Weight watchers ... without the membership

BSN2Be Posts: 23
edited September 26 in Health and Weight Loss
Hey all!

I've been a member for awhile and was super dedicated to weight loss, but with school and work its kind of come to a halt. Well, I found out for a family vacation we are staying on the beach and I'm back in serious mode.

Since I live at school diets are very difficult (with cafeteria food and all that) but a co worker told me that she does weight watchers and she lost 20 pounds for her upcoming wedding, mostly by changing her eating habits.

I plan on incorporating exercise, but sometimes its difficult. So I decided I need to get more strict on my diet. However, I cannot afford a weight watchers membership.

Is it fairly easy to find out how many points I need and what the point values of food are? Or am I going to have to be a member to find this information?


  • lil_pulp
    lil_pulp Posts: 701 Member
    You can probably google a lot of stuff, but without all the information from WW, I don't know how well it will work for you. Even members need their materials or the calculator to figure out points for most things now. Also, if you're following MFP's plan for your weight loss, you should be all set. Good luck!
    P.S. Beware, if you do try to do WW by getting points information online, that "points" values and "points plus" values are NOT the same (different mathematical formulas).
  • Hi I just logged on here is a site you can go to figure your daily points, WW now lets you have an additional 35 points PER week..
    This site is pretty accurate as I used to be a member.


    To Figure your points per food http://www.webmilhouse.com/pointcalc.php

    Hope this helps
  • lil_pulp
    lil_pulp Posts: 701 Member
    Just so you know, the links in Rachael's post are for the old WW system, which is different from the new one. They may still prove helpful to you, but Points Plus are current and Points are now outdated. They're not super different, but because points values of foods have changed, you'll most likely have MORE daily points than the site will give you.
  • I am sending you a personal message. I have done weight watchers in the past.. I lost 115 lbs... (I gained 25 of it back, but now want to finish losing the rest of it)
  • GataGirl76
    GataGirl76 Posts: 2
    If you have an iPhone, you can get the app TrackIt

    I can't remember if it was free or cost .99

    It lets you figure out your daily value (points)/ or value plus allowance
    It also lets you keep track of:
    - the points you consumed throughout the day
    -your weight loss
    -bonus activity values
    and a few other things.

    The biggest difference is that they refer to the points as values.

    Since this past thursday, I've lost 2.4 lbs by following it and I really haven't been exercising... shooting a few baskets, lifting a few dumbells and kettle bells but only 1-2 reps of 10 a day.

    I think I'll take away a point when I go down 1-2 more pounds though.
  • seansquared
    seansquared Posts: 328 Member
    Since I live at school diets are very difficult (with cafeteria food and all that)

    I'm curious here, because I ate just fine while I was in college, and while visiting friends in college, etc. What is difficult?
    I plan on incorporating exercise, but sometimes its difficult.

    There are literally dozens of exercises you can do using only your bodyweight. Push-ups, sit-ups, SQUATS, planks, burpees, jumping-jacks, I could keep going. Wake up, exercise, hit the shower, go to class.
  • BranMuffin21
    BranMuffin21 Posts: 157 Member
    Great tool that WW is but just remember to watch between the old and new system. I go by the new system and its great
  • Fat4Fuel2
    Fat4Fuel2 Posts: 280 Member
    Under the points plus system, the minimum number of points they suggest is 29. I haven't been able to find the equation used to calculated points plus values on line yet, but with it, you can use Xcell to create a calculator and such. I've made a table showing food, calories, and points plus value. Then at the bottom, I make it total it. I just be crafty, but it's super easy. They also sell books on food values and such so it can be a one time fee rather than monthly.

    *** big change = vegetables AND fruit are worth 0 points in the new system
  • hemisam
    hemisam Posts: 3
    I am going to the beach too. but i weigh 1900-200 pounds and in highschool.
  • I started my weight loss journey with WW and lost 28 lbs and got to my original goal weight. Once the plan changed over to Points Plus, it didn't seem to work as well for me. You might be able to find the book and calculator, etc. for cheap on amazon or something. I did it all online so I do not have any of the tools. Online was pretty cheap, maybe check it out and see if it is something you can afford?

    I had bad eating habits previous to WW, I would not watch my portions and I loved sweets, now it's all about portion control and really understanding the nutritional value of foods. Definitely look into it!
  • valz2000
    valz2000 Posts: 78 Member
    I have done WW and it does work... I started gaining weight and switched to MFP when PointsPlus came around... There are free apps on the android market for tracking. I would say however if you already on here you shouldnt need WW
  • tacticalhippie
    tacticalhippie Posts: 596 Member
    I think it's worth it to learn the caloric value of food and portion control.
    Just my opinion though.
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