Tired of my own excuses



  • saraonly9913
    saraonly9913 Posts: 469 Member
    Make small changes if need be. A quote I love is "Slow progress is still progress. Keep going" By the way I surely can relate. I have some new battles going on myself presently. Good luck. You can do it.
  • ashwayparkvp15
    ashwayparkvp15 Posts: 7 Member
    I can totally relate. I have learned so far from starting to eat healthy and get back on my work outs is that I can't kill myself in the beginning or I lose all motivation. I have seen lots of people say gradual building up. For me I went from 135lbs and active/college athlete to not really active at all 175lbs. I couldn't keep making my same excuses. I too said "I will just start tomorrow" many times. So I started with moderate work outs. Nothing that was physically going to set me back or injure me. I have slowly begun to build on that foundation. and of course eating healthier and lots of water! But I have found that with that slower pace in the beginning I am able to do so much more now. I did a 5 mile hike last weekend and that would have killed me a month ago.

    Good luck lady! I hope you keep it up and reach your goals!
  • cynthia0170
    cynthia0170 Posts: 1 Member
    Your post sounds like I could have written it. I am getting back on the health wagon again for the up tenth time today. We just have to take it one day at a time. I KNOW I can do this since I have done it before and you can too.

    In the past I have always done some program that was a special diet, this time just healthy eating and exercise. I will log my food every day and no lying to myself by leaving unhealthy food off. I will walk for 30 minutes at least 5 days each week.
  • lucyandgrantsmom
    lucyandgrantsmom Posts: 4 Member
    Same here ! My kids are 12 & 13 so I am 31 year old , 5 foot 7, still carting around a extra 40 pounds is just sad ! I need motivation and help but the days go by , months then years and I am still where I started :(
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    1 - buy a food scale, and weigh all of your solid food. Measure all liquids. Log them and stick to your calorie deficit. This way you hold yourself accountable and know how you are going to lose the weight.
    2 - Read the first post in this thread: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1235566-so-you-re-new-here
  • BasicGreatGuy
    BasicGreatGuy Posts: 857 Member
    Same here ! My kids are 12 & 13 so I am 31 year old , 5 foot 7, still carting around a extra 40 pounds is just sad ! I need motivation and help but the days go by , months then years and I am still where I started :(
    Why not make today the first day of the new Lucy? ;) Put yourself on the spot. Make an announcement to your husband, family, and people here that your new life begins now.
  • DoneWorking
    DoneWorking Posts: 247 Member
    Since I've been back, I've been off more than I've been on. I guess if you guys can submit to it so can I. Good luck everybody!
  • abrooks54
    abrooks54 Posts: 45 Member
    Same here ! My kids are 12 & 13 so I am 31 year old , 5 foot 7, still carting around a extra 40 pounds is just sad ! I need motivation and help but the days go by , months then years and I am still where I started :(
    Why not make today the first day of the new Lucy? ;) Put yourself on the spot. Make an announcement to your husband, family, and people here that your new life begins now.
    I agree this is important. Declare your intentions to those around you and the incentive to succeed is stronger I believe.
  • danibecca94
    danibecca94 Posts: 14 Member
    I sent you a request to add me. I feel the same way and am looking for likeminded individuals
  • my0wnh3ro
    my0wnh3ro Posts: 7 Member
    Believe in yourself
  • cdahl383
    cdahl383 Posts: 726 Member
    I find it's easier to just start making healthier choices slowly over time until it becomes the norm and the junk food and other stuff becomes rare. Instead of a Wendy's combo, get a burger with no cheese and no mayo and a side salad and water. Instead of going out to lunch all the time at work, bring your lunch 2-3 times a week and pack mostly healthy stuff. Instead of going on facebook for an hour at night, go out for a nice 1-2 mile walk or jog. Eventually these healthier choices will compound and start to make a difference without you feeling as though you're making any drastic changes all of the sudden.
  • senecarr
    senecarr Posts: 5,377 Member
    "When I stopped finding excuses, I started finding results."
  • williamwj2014
    williamwj2014 Posts: 750 Member
    I got to the same point of being tired of excuses. It all started after I went to the gym and got my sweat on. I went home, started cooking some chicken and at that moment while I was cooking, I decided I needed to embrace a new lifestyle. The rest is history.

    Good luck gurrrrrrfran
  • Mark_Joseph
    Mark_Joseph Posts: 101 Member
    kevc1986 wrote: »
    I don't know if anyone is even going to read this and I don't really mind if you don't, this is more for me. I am tired of my own excuses that I make for myself. Why am I gaining weight so rapidly? It's because I eat complete crap and I do nothing about it. I only have myself to blame. I always use the excuse 'I'll start my diet tomorrow' so that means I pig out on everything I can get my hands on with the promise in mind that I'll do better tomorrow, but tomorrow never comes. So instead of vowing to start a diet TODAY, I am vowing to change my lifestyle TODAY, making better choices and get in some form of exercise everyday, even if it's walking for 30 min a day. Something is better than nothing. I will limit my calorie intake. I will drink more water and I will cut down on the amout of soda I drink! So here's to a new me and no more excuses!

    Ayy! That's the right attitude. Crush your goals with absolute determination!