New to MyFitnessPal

Hi guys,

I decided to join the community of Fitness Pal! :) My goal is to lose 10kg ( 1,6 stone)! Now it is not that easy as it sounds because I have an underactive thyroid. I try my best though with exercise and stuff.

My name is Janine by the way and I am 24 years old living in Ireland.

Any help etc is welcome how to lose weight very fast.


  • bike4now
    bike4now Posts: 52
    Welcome and good luck.
  • cathys01
    cathys01 Posts: 221
    Welcome Janine: You will enjoy this site. I joined 2 weeks ago and have found lots of motivation and support. Good luck with your weight loss journey and add me as a friend if you like.
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    its not a goal to loose weight very fast---i can tell u all types of things to do to loose weight fast--the trick is, and the trick u probably want, is losing the weight and not gaining it back--this is not a diet--this is a lifestyle change--dont try to loose it as quick as possible because expecting that just means u will do whatever possible to loose as quick as possible, meaning probably unhealthy things, and as soon as you go back to just being regular, ull gain it back.. trust me i know from experience... Im here to loose, weither it take me a month or 5 years, i never want to gain it back, ever... so doing so slower, in a healthy way, is what you need for the best success for the rest of your life--not just for the right now.
  • messyhare
    messyhare Posts: 366 Member
    Welcome! I have an underactive thyroid too. Losing weight may be a bit harder for us but it is possible! Feel friend to add me - I would love to support you & vice versa!
  • janine0187
    janine0187 Posts: 15
    Any irish people here by any chance? :)