strength/ resistance training

catt952 Posts: 190 Member
Hello i am a female and have hands weights that go up to about 7.5 kg on each hand. I have little strength and can't even do a lot of bicep curls with just 5kg on each hand. If i use these weights in co-operation with body weight exercises.. will this be a good form of strength training/ resistance? I want to work my muscles as i am losing weight.

Also what are some body weight exercises you use for this type of workout? I know squats and pushups are good.


  • hilts1969
    hilts1969 Posts: 465 Member
    Buy some weights and lift more, push ups are pretty pointless
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Pushups are not pointless, especially when included in a full body resistance training program. And you don't need weights to save LBM. You DO need a program and a progressive overload though. 5 lb weights won't get you very far, at least for long.

    Why don't you look at this beginner body weight program:
  • catt952
    catt952 Posts: 190 Member
    i said 5 kg. KG lol not lb. I have decided to try the pump class at my gym. It focuses on using dumbells/barbells to sculpt all areas of the body. Thanks guys though :)
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    catwils1 wrote: »
    i said 5 kg. KG lol not lb. I have decided to try the pump class at my gym. It focuses on using dumbells/barbells to sculpt all areas of the body. Thanks guys though :)

    Oops sorry I missed that :) Enjoy the class.
  • catt952
    catt952 Posts: 190 Member
    Are these fitness blender bad examples for strength training?
  • XavierNusum
    XavierNusum Posts: 720 Member
    What you have is a great start. Body weight exercises will carry you quite a ways. Start now, be consistent and get your nutrition on track.
  • rushfive
    rushfive Posts: 603 Member
    catwils1 wrote: »
    Are these fitness blender bad examples for strength training?

    Looks good to me.
    I am very weak so I use very little weights, hoping in time to increase.

  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    edited July 2015
    catwils1 wrote: »
    Hello i am a female and have hands weights that go up to about 7.5 kg on each hand. I have little strength and can't even do a lot of bicep curls with just 5kg on each hand. If i use these weights in co-operation with body weight exercises.. will this be a good form of strength training/ resistance? I want to work my muscles as i am losing weight.

    Also what are some body weight exercises you use for this type of workout? I know squats and pushups are good.

    Any movement/lift that puts sufficient strain on your body/muscles is going to be effective. Don't get too caught up in "the best" or "right/wrong" at this point.

    Bodyweight exercises can be great. They can also be darn near useless - it all comes down to how challenging they are. If something like a bodyweight squat is fairly easy, try a single-leg squat to increase the difficulty. There are some well-established bodyweight routines out there which are worth looking at, but regardless... spend a few minutes looking up various routines/movements and try them out for yourself.

    Getting started always involves some trial and error. So try some different things and see what works based on your ability and the equipment you have. IMO, if you can do more than 20 reps at a time, you should consider increasing the weight/difficulty.

    Hope that helps.
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    hilts1969 wrote: »
    Buy some weights and lift more, push ups are pretty pointless

    Do not take any advice from someone who says pushups are pointless.
  • XavierNusum
    XavierNusum Posts: 720 Member
    rybo wrote: »
    hilts1969 wrote: »
    Buy some weights and lift more, push ups are pretty pointless

    Do not take any advice from someone who says pushups are pointless.

    Well said.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    hilts1969 wrote: »
    Buy some weights and lift more, push ups are pretty pointless

    Sounds like you can't do any.

  • catt952
    catt952 Posts: 190 Member
    Okay thanks alot guys! i have a stength/ resistance class i want to attend. However, they run all week and i can only attend the classes on tuesday, wednesday and saturday due to school. is it bad to do strength/resistance training two days in a row. should i just do saturday and then choose one other day?
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    catwils1 wrote: »
    Okay thanks alot guys! i have a stength/ resistance class i want to attend. However, they run all week and i can only attend the classes on tuesday, wednesday and saturday due to school. is it bad to do strength/resistance training two days in a row. should i just do saturday and then choose one other day?

    As long as you aren't working the exact same exercises, you should be alright. I would assume the class is total body and not that overly intense. Give it a try and see how it goes.
  • tiffanyaiv
    tiffanyaiv Posts: 107 Member
    Body pump is so good, good luck!!!
  • stephxo1
    stephxo1 Posts: 191 Member
    Here is a link to numerous bodyweight exercises and structured workouts. I started off many years ago doing body pump and it got me on the road to the heavy weights section that I always felt was for men only. Pah! Oh and there's plenty of different push up exercises in here too, go figure! Good luck!
  • greg88rosen
    greg88rosen Posts: 49 Member
    You can easily start building muscle without weights and that said, I agree with everyone above. Push-ups are an essential movement no matter how advanced your workouts become.

    Here are some body weight workouts besides push-ups that you can start with.

    Squats = quads
    - hands close = triceps/ inner chest
    - Hands middle = mid chest less tricep
    - Hands far = shoulders/ chest sculpt outside
    Walking lunges = hamstrings
    Mountain climbers = abdominal/ core
    Planks = core

    Change the pace and the rep scheme for better results due to muscle confusion

    Once you master the form for these I would introduce resistance bands and the light weights you currently have

    Feel free to Ask if you have questions and good luck! :)
  • catt952
    catt952 Posts: 190 Member
    Thanks guys. So i went to the class and basically its like doing lots and lots of reps of different things with the weights. Not quite what i expected but i guess its a start.