Someone please help!

Okay, I am totally confused. I have been consistently watching my food intake for the last month, having three smalls and two snacks daily (1200 cal. or less).The meals consist mostly of fruits, vegetables, lean meats, nuts, flax. I started out walking one/two miles a day but for the last two weeks I have been walking 3 to 4 miles a day and at least 20 min. of strength training. Also, in the last three weeks I have been jogging in intervals during my daily walk. I also started with a cleanse called Taio he cleanse that helped me kick start my weight loss in the past. I drink at least 8- 8oz. glasses of water a day. I've substituted dairy for Almond milk. I don't eat any bread except for the occasional spinach or wheat wrap. So I just weighed in one month later and I've gained three pounds. What am I doing wrong? The only things I can think of is my cycle just ended, but even before that the weight wasn't coming off, I drank a few protein drinks which I don't know is conducive with weight loss but saw that another user had success with it. Any how, I am so disappointed and convinced that my body does not know how to lose weight. Please help!


  • RockClimber69
    RockClimber69 Posts: 82 Member
    My suggestions....

    Lift heavy
    Increase your calories (See to calculate your TDEE)
    Don't rely on the scale (they lie), take measurements instead.

    Good luck!!
  • TheBitSlinger
    TheBitSlinger Posts: 621 Member
    If you are lifting weights, you need to know something critical about the difference between adipose (fat) tissue and muscle tissue.

    The best way to demonstrate the difference is this:


    If you're adding new muscle, that will show up on the scales much quicker than fat loses.
  • I agree, use the measurements instead! Do not be discouraged and whatever you do, DO NOT give up! Muscle mass weighs more than fat mass, so it is very possible with the strength training you have lost fat mass and gained muscle mass. I know it is frustrating but don't give up. Track your measurements not the numbers on the scale. Drink cucumber water (it is a natural diuretic and will help you keep off excess water weight) increase your water intake to double the normal.

    I hope some of this is encouraging to you. You are welcome to friend me if you would like.... I will encourage you daily!!!
  • p8oenix
    p8oenix Posts: 16 Member
    You may also want to check out "starvation mode".

    Meaning, if you are not consuming enough calories (yea, that sounds cRaZy) - you're body will go into a starvation mode where is stores everything it gets to preserve itself.

    A good "rule of thumb" I've used is that if I 'earn' 800 calories from exercise, which is added to my caloric intake goal for the day - then, I only add 400 calories to my allowed caloric intake goal. Seems to work for me. Just feedback - that's all. Take it or leave it.
  • p8oenix
    p8oenix Posts: 16 Member
    Here, here!! Very well said :-) Many people don't realize this.
  • 1PatientBear
    1PatientBear Posts: 2,089 Member
    I have been consistently watching my food intake for the last month, having three smalls and two snacks daily (1200 cal. or less).

    I have been walking 3 to 4 miles a day and at least 20 min. of strength training. Also, in the last three weeks I have been jogging in intervals during my daily walk.

    You are not eating enough to sustain the level of activity you describe.
  • VioletHaz
    VioletHaz Posts: 44 Member
    Stick with what your doing! Eat up some of those burned calories! I do 1200 calories a day. If I work out that day and burn 400 calories I will eat closer to 1600 that day. I go to the limit because I NEED that food for energy. Been at it since the first week of June and just finally lost 2 lbs but my clothes fit better. So I agree with the taking measurements every 2 to 4 weeks (4weeks could feel more rewarding :) and I only step on the scale weekly. I take one week out of the month to take it easier and rest more and that was the week the scale moved. But I know I have to keep working hard!
    You can do this! Keep it up! Good luck :)
  • Keep an eye on your measurements too! It could be a combination of muscle mass + water weight because you just ended your cycle. Maybe weight yourself after a few days to make sure.
  • It can be a struggle and frustrating. I would have to agree with everyone else go by your measurements, it seems more accurate then the weighing. It could be just fluid retention.

    I read somewhere to drink half your weight in water ounces, so if you weigh 200 pounds you should be drinking 100 ounces of water a day. I have been doing this and I lost about 10 pounds in a month. Also watch your sodium intake it will also cause water weight gain.

    I just started using this site a few days ago, but so far I like it
  • RoLivesbyFaith
    RoLivesbyFaith Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks, that's a very helpful demonstration.
  • RoLivesbyFaith
    RoLivesbyFaith Posts: 12 Member
    All of these comments were very helpful. Thanks everyone. I'm back at it.
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    Don't increase your calories. if you are not losing you are not in a deficit. Get digital food scale and weigh all solid foods and measure liquids only!!

