burning 1000 calories a day

I am 220 and 5`8 inches tall. I meal prepped for this entire week my calories a day will range from 1000~1100 . I plan to do a hour of jumping roping a day(which will burn about 1000 calories). Do you think this will help me in my goal to lose 45 pounds.


  • DemoraFairy
    DemoraFairy Posts: 1,806 Member
    So you're eating 1000 calories and burning 1000 off through exercise.

    You do know the body needs food to live, right?
  • DjsMom243
    DjsMom243 Posts: 16 Member
    Im asking because I do not know how tgis works it would be nice if you wouldnt be rude
  • bunnywestley81
    bunnywestley81 Posts: 178 Member
    And burns are over estimated.

    Also...do you think you can do this almost every day for the rest of your life?
  • DjsMom243
    DjsMom243 Posts: 16 Member
    I thought that in order to lose weight you have to burn more calories than you take in
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    Netting 0 calories is not the goal. If you want to lose 45 lbs, I recommend putting your stats into the MFP app, and telling it you want to lose 1 lb per week. Then log your exercise, weigh and log your food, and follow the app. It'll be much more sustainable. At 0 net calories you'll most likely have terrible cravings if not outright binges that hinder your progress.
  • KrisiAnnH
    KrisiAnnH Posts: 352 Member
    You should really be hitting 1200 as a minimum, because that is what is considered the bare minimum for healthy weigh loss, there's nothing wrong with being a bit over here and a bit under there, but 1000 calories every day isn't really a good aim. (I am sometimes under my 1200 cal goal, but a lot of the time I leave 100 cals left as I know I'll have underestimated calories in something or had a few extra bites that I haven't logged).

    Preplanning meals is a great idea though! And any calories burned is a good thing, although are you planning on eating them back? If you're burning calories you will need to eat some back at such a high deficit (especially if you burn 1000, although that seems a bit of a high estimate to me). If you're burning calories through exercise and not eating them back, that will put you even further below the 1200 minimum.

    To answer your question though you've definitely gone about things the right way, organisation and setting goals such as jumping rope for an hour a day are a great way to get towards your goal :)
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    edited July 2015
    I would suggest eating around 2500 cals at your weight if you plan on burning 1000 cals from cardio.
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
  • DemoraFairy
    DemoraFairy Posts: 1,806 Member
    edited July 2015
    shell1005 wrote: »
    DjsMom243 wrote: »
    Im asking because I do not know how tgis works it would be nice if you wouldnt be rude

    I wasn't rude. This is how this works. It's a direct answer to the question you asked. The caloric minimum for women is 1200 calories. Exercise calories are bloated. You're setting yourself up for a bad time. That's what it is.

    I think she was probably referring to me haha. I just can't help but reply that whenever someone says they're burning the same amount that they're eating through exercise.
    DjsMom243 wrote: »
    I thought that in order to lose weight you have to burn more calories than you take in

    Yes. And the body burns calories by being alive (hence why we need to eat). You can lose weight without exercise. MFP is designed that you eat the calories it's recommended for you, then you eat back any exercise calories, because a deficit is already built into the calories it's recommended.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    You can lose weight. This thread is a good place to start: http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/1080242/a-guide-to-get-you-started-on-your-path-to-sexypants/p1
    Losing weight has much more to do with eating less food than it does about undergoing excessive exercise.
  • debubbie
    debubbie Posts: 767 Member
    You need to make sure your net calories (amount of calories from food minus the calories burned from exercise) is more than 1200 for females and 1500 for males. Your plan has you netting 100 calories a day which can lead to serious and possibly life threatening health problems.

    With 45 pounds to lose you need to set your weight loss for one pound a week and learn to eat at that calorie level. MFP creates a goal for you based on you not exercising that will help you to lose weight in a SAFE manner. Your plan is dangerous, will possibly lead to binging episodes, and make you want to quit because it is an all or nothing approach.

    I have lost 50 pounds in the last year by eating around 1700-2100 net calories everyday and moderate exercise (averages to about 20 minutes a day). I still eat foods I love in moderation and enjoy exercising. Remember this is a marathon and not a sprint when losing weight.

    Good luck. Also, make sure to stretch your legs out really well after jumping rope for that long. It can be a killer on your calves!
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    DjsMom243 wrote: »
    I thought that in order to lose weight you have to burn more calories than you take in

    At your size your body probably burns close to 2000 cals/day with no exercise. so to lose weight eat less than 2000 even with no exercise.
  • Whitezombiegirl
    Whitezombiegirl Posts: 1,042 Member
    DjsMom243 wrote: »
    I thought that in order to lose weight you have to burn more calories than you take in

    Yes. I think the misunderstanding here is that you burn quite a lot of calories just by being alive- so that needs to be taken into account in your calculations. You can find calculators on the internet- Scooby's is recomended here a lot. If you put in sedentary as your activity level you can then add exercise cals on top.

    P.s 1 hour of jumping won't be 1000cals. Thats way over-stated.
  • timtakel
    timtakel Posts: 50 Member
    You have two choices. You can have a very low calorie diet (not 0), as long as you get all the nutrients you need. But you cant do that and sports because your nutrient need will be much higher. You don't want to be malnourished.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    edited July 2015

    Please read. You dont understand how weight loss works fully. Its importnat to learn the basics.

    ps you arent burning 1000 calories an hour, continuous exercise for 1h is very hard to do and I doubt you have the fitness to do so.

    PPS Demorat wasnt being rude.
  • DjsMom243
    DjsMom243 Posts: 16 Member
    Thank you guys for the feed back im glad I asked before I started this I clearly would have been setting.myself up for faliure. Now I know Thank you.