4 lb weight gain in a day

Is it normal to gain 4lb in one day? Only have to eat 1 wrong thing and my weight goes up and 3 days later its still the same


  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    Yes, it's normal.
  • PinkDeerBoy
    PinkDeerBoy Posts: 89 Member
    Your weight fluctuates from day to day. It is better to weigh yourself every day, and then take the average for the week.
  • twink9223
    twink9223 Posts: 20 Member
    Im starting to get really down because of it ,ive lost 30lb so far but its come to a stop because of this gain and no what to do,im eaying right abd drinkin plenty of water
  • cherub14
    cherub14 Posts: 63 Member
    If I eat some salty foods, my weight is up the next day. As much as 3-4 pounds sometimes! If I watch the sodium, I'm usually back on track pretty quickly
  • twink9223
    twink9223 Posts: 20 Member
    I weigh my self on a daily basis,I was seein a loss of 1lb a day now its not even that a week because of this 4lb im struggling to get rid of it
  • DemoraFairy
    DemoraFairy Posts: 1,806 Member
    Wait, so have you been losing 1lb a day for a month? Because that is waaay too fast...
  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    1lb = 3500 calories. So either you way overate/underate or there's a lot of natural fluctuations occurring. I'm going to go with the latter and say stop panicking and just keep on keeping on, it will right itself eventually.
  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    You only had 60 pounds to lose and you've lost... a pound a day in a month? How many calories are you eating? I suspect very, very few.
  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    Is it your TOM?
  • twink9223
    twink9223 Posts: 20 Member
    No I had that last week and didnt gain a thing
  • twink9223
    twink9223 Posts: 20 Member
    Peachy carol It was only 2 weeks I lost a pound roughly a pound a day,I eat about 1200 a day
  • NoIdea101NoIdea
    NoIdea101NoIdea Posts: 659 Member
    1lb a day is NOT sustainable. You will gain it all back.

    I suspect that you are doing the 'eat as little as possible' diet (but I am just making assumptions, but otherwise I don't see how 1lb a day could be accurate or feasible). Are you going to keep that up for the rest of your life? If not, then you will gain as soon as you go back to old eating habits. You need to focus on making this a lifestyle change, one you will keep up, so you aren't constantly yo-yo dieting. And I speak from experience.
  • twink9223
    twink9223 Posts: 20 Member
    Just to be clear I eat roughly 1200 cal aday and it was only about 2 weeks I lost roughly a pound a day not a month
  • twink9223
    twink9223 Posts: 20 Member
    It was only them 2 weeks I lost a pound a day that was over a month ago,befor this 4 pound gain I was losing 1-2lb a week which is a healthy amout to lose
  • twink9223
    twink9223 Posts: 20 Member
    Im not on a diet I eat healthy fruit,veg,protein fibre
  • twink9223
    twink9223 Posts: 20 Member
    Iv been eatin healthy for the past 4 months
  • 20monkies
    20monkies Posts: 15 Member
    It depends on a number of factors. Once I gained 3 lbs overnight, but it went away after 2 days. I was ovulating and every month when that time comes around, I gain a few lbs from bloating. Don't worry, just keep eating healthy and doing your best :)
  • twink9223
    twink9223 Posts: 20 Member
    Will poeple not jump to conclusions that in starving myself please 1200 cal aday for a person of my height and weight is healthy
  • sweetpea03b
    sweetpea03b Posts: 1,123 Member
    More than likely that "1-2 lb a day" loss was just water weight. Typically when you start a new exercise/eating regimine you will lose a lot of water weight at first. That's the same reason why all the contestants on the biggest loser lose so much the first week. Just chill out - this is a marathon, not a sprint. Weight loss is not linear. Sometimes you will have a large loss all at once then go a little bit before losing again... just keep at what you're doing and you will have a loss eventually. If you go a month or two without a loss, then you have truly hit a plateau and all that is needed is to change up your routine. Try a different workout, tweak your diet, etc.
  • twink9223
    twink9223 Posts: 20 Member
    Thanks 20monkies at least your giving me a positive answer,sounds about right as I should be ovulating about now