    I doubt your adding new muscle, maybe some, but more then likely it's water retention from doing new workouts.

    OP read this:
  • rushfive
    rushfive Posts: 603 Member
    edited July 2015
    Sounds like you are doing a lot right, but are you measuring your food/drink intake? weighting it or measuring cups?
    Starvation mode is NOT true, you don't eat more to lose, and there is no need to cleanse, your body does this already-kidneys.
    Find the correct calories to eat (mfp). Weigh your foods.. all of them, protein shakes, snacks, condiments, lean meats, nuts,etc.
    Your exercise looks good. You only need to eat when hungry tho, you do not have to have 5-6 eating times if you don't need them.
    Yes, you could be holding some water weight due to weight lifting, not likely much muscle growth-it takes a long time to build muscle and a calories surplus. there could be newbie gains but not much.

    Work on the food/ drink portion of your diet. Calorie deficit for weight loss, exercise for health/strength.
    You really just need to eat less calories. MFP will tell you your correct calories to eat when you did your setup.
    Good luck.
  • Dmagnet1
    Dmagnet1 Posts: 6 Member
    edited July 2015
    p8oenix wrote: »
    A good "rule of thumb" I've used is that if I 'earn' 800 calories from exercise, which is added to my caloric intake goal for the day - then, I only add 400 calories to my allowed caloric intake goal. Seems to work for me. Just feedback - that's all. Take it or leave it.

    If you do some research you will find there is a product available that is quickly absorbed, that activates the Hypothalamus to release and mobilize the abnormal fats (extra) that is found in your body and uses this as a source of energy or a source of food. So, when you are on a very low calorie diet, it helps your body compensate the difference in calories that it needs to function through the use of stored fat making it a source of food for your body. Which can result in a rapid weight loss.
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    Yikes at the advice on this thread!

    You're very, very unlikely to be gaining muscle on a caloric deficit.

    Do you use a food scale? If not, that's the first place I'd start. I wouldn't change your calories until you have a firm grasp on what you're actually eating. Chances are, it's more than you think.

    Do you eat back your exercise calories?

    There's no such thing as starvation mode as it's presented here. And you're certainly not experiencing it.

    You don't need any supplements, or anything like that.

    Can you open your diary?
  • Azexas
    Azexas Posts: 4,334 Member
    Serah87 wrote: »
    Don't increase your calories. if you are not losing you are not in a deficit. Get digital food scale and weigh all solid foods and measure liquids only!!

    I doubt your adding new muscle, maybe some, but more then likely it's water retention from doing new workouts.

    OP read this:

  • Azexas
    Azexas Posts: 4,334 Member
    edited July 2015
    p8oenix wrote: »
    You may also want to check out "starvation mode".

    Meaning, if you are not consuming enough calories (yea, that sounds cRaZy) - you're body will go into a starvation mode where is stores everything it gets to preserve itself.

    A good "rule of thumb" I've used is that if I 'earn' 800 calories from exercise, which is added to my caloric intake goal for the day - then, I only add 400 calories to my allowed caloric intake goal. Seems to work for me. Just feedback - that's all. Take it or leave it.

    I'm sorry but "starvation mode" as you are thinking is a myth and has been debunked over and over again. If you eat in a deficit, you lose weight.

    OP : if you have not done so already, invest in a good scale. It could be you are eating more than you think.
  • fitnesspal1256
    fitnesspal1256 Posts: 27 Member
    Agreed! Starvation mode is not a real thing. Make sure you are measuring everything!! Small bits of unmeasured stuff adds up quick and estimations can be way off (im horrendous at estimating things) other than that, lean more towards veggies than fruit. And keep doing what you're doing! Don't get discouraged or give up :)
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    edited July 2015
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    edited July 2015
    All of these comments were very helpful. Thanks everyone. I'm back at it.

    Am I imagining things, or is there a glitch in the system, or did OP bring back a 2 year old thread?

    I may need sleep more than I realized.

    ETA: OP, if you are back after two years away, I suggest ignoring the advice you received prior to this bump, with the exception of using a measuring tape in addition to the weight on the scale, plus take some pictures for comparison. You are getting better advice from current posters (I haven't read them all). Best wishes and welcome back!

    ETA further: skip the bunk on the pills mentioned above, not cool.