Cancer Survivor trying to get fit /noobie here

39 year old male/married 19 years/proud father of 4 sons

Last spring I got a gym membership, started excerisising, and eating "a little better. After a few months I got the hang of it, started making gains and felt better than ever. Then a small lump popped up on my neck and proceeded to grow rapidly. Shortly after I was diagnosed with cancer and had surgery to remove a 6cm tumor from my neck. Needless to say after surgery, radiation, and chemo all progress was lost and towards the end of treatment I was on my death bed in the hospital 50 lbs lighter and barely able to walk 5 feet to the bathroom on my own.
Now I am 6 months out from my last treatment and has been exactly a year since I was diagnosed. My last scan was clear meaning my cancer is in remission.
I started hitting the gym again and was dismayed at how weak I had become. I kept trying, even though it was hard working out and seeing a 75 year old lady out doing me. I grinder it out for a month and then had to take a week off after having my feeding tube removed from my stomach.
I came back this time with a new attitude to start over and make real progress. And although it wasn't easy I did just that completing phase 1 (12 weeks) of regular lifting and cardiio. In that time I doubled my bench press (4 sets of 100×7) and tripled my leg press (4 sets of 210×7) .
So today is Monday of my off week where I am only doing cardio, abdominal, and body weight exercises. I have gained 10 lbs and then lost 5 keeping me at a steady 140. I can see some definition developing along with the gains. But as hard as I try I can't seem to get rid of the belly fat and loose skin around it.
I joined this community in hopes of dialing in my nutrition and trying to eat right instead of just a little better. I have more motivation than ever. If I need help all I have to do is think back 6 months to being in the hospital and fearing death.
Thanks to anyone who takes the time to read this, become a friend or help motivate me.


  • Breena_Bean5
    Breena_Bean5 Posts: 105 Member
    edited July 2015
    Fantastic story! Takes some guts to share!
  • AutumnG660
    AutumnG660 Posts: 14 Member
    Congratulations on how far you have come and your wonderful positive attitude! You will accomplish whatever you set out to do, I have no doubt. Thank you for sharing your very inspiring story. :smile:

    Love and best wishes to you,
  • aamb
    aamb Posts: 377 Member
    congratulations! I too am a cancer survivor, I had breast cancer and had a mastectomy. chemo, and 22 months later I opted for reconstructive surgery. its hard to believe sometimes, that that was way back in 2002. when i think of everything that has happened in my life I so easily could have missed, I am so grateful. I was/still am, a great believer in the Power of Positive Thought. may you continue to make great progress x
  • toadg53
    toadg53 Posts: 302 Member
    My brother had the same thing. Diagnosed Nov 2012. This was a full year after he first noticed the lump in his neck, and the doctor he saw for it said it was nothing. That dr left (thank the Lord !) and he got a new dr; he referred him to an oncologist and he was diagnosed with head/neck cancer. The tumor was wrapped around his carotid artery. After a long surgery, months of chemo and radiation, he is now cancer free. It was a long, hard treatment for him, but he is in better health today than he has been for years. So hang in there, it will get better and you will be cancer free. Keep up the healthy eating, exercise, positive attitude and you too will be a success story. Good luck :)
  • CancerSurvivor2014
    CancerSurvivor2014 Posts: 111 Member
    giving my thread a bump looking for more friends
  • Original_Sinner
    Original_Sinner Posts: 180 Member
    I just wanted to say congratulations on your remission. It's a big battle and you've done some good work.
  • thatgirlkels
    thatgirlkels Posts: 8 Member
    Seeing this makes me so happy! I am a radiation therapist myself so I know the struggles cancer patients have to face but it sounds like you are on the right track! If you need advice at all I'm more than willing to help however I can. God bless and congrats on the amazing progress! I'm sure at times it doesn't feel like it but you've come such a long way!
  • hosijoe
    hosijoe Posts: 15 Member
    Former cancer survivor here (non Hodgkin lymphoma) been in remission 25 years. GREAT #$%$#$ job. You kicked cancers *kitten*, if you can do that you can do anything! Nothing like staring cancer in the face and saying not me! If you need anything let me know.
  • ksredd1
    ksredd1 Posts: 2 Member
    Congratulations! It was great to read your story. Thanks for sharing. I was diagnosed with breast cancer in February of this year, just finished my last chemo on June 24! I'm still having maintenance injections for the next 5 months. I feel great and am motivated to stay strong!. I joined this community to be sure I stay accountable with being active and eating right. Hoping to get some friends in this community. God bless!
  • CancerSurvivor2014
    CancerSurvivor2014 Posts: 111 Member
    Thanks everyone. It has been about a month since I came here to log food. This site has made a huge difference in helping me reach my goals, And surprisingly this community has made a huge impact on me as well. I think my thyroid is declining(Dr says it's inevitable) and even with low energy levels I have been making gains in strength, cardio endurance and weight.
    Thanks to all who have helped me so far.

    Add me. I keep an open food and exercise diary daily. Looking for more friends even if you have different fitness interests or goals.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,907 Member
    Good work happening in your life - congrats!

    I'm a cancer survivor, too - age 59, 15 years past diagnosis of stage III locally advanced breast cancer (bilateral mastectomies, no reconstruction; 6 months chemo; 6 weeks radiation; additional drugs for 7.5 years). For breast cancer, there's good research evidence that regular vigorous exercise reduces risk of recurrence.

    I don't want to be discouraging, but I found that it took a long time, longer than the doctors said, to feel like myself again in terms of strength and (most of my) stamina. I also concluded, from experience, that *fighting* to get back strength/stamina was important. I've seen too many people let their energy be their guide, feel tired, do little, and tend to decline over time. It sounds like you're doing exactly the right things to avoid that decline.

    I'm a newbie here, too - joined about a week ago to continue recent weight loss that was starting to plateau. But I've been pretty active since getting out of cancer treatment, and generally feel pretty darn good.

    Stay the course you're on, do what you're able (by pushing yourself a bit as you are), and I think you'll see encouraging progress. It may be slower than you wish (because we all tend to want things *now*, especially something like "feeling good" ;-) ), but I'm confident you'll get stronger and feel better.

    Best wishes!
  • CancerSurvivor2014
    CancerSurvivor2014 Posts: 111 Member
    Thanks for the reply and kudos to you for your awesome attitude!
  • CancerSurvivor2014
    CancerSurvivor2014 Posts: 111 Member
    Making gains.
    Thanks to all who have friended me.