advice and motivators welcome

Hi all. I've been logging intake and exercise. I sure could use a motivator for exercising. I'm so disappointed by what the app shows as the calories burned by walking for a seemingly long time. Calories in must be less than calories burned daily on exercise in order to lose weight, right? I feel lile I'm eating healthy. How am I supposed to burn 1200 + calories a day?? I am not a runner; let my just say that.


  • Sweepypie
    Sweepypie Posts: 161 Member
    Hi! I take in 1490 calories a day but my burned calories are between 250-450 a day! I can't do too much exercises as I am disabled but I am losing weight.
  • shook2210
    shook2210 Posts: 13 Member
    That's wonderful! What kind of exercises do you do?
  • BasicGreatGuy
    BasicGreatGuy Posts: 857 Member
    Don't let the numbers get you down. The main thing food diary wise, is to make sure your net calorie number is positive. It doesn't have to equal the number of calories consumed.

    Take things slow and work up to an exercise routine that you are comfortable with.

    As to calories burned stats, they are not written in stone. Depending on the app or site used, they can be way, way off. Sometimes in your favor; sometimes not.
  • MrsR130
    MrsR130 Posts: 66 Member
    edited July 2015
    Oh, gosh, NO you are NOT supposed to burn 1200+ calories a day just to lose weight!! Calories in must be less than calories out based on your TDEE, not what you eat! Remember, you burn calories just by being alive. You could burn 1200+ calories a day, but with only eating 1200 calories, you would not be able to support your body in a healthy way for very long.

    Do yourself a favor and read all of the sticky threads in the Getting Started area.

    For myself, I eat 1200-1400 calories a day, burn 250-500 calories, and will only eat back half of my exercise calories. This is MORE than enough of a deficit for me to lose weight continuously.
  • shook2210
    shook2210 Posts: 13 Member
    Wow, I was not even considering the calories i burn just by living; duh. So i definitely try to meet the 1450 calories that we he app recommends, and do SOME exercise daily or vigorously 3-4 times a week? Does that sound more reasonable? I feel silly.
  • shook2210
    shook2210 Posts: 13 Member
    Basicgreatguy, what do you mean when you say, "make sure my net calorie number is positive"?
  • katscoots
    katscoots Posts: 255 Member
    edited July 2015
    So...basically, this is how it works; a person who is say 150 pounds will burn about 1600 calories just sitting around all day (sedentary lifestyle). So, if they didn't want to lose anything, they would eat that many calories just to maintain. If they want to lose weight, they eat less or burn off what they eat by exercising. Depending on how fast you want to lose weight or what is realistic for you, you can set your calorie intake at anything less than maintenance and you will lose weight. Mine is set at 1200 right now for daily net calories. Net calories are your total calories AFTER you account for what you've burned that day in exercise. If I only burn 200 calories by exercising, then I can eat 1400 calories that day and still lose weight. If you don't eat enough, you will be too tired and or weak to even want to work out. MFP offers a formula in the goals section to assist, but it also benefits a lot of people to talk to their doctor and/or a nutritionist to see what will work best for you. As you start to realize that all those yummy foods we all love are usually super high in calories, you will have to either eat less of them or make healthier choices. Fruits, veggies and lean meats are best to give you energy and you can eat more of them and take in fewer calories and feel satisfied.

    P.S. a person cannot maintain a healthy lifestyle on less than 1200 calories a day and most people can't maintain that long term. It's meant to be temporary while you're losing and it's perfectly ok to go over sometimes - it happens. You just get back on track the next day. Weekends are particular hard for me to fit in exercise, so I count housework or yard work as my exercise those days.
  • MrsR130
    MrsR130 Posts: 66 Member
    shook2210 wrote: »
    Wow, I was not even considering the calories i burn just by living; duh. So i definitely try to meet the 1450 calories that we he app recommends, and do SOME exercise daily or vigorously 3-4 times a week? Does that sound more reasonable? I feel silly.

    Don't feel silly! And that sounds like a good plan. Stick to it for a few weeks and see how the weight loss goes. Remember, you did not gain all of the weight overnight, so don't expect it to come off overnight! That is the hardest part for me - patience.
  • Sweepypie
    Sweepypie Posts: 161 Member
    shook2210 wrote: »
    That's wonderful! What kind of exercises do you do?

    Just every day things like dusting, walking round garden, washing dishes and so on! Every step you take is exercise. So my doctor says!
  • shook2210
    shook2210 Posts: 13 Member
    I guess that's why you hear people say "just move"....Thanks!