I did something stupid.

In March, I walked a 5k. Walked it. And I was so excited that I did so, that I came home and promptly signed up for a half-marathon in November. I was thinking I'd train for it and stuff. Well, now it is almost the end of July an I haven't been training. Of course.

Do I even stand a chance? Is there any way possible that I can get ready for a half in November? I exercise, but I'm not in super shape, and I'm about 50 pounds overweight. It was only 30 bucks to register, so I could skip it without too much guilt, but it would be cool if I actually did it....

Any thoughts appreciated!


  • 20yearsyounger
    20yearsyounger Posts: 1,643 Member
    That's a bit much. Is there a cut of time for the event? If not, how do you feel about doing it in 3 1/2 hours?
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    Start training now and do the best you can do. That's what it's all about.

    Don't skip it.
  • larali1980
    larali1980 Posts: 162 Member
    The time limit is 6 hours. I am sure I can finish it by walking, but how many people walk these things? LOL
  • cathipa
    cathipa Posts: 2,991 Member
    Walk/run. I'm sure you can finish it in 6 hours. Good luck!!
  • Annie_01
    Annie_01 Posts: 3,096 Member
    Here is a 12 week training schedule for a half marathon (at the bottom of the page)...


    I think it is doable if you start now and stay dedicated. The program starts slow and builds up so if you are used to walking I think that it shouldn't be a problem.
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    larali1980 wrote: »
    The time limit is 6 hours. I am sure I can finish it by walking, but how many people walk these things? LOL

    How many people never bother to sign up at all? :)
  • 20yearsyounger
    20yearsyounger Posts: 1,643 Member
    Many people have the same feeling you do. They just want to say they completed a half marathon. As Virgoddess said, I think you should do it and not skip. However, set realistic expectations and don't injure yourself and stall what it is you are really on here for.
  • enterdanger
    enterdanger Posts: 2,447 Member
    I agree with everyone who said you should give it a try. Who knows what you can do if you don't try. You have 4 months to follow a training program. Just don't kill yourself with the training. If you get hurt you definitely will have to sit it out.
  • VryIrishGirl76
    VryIrishGirl76 Posts: 1,167 Member
    Do it!
  • Erica262
    Erica262 Posts: 226 Member
    edited July 2015
    Lots of people walk them. You get the t-shirt, medal, and finish line party no matter how fast or slow you complete it. It's not until November, so you have plenty of time if you start training now. I was going to recommend Hal Higdon and see someone else already did that. I also recommend Jeff Galloway if you want to incorporate a little run/walk method.

    PS - I'm training for an October half marathon. Feel free to send me a friend request if you have questions or need encouragement along the way.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    edited July 2015
    it's roughly 16 weeks to the first weekend of november. go to http://www.halhigdon.com/ and get the novice training plan.

    that plan is 12 weeks long. go put the workouts into your calendar and work your way back 12 weeks.

    now that means you have 4 weeks of non-training... but since you say that you have very little fitness level, i recommend taking those 4 weeks and start training. maybe start just by running a little bit at a time. little runs add up. people tend to believe that if you can't run for 40 minutes straight, why bother. but if you go out there TODAY and run for two minutes and walk for two minutes and repeat that for 4-5 times, you'll be on your way to train.

    look, you could walk the whole half marathon if you want. but if you do a 30 minute mile, that'll put you at the time limit. but if you train, and you do a little walk-running here and there, you'll do a lot better.
  • Azexas
    Azexas Posts: 4,334 Member
    larali1980 wrote: »
    The time limit is 6 hours. I am sure I can finish it by walking, but how many people walk these things? LOL

    Start training now for it. I wouldn't worry about if other people are walking it or not. Complete it for yourself. I bet if you go, you will end up having a blast. :)
  • ffbrown25
    ffbrown25 Posts: 110 Member
    Start training now and do the best you can do. That's what it's all about.

    Don't skip it.

  • yusaku02
    yusaku02 Posts: 3,472 Member
    If you start seriously training now then you can definitely complete it. Last year I started training for a full marathon in June and ran it in the first week of October. That's close to the same amount of time you have to train.
    Try and log at least 20-25 miles per week for the last 2 weeks of July and increase it from there.
  • gdyment
    gdyment Posts: 299 Member
    larali1980 wrote: »
    The time limit is 6 hours. I am sure I can finish it by walking, but how many people walk these things? LOL

    Can you run at all? Even for like 4-5 minutes then walk for 1 or 2, then run a bit, etc?

    If so then you could work up to a 10 run/walk 1 plan by November most likely. Finish in 2.5 hrs or so?
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Im with all the people who say do it and do the best you can. No reason to panic or start letting your mind make excuses. Start off with the idea that you are doing it and you will finish, even if its a six hour walk and then work backwards that your time will improve on that. Be consistent in training. Good luck and enjoy.
  • whatatime2befit
    whatatime2befit Posts: 625 Member
    Like the others said, start training now. Even if you run half and walk half, it would be so much fun. You can definitely do it in 6 hours, likely will take you much less.

    Go for it! :smile:
  • BasicGreatGuy
    BasicGreatGuy Posts: 857 Member
    I am with the others. Go for it. No reason not to give it your very best.

    Remove the word 'can't' from your vocabulary.
  • dewd2
    dewd2 Posts: 2,445 Member
    You have about the same amount of time to train as I did when I started in January. I too was about 50 pounds overweight. I am now about 10 pounds overweight and training for HM number 2 in September.

    There's a high probability I will do HM number 3 in October. This running thing is addicting. :wink:
  • VeggieStef
    VeggieStef Posts: 54 Member
    That is enough time! And there is no shame in walking if you need to. Awesome you are motivated and making goals for yourself! IMO the only goal for your first half marathon - to finish. Time does not matter. At the end, everyone did 13.1 miles, burned a ton of calories and did something so many people would never attempt. Go make it fun!!!! :smile: