Thoughts on Keto ?

I've been in ketosis for four days now. I purchased the keto strips which test for ketones in urine , so I know I am in fact in ketosis but I'm just wondering what's your thoughts on such an extreme approach ? Personally , I believe I can maintain this method of eating and have already had my acne clear up considerately in the last few days . Besides the keto flu that's showing its ugly head , I'm feeling pretty good . A little snappy but the weight is coming off and I'm able to ride 60 minutes every day still in the sun .


  • dogcatac
    dogcatac Posts: 124 Member
    I have heard really good things about keto, and did a little personal research on the subject. I think it is safe, but there aren't any real studies that last longer than 18 months. I tried it for a few months, but couldn't handle the no fruit thing, and got sooooo sick of avocados and eggs :persevere:. my parents LOVE it, though, and claim that it is some miracle diet that cured all of their ailments. idk about THAT, but it seems to help with a myriad of autoimmune/inflammatory issues.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    I've been doing it for almost a month. It is working well for me too. I'm clearer headed, have WAY fewer cravings, have been losing weight, my arthritis improved, blood glucose improved, and my skin cleared up too - only one pimple this month. LOL

    I think the keto approach is only extreme in the sense that there are not many people doing it. It's not bad for your health or hard to maintain, and it can even improve some health conditions (diabetes and some cancers). Who knows, one day the LCHF approach may even be the standard medical advice; at the very least I think more people will be aware of it's benefits.

    We could compare it to the gluten-free diet. When I was first diagnosed with celiac disease I got a lot of eye rolls and comments about my diet. Now it's reached the status of fad diet and a substantial minority of people are eating GF. No one saw that one coming.
  • lowcarbkasha
    lowcarbkasha Posts: 5 Member
    dogcatac wrote: »
    I have heard really good things about keto, and did a little personal research on the subject. I think it is safe, but there aren't any real studies that last longer than 18 months. I tried it for a few months, but couldn't handle the no fruit thing, and got sooooo sick of avocados and eggs :persevere:. my parents LOVE it, though, and claim that it is some miracle diet that cured all of their ailments. idk about THAT, but it seems to help with a myriad of autoimmune/inflammatory issues.

    That's great ! I basically decided to attempt keto when my dentist said sugar ( was high carb ) was destroying my teeth so I kinda am just sitting here shaking my head in agreement with your parents . Ahaha . But , yeah it's very limited I agree . I'm learning recipes however ! Found some fat bombs ! I'm mostly so amazed by this way of eating since I'm used to restricting and avoiding fat ....
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    I think there's a group on here with lots of information. Lots of people on here have had success with it. Good luck!
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,994 Member
    If it helps with adherence, you feel you can sustain it and enjoy your life then go for it. Humans, (the ultimate omnivores) can survive and thrive on a multitude of diets...
  • marcae70
    marcae70 Posts: 72 Member
    I wouldn't call keto extreme haha but yes, I believe it can really help in many aspects, not just weight loss.

    Just remember the keto sticks only really work to help you determine if you are getting into ketosis. After awhile you body gets better at burning ketones and stop expelling them in your urine, You might test in a couple days and the stick will come up negative even though you are in ketosis.

    Also remember to keep your carbs at a minimum (>20)
    Only count NET CARBS (net carbs = total carb count - fiber)
    MAKE SURE YOU HIT YOUR PROTEIN GOAL <- this is so you do not burn muscle instead of fat
    Fat macro is not a goal like protein is, don't worry if you don't hit it. Use those fat calories only if you're hungry.
  • ThatMouse
    ThatMouse Posts: 229 Member
    I do keto for periods of time, then go for a caloric deficit of the same goal but on a more balanced diet (so I get to eat fruit and such, ha ha!), but I tend to eat relatively low-carb in any case.

    I tried keto the first time 'round because I'd found studies that stated it helped with non-alcoholic fatty liver, which I had, and it helped me get rid of that in 3 weeks, which was amazing. I found it really hard to stay at a healthy deficit with it, however, because the first time I tried it I got full on 1,000cal or less and stayed at that intake for about two or three months. I started losing hair and I went from clear-headed to dog-tired all the time. It was my first time actively losing weight, though, so I fell into the trap of feeling like 1,000cal or less was okay because I was so (in my mind) fat.

    Now, though, I know that's a problem and I'm trying to offset that by having higher-cal snacks and lunches and thoroughly enjoying my whipped cream on sugar-free jello for dessert every night. I also plan to cycle off keto every 3-4 months for a week if I feel the need. I'm highly active and one of my regular, intense activities involves performing for the public, so I also plan to do TKD (targeted ketosis) if I feel the need so that my performance doesn't suffer. However, I might just go non-keto on those days as it's going to be a gong-show of busy and lots of food at the festival I'm performing at... We'll see how that goes.

    Something to realize about the "snappy" weightloss at the start of keto (I went from 132 to 127.8 in a week - and I wasn't really trying hard), is that it's great for getting rid of water weight fast. Those first 5lbs or so are all water retention - still, it's a nice scale win. :smile:

    Like @marcae70, I wouldn't call keto "extreme". My eating patterns generally have me eating relatively low-carb (though more like 50g net carbs than the 25g net that keto requires) in any case, so it isn't much of a stretch. However, if you love your carbs (and can moderate them - because I can't do that with bread), then it might be a stretch for sure.

    I like your reason of trying it out to see if it'll help your teeth out. I've never had a cavity or bad teeth (save for 13 months of braces), so I can't speak to its efficiency for managing that, but I do notice clearer skin and more stable energy (which is why I'm doing it this time 'round, as I have trouble staying focused at work).
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I personally couldn't and probably more accurately just plain wouldn't like doing it...I like my carbs and you don't have to low carb or keto to lose I don't know why I'd want to put myself through something like would be torture for me, and I'd be off the rails in no time flat.
  • ManiacalLaugh
    ManiacalLaugh Posts: 1,048 Member
    I've seen my roommate fail and fail again at Keto. He'd work past the keto flu, do really well for a week or two, then end up having a day or two of high carbs that would knock him out of ketosis. Then he'd have to start all over again, wait three days to fall back into ketosis and endure the keto flu all over again.

    For him, keto flu looked absolutely miserable, too. As soon as he got off of work, he'd eat and then go to bed for the night, sometimes before the sun even set. He was reclusive, and walked around the house like a quiet zombie.

    I don't necessarily think the keto diet itself is unhealthy for short periods of time. However, this is really representative of an unhealthy mindset. And the fact that it takes 2-3 days to work back into ketosis after slipping... that would be enough to get me, personally, to give up after the first slip. Keto flu effects different people differently, I'm sure, but I'm not 100% behind any diet that would make me feel like taking a sick day from work.

    This all being said, he did lose some weight. And I've heard that certain medical conditions can be vastly improved through a keto diet. I think it can be really effective for some, but for others - if they're not prepared to commit - it can be tough.

    Not the plan for me, most definitely. Let me keep my fruit, my rice, and my energy level.

  • marcae70
    marcae70 Posts: 72 Member
    @ManiacalLaugh That really unfortunate that your roommate had such a difficult time on keto. Sounds like he didn't have much support or information on how to do it safely. For the keto flu I would have recommended Lite Salt and a magnesium supplement. No one should feel that way even if we know it's temporary. There are ways to prevent keto flu, just not a lot of information readily available.

    You are also right that people need to be ready to commit when they do keto. Cheating is not really an option since it takes forever to regroup. If you can keep at it though, Keto is great for your energy levels! I can finally get my *kitten* in gear after a two year carb binge. It does take dedication, but every diet does! It's about finding what's right for you.