Looking for mutually supportive friends!

Jennak87 Posts: 112 Member
edited July 2015 in Getting Started
Hi! I'm Jenna, I'm 27 and I would like to lose about 70lbs! I've been using MFP for about 2-ish weeks and I've lost 5lbs. I've added a lot of people who were looking for supportive friends but the support has not really been mutual :/ (I do have some great friends! But they are sadly the minority) I'm pretty active on MFP and I like to comment on and like my friend's posts and I'm looking for people like me! People who give out motivation and support to their friends rather than just accept it from their friends but aren't supportive in response.

If you are an active, supportive friend and you're looking for motivation and support please add me as a friend! My diary and profile are open for my friends to browse, but they're locked to the general public.


  • adidrea
    adidrea Posts: 275 Member
    Yesssss I have the same problem as you!! I've actually been on MFP for many years (I think since 2011 or something) but then I fell off the wagon and all of my old supportive friends are no longer around. I'm also 27, want to lose 50 lbs, and I'm here every day. I love to comment on others' statuses and give motivation because I know that's what helped me lose weight before! Please feel free to add me, I could use a good motivation buddy :)
  • Jennak87
    Jennak87 Posts: 112 Member
    I've accepted your friend request! Thanks for adding me!

    I love the sense of community too, it's really helped me to lose weight once before. Logging on and seeing that my friends have hit the gym or made great choices really spurs me on!
  • deohn1
    deohn1 Posts: 8 Member
    I'm new here .but I plan to be very active. I'm trying to lose about 100 or so. I could use some support and I'm here when you need me.
  • Jennak87
    Jennak87 Posts: 112 Member
    I've accepted your friend request deohn1!
  • Raevynne
    Raevynne Posts: 146 Member
    Hi Jenna! Welcome to the MFP community :). I've just sent you a friend request!
  • ldevr
    ldevr Posts: 7 Member
    Hi Jenna! I have been using MFP for a few years without friend support and would be happy to encourage you and would love some encouragement back. I am 32 and have a lot of weight to lose, 60 lbs to start :). Hope you are on track today!
  • doreenamora
    doreenamora Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Jenna
    In away I'm in the same boat.I started last yr and drop 20lbs.Both my parents died last yr and now I'm starting over.So I need a little kick butt at time and some support.
  • LadyShepherd15
    LadyShepherd15 Posts: 21 Member
    Hello! I am looking for the same thing! I am on here multiple times a day! :smile: I will send a request!
  • sid80
    sid80 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi Jenna, I'm in the same boat as you... have about 50lbs to lose, not found much support from the very little people I've added.
    But if there is anyone here that would mutually like some motivational support from me and can return the support back then please do add me.
    Just been off the band wagon for the past 8 days..kicking myself for that. But will start fresh again from tomorrow morning...
  • Jennak87
    Jennak87 Posts: 112 Member
    Thank you for all the friend requests! I have added you all!

    Let's get motivating! Hahaha :smiley:
  • Tami_H
    Tami_H Posts: 67 Member
    Hi Jenna, I am here everyday and i will be happy to support you with you. I need supportive friends too. I have 2 goals, first i want to get down to 170 and if I can pass that my goal my dream weight is 150. I've lost 23 lbs with MFP so far so I know it works if we stay the course.
  • Jennak87
    Jennak87 Posts: 112 Member
    I've sent you a friend request Tami! 23lbs is fantastic so far! I find it motivating to have mini goals too, when you see my profile you'll know what I mean! Haha
  • maxk72
    maxk72 Posts: 31 Member
    Would love to join u guys all new to mfp but determined to lose this weight properly without putting it back on looking for support as well as offer support :) xx
  • jpads1234
    jpads1234 Posts: 95 Member
    I'm always up for new friends anyone can add me!
  • itsme_erin91
    itsme_erin91 Posts: 4 Member
    I sent you a request.. :) I'm back on here and looking for friends to keep me motivated as well..
  • Cebions
    Cebions Posts: 2 Member
    Excactly what I'm looking for! I added you!
  • krustykrub
    krustykrub Posts: 6 Member
    Hola Jena, I'm 35 female from Chile. I don't want to lose to much weight, actually only 5 kilos, but I don't know why it is so difficult. I'm very new here and I also need support, specially when I get cravings. I will add you!
  • lizzok
    lizzok Posts: 3 Member
    Same here! Anyone can feel free to request me too. I'm a 31 yo mom of 4, I'm mostly looking to lose inches, not so much weight. I just want to be healthy and not so tired anymore!!
  • bumblebee129
    bumblebee129 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm also looking for supportive friends not just the takers I'd be happy to help spur you on in your journey to the new you xx
  • exuberant30
    exuberant30 Posts: 42 Member
    I'm looking for mutual support too.
    Anyone can add me, always nice to make new friends