Is 50lbs in 6 months realistic?

I'm currently 214 lbs and looking to lose 50lbs give or take in a 6 month timeframe. Is this realistic?

I am keeping my calorie intake to a max of 1500 and working out 5 days a week for at least 60 minutes.


  • KateSimpson17
    KateSimpson17 Posts: 282 Member
    That's a little more than 2 lbs a week... so no it's not realistic.
    Secondly, giving yourself a time frame is a BAD idea. If you don't reach your goal by that time how are you going to feel? Most people who approach weight loss this way end up giving up or at least become very frustrated because they realize their timed goals are unattainable. Stay away from time constrained weight goals.
    Instead just focus on doing what you're doing. More calories in than calories out... don't try to lose more than 2 lbs a week. Keep to your calorie goal and be happy with every little victory. Have a goal in mind, but don't say "I need to lose this much by this date." Just work hard and keep consistent and you'll get there in a healthy amount of time.
  • timtakel
    timtakel Posts: 50 Member
    That should be absolutely doable. Calculate what you need to lose per week and check that you do. If you lose less, eat less, if you lose more, take advantage of it, if you feel good.
  • gamesandgains
    gamesandgains Posts: 640 Member
    Realistic? Depends on the person and the commitment from said person. Doable? Oh yeah.
  • ercarroll311
    ercarroll311 Posts: 295 Member
    kateyb94 wrote: »
    That's a little more than 2 lbs a week... so no it's not realistic.
    Secondly, giving yourself a time frame is a BAD idea. If you don't reach your goal by that time how are you going to feel? Most people who approach weight loss this way end up giving up or at least become very frustrated because they realize their timed goals are unattainable. Stay away from time constrained weight goals.
    Instead just focus on doing what you're doing. More calories in than calories out... don't try to lose more than 2 lbs a week. Keep to your calorie goal and be happy with every little victory. Have a goal in mind, but don't say "I need to lose this much by this date." Just work hard and keep consistent and you'll get there in a healthy amount of time.

    This. It might be doable, though it's a stretch. But you need to make a lifestyle change, and the things you would need to do in order to lose that much in that short period of time would be challenging to maintain. I had 20 pounds to lose when I started on here (for the third time), but this time I'm taking it much more slowly. I've lost 15 pounds in 2 months through making changes I can stick to forever. I would love to be at my goal by my friend's wedding in October, but I've learned from the times that I gained the weight back to not make things too hard on myself.

    Best of luck!! Whether you lose 50 pounds in 6 months or 25-30, you'll start feeling so much better about yourself!

  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    You will have initial water loss (usually about 3-7 pounds). After that, with 50 pounds to lose, 2 pounds a week for the first couple of months would be okay, but after that, the rate should slow down. Why set a time limit on it? Why not just see where you end up?
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    So here's the thing. It's totally within the realm of possibility to lose 50 lbs in 6 months, but you won't lose 50 lbs of FAT in 6 months. A third of it will probably be muscle and other tissue.
  • vivelajackie
    vivelajackie Posts: 321 Member
    It's doable, but like others have said, you really want to focus on creating a change in lifestyle that's enduring so you aren't finding yourself in the same situation another 6 months down the line once you hit maintenance. Different people lose at different paces, depending on where they start and how they do it. There's a lot of variables. Just focus on eating well and you're going to feel better no matter the number on the scale.
  • fitchlets
    fitchlets Posts: 58 Member
    I think so! I've lost 75 pounds in 6 plus months.
  • gamesandgains
    gamesandgains Posts: 640 Member
    WBB55 wrote: »
    So here's the thing. It's totally within the realm of possibility to lose 50 lbs in 6 months, but you won't lose 50 lbs of FAT in 6 months. A third of it will probably be muscle and other tissue.

    I agree with this. Good post.
  • strong_curves
    strong_curves Posts: 2,229 Member
    Maybe but I doubt it, it would require a massive amount of discipline and consistency.
  • MeaganPorter1
    MeaganPorter1 Posts: 5 Member
    Thank you everyone :) I will set up mini goals instead and reach my goal when I get there. I'm in no big rush to lose it all (though it'd be nice)!
  • Keith3481
    Keith3481 Posts: 91 Member
    More important than a timeframe is starting! MFP is a great way to lose weight and if you stick to the settings, you'll do it safely and in a way that will help you maintain good habits the rest of your life.

    When I started MFP, I had about the same number of pounds to lose and I set my weight loss at 1.5 lb/week. I found that as I lost weight, my total daily calorie burn just from living as well as exercise dropped and I wasn't able to maintain that same rate of weight loss. Right now I'm losing about 1 lb a week, with about 10-15 lbs to go.

