42 year old mom who works 65-70 hrs a week and has young kids needs support

I'm looking for people who can help me figure out how to prioritize myself when I don't really have the ability to change my work schedule and can't justify reducing time with my 5 and 1 year olds. Probably asking for the impossible, but I thought I'd try to find somebody who can help me come up with ideas that will help me lose the baby weight. On top of those variables, I also already eat relatively well and walk between 8000 and 10000 steps. Other than finding time to go back to exercising as much as I would love to, I can't find any major faults in my life style so I perceive the weight loss will be so slow that's it's even more discouraging to even get started. Any thoughts? Anyone willing to help motivate me along a very slow path toward my daunting goal? I've become that person I despised 15 years ago - a middle-aged, overweight, pathetic mom who complains that she can't lose weight .... Ahhhh!!!!


  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    I do 10,000 steps per day, and I've lost over 25 lbs in the past 3 months.

    Exercising isn't really the important thing. It's calories in < calories out.

    Let MFP give you a calorie limit based on a loss of 0.5 to 1 lb a week, and weigh and log all your food, then watch your weight drop.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Weight loss is mostly about reducing food intake.
    Let the weight loss be slow. It does not matter how fast it is going as long as it is going in the right direction.
  • Lklambert3
    Lklambert3 Posts: 11 Member
    I too work a lot and have 2 small children, however, they are older than yours. My biggest "Aha!" was when I figured out that stress, whether work or home related could really mess me up. I could be getting my steps, logging every bite and at a deficit every day and just totally frustrated by the scale. I learned to take some time for me. For me that means occasionally leaving work a bit early and getting a massage, or this past week, I took a "mental health day" and spent the day at the pool with my oldest and shopping. I know that isn't always feasible, but 15 minutes to drink a cup of coffee by yourself, or read a book can help. I feel better when I take care of me, I am a better employee and a better mama. Good luck girl, its tough trying to do it all. Try to give yourself a break here and there and be kind to yourself. Have realistic expectations.
  • hylianqueen
    hylianqueen Posts: 5 Member
    I have a wonderful little boy and I work full time, and I can say I am a food addict. I do an average of 10k steps a day at work, but the stress activates my sweet tooth and my will power gets destroyed when cookies are near by. I have decided to search for my reset button and I'd love to have more friends on my journey so that we can stick together and keep positive motivation going, feel free to add me :)