

    Eating right and adding a little exercise isn't that hard really. You just have to not quit.
  • Steelkid
    Steelkid Posts: 74 Member
    Settle I for the ride

    Took me a year and a half to drop 125 lbs.

    Eating right and adding a little exercise isn't that hard really. You just have to not quit.

    Truer words were never spoken.
  • msjanjan337
    msjanjan337 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi Adrian, You have no idea right now how important just making the decision to try is going to be for you. Without taking that first step no of us will ever have successes. You can do this. by the time I was 17 my mother had tried and spent more money than I care to think about trying to help me lose weight. But I always thought it was just because I was an embarrassment to her although she did love that was partly true. So true to teenage angst and hardheadedness, I wasn't about to let her help me...When everyone left me alone I decided to do it on my on. On Thanksgiving Day I began my diet that would change my life. Have no idea why I picked that day right at the holidays except that I had made up my mind and there was no time like the present! No one thought I would or could do it, I mean come on I had had all the best doctors and programs at my disposal and didn't, right?! But I did. That winter I practically lived in a huge plaid coat with a fur rimmed hat it was called a Maxi and went down practically to my ankles, this my friend was the 70's after all. Anyway, I hid in this coat all the while, melting away underneath. Only my very best friends new the progress I was making and couldn't understand why I didn't want anybody to know. Me either, scared of failing I guess. But I remember the first time I took that coat off in the spring in a house full of my friends, and boys that had never paid me any attention except as a friend. That day was one of the best days of my life still and I've had a lot of good day at 55 years old now. I wore the first bikini of my life that summer but not the last one. It really felt like my life started that day. I managed to keep it off through two pregnancies and all the way up until about 45 years old and it slowly and then very quickly just added back on. Happened before I knew it. I NEVER thought I would find myself back here. And now I'm older and have a slower metabolism. wow, so hard to lose weight or even exercise. You've got many of the best days of your life on the way and yes sir, you absolutely CAN do it. I am here for you if you need to talk. Me along with thousands of others on this wonderful site are here seeking support and to support our peers so you've come to the right place. There is so much good information here also. Set yourself small goals. Don't look at it like I've got 150 lbs to lose. Lose it 20 or even 10 at a time. Reaching those small goals can be inspiring and motivating. I pulling for you!
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    Focus on your health. Eat like you want to be healthy and make it something you like doing. Find a way to eat that you can live with long-term.

    If you have a setback, it can't ruin everything. Everyone has setbacks.

    If what you're doing isn't working, try something else. Do this like you mean business.

    Never quit, ever. :)
  • allaboutthefood
    allaboutthefood Posts: 781 Member
    I wish you much success on your journey. My advice would be to weigh your foods, log everything, even on bad days and you will have those and that is okay. Make the healthiest choices you can make, don't be to hard on yourself. You will have ups and downs and that is okay. Most important, you are worth this, you matter and you deserve to be happy and healthy. Feel free to add me. I am a very active member and I like to think I am supportive and I do not judge!
  • babyhood956
    babyhood956 Posts: 20 Member
    Good luck im with you im 23 and im overweight for my age so good luck
  • adrianharris53
    adrianharris53 Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks bro
    Steelkid wrote: »
    I'm gonna turn backflips when I hit 320. I was a whole lot bigger at 23 and still am, just for you to put it into perspective. I was once 570 and now I'm 439 (after yo-yoing between 370-470), so yea, it can definitely be done.

  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    good luck OP and here is my standard advice for all beginners:

    this is my standard advice:

    1. Enter stats into MFP and set for x amount of weight loss.
    2. Eat to the number that MFP gives you.
    3. get a food scale and weigh all solid foods, and as many liquids as possible.
    4. log everything
    5. make sure that you are using correct MFP database entries
    6. realize that there are no bad foods and that while the majority of foods should come from nutrient dense sources, there is nothing wrong with having pizza, ice cream, cookies, etc, as long as ones micro and macro needs are met.
    7. macro setting are typically .85 grams of protein per pound of body weight; .45 grams of fat per pound of body weight; fill in rest with carbs.
    8. find a form of exercise that you like and do it < not necessary for weight loss, but is for overall health and body comp.

    couple stickies I would recommend:



    sidesteels guide:
  • adrianharris53
    adrianharris53 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi Adrian, You have no idea right now how important just making the decision to try is going to be for you. Without taking that first step no of us will ever have successes. You can do this. by the time I was 17 my mother had tried and spent more money than I care to think about trying to help me lose weight. But I always thought it was just because I was an embarrassment to her although she did love that was partly true. So true to teenage angst and hardheadedness, I wasn't about to let her help me...When everyone left me alone I decided to do it on my on. On Thanksgiving Day I began my diet that would change my life. Have no idea why I picked that day right at the holidays except that I had made up my mind and there was no time like the present! No one thought I would or could do it, I mean come on I had had all the best doctors and programs at my disposal and didn't, right?! But I did. That winter I practically lived in a huge plaid coat with a fur rimmed hat it was called a Maxi and went down practically to my ankles, this my friend was the 70's after all. Anyway, I hid in this coat all the while, melting away underneath. Only my very best friends new the progress I was making and couldn't understand why I didn't want anybody to know. Me either, scared of failing I guess. But I remember the first time I took that coat off in the spring in a house full of my friends, and boys that had never paid me any attention except as a friend. That day was one of the best days of my life still and I've had a lot of good day at 55 years old now. I wore the first bikini of my life that summer but not the last one. It really felt like my life started that day. I managed to keep it off through two pregnancies and all the way up until about 45 years old and it slowly and then very quickly just added back on. Happened before I knew it. I NEVER thought I would find myself back here. And now I'm older and have a slower metabolism. wow, so hard to lose weight or even exercise. You've got many of the best days of your life on the way and yes sir, you absolutely CAN do it. I am here for you if you need to talk. Me along with thousands of others on this wonderful site are here seeking support and to support our peers so you've come to the right place. There is so much good information here also. Set yourself small goals. Don't look at it like I've got 150 lbs to lose. Lose it 20 or even 10 at a time. Reaching those small goals can be inspiring and motivating. I pulling for you!

    Very motivating thank you!