    Don't let a timeline discourage you, go ahead and jump in. You'll thank yourself in six months, even if you haven't reached the end yet.
  • daniwilford
    daniwilford Posts: 1,030 Member
    I have lost 40 pounds in 4 1/2 months, so I hope it is possible to lose another 10 in the next six weeks. If I do not, I will still be healthier than I was when I started. I have been very diligent. I have never taken a cheat day, and I have been as accurate as possible in logging. I lost an average of 2 lbs a week consistently. Now that I am under 200, I know that my rate will likely slow.
  • Bshmerlie
    Bshmerlie Posts: 1,026 Member
    I think more realistically you'll probably loose about 40-45 pounds. Which is pretty close to your why not shoot for it. I'm currently at 216 and I'm figuring about 36 pounds in that same time frame. But since you've just started out you're gonna be able to loose some easy water weight at the beginning so I'm guessing about 40 pounds or so. As soon as we start getting below 200 its gonna come off slower. Below 200 I was figuring about 6 pounds a month and then about 5 pounds a month around the 180 mark. It starts getting real difficult because you can't have as large of deficits as you lose the weight.
  • dawnsnarks
    dawnsnarks Posts: 101 Member
    Sure is, I did it with a starting calorie goal of 1660ish for 1 lb a week. Of course, I tried to leave 500 on the table every day but realistically was more like 300. I ate back about half to 3/4 of my exercise calories. Went from 180 at the end of September to 130 by mid-April of this year so 6.5 months. And that included Thanksgiving and Christmas! January was a bit...rough. Set your goals and stick to them. You got this.
  • angel823
    angel823 Posts: 190 Member
    Doable! i did it too. lost 40 in the first three months. the last 10 where alittle harder
  • Patttience
    Patttience Posts: 975 Member
    I'm currently 214 lbs and looking to lose 50lbs give or take in a 6 month timeframe. Is this realistic?

    I am keeping my calorie intake to a max of 1500 and working out 5 days a week for at least 60 minutes.

    Yes its achievable but i don't think you are going about it in a very smart way. I think you are setting yourself up to fail. On this regime, you may find the first three months reasonably easy. But i would find it hard getting that far on so few calories. If you get that, you will definitely fall down in the second three months. Your body simply needs more calories to be healthy.

  • Patttience
    Patttience Posts: 975 Member
    kateyb94 wrote: »
    That's a little more than 2 lbs a week... so no it's not realistic.
    Secondly, giving yourself a time frame is a BAD idea. If you don't reach your goal by that time how are you going to feel? Most people who approach weight loss this way end up giving up or at least become very frustrated because they realize their timed goals are unattainable. Stay away from time constrained weight goals.
    Instead just focus on doing what you're doing. More calories in than calories out... don't try to lose more than 2 lbs a week. Keep to your calorie goal and be happy with every little victory. Have a goal in mind, but don't say "I need to lose this much by this date." Just work hard and keep consistent and you'll get there in a healthy amount of time.

    This. It might be doable, though it's a stretch. But you need to make a lifestyle change, and the things you would need to do in order to lose that much in that short period of time would be challenging to maintain. I had 20 pounds to lose when I started on here (for the third time), but this time I'm taking it much more slowly. I've lost 15 pounds in 2 months through making changes I can stick to forever. I would love to be at my goal by my friend's wedding in October, but I've learned from the times that I gained the weight back to not make things too hard on myself.

    Best of luck!! Whether you lose 50 pounds in 6 months or 25-30, you'll start feeling so much better about yourself!

    This is exactly what i'm talking about. Listen to this woman.

  • mgoddard1527
    mgoddard1527 Posts: 20 Member
    I'm currently 214 lbs and looking to lose 50lbs give or take in a 6 month timeframe. Is this realistic?

    I am keeping my calorie intake to a max of 1500 and working out 5 days a week for at least 60 minutes.
    kateyb94 wrote: »
    That's a little more than 2 lbs a week... so no it's not realistic.
    Secondly, giving yourself a time frame is a BAD idea. If you don't reach your goal by that time how are you going to feel? Most people who approach weight loss this way end up giving up or at least become very frustrated because they realize their timed goals are unattainable. Stay away from time constrained weight goals.
    Instead just focus on doing what you're doing. More calories in than calories out... don't try to lose more than 2 lbs a week. Keep to your calorie goal and be happy with every little victory. Have a goal in mind, but don't say "I need to lose this much by this date." Just work hard and keep consistent and you'll get there in a healthy amount of time.
    Patttience wrote: »
    kateyb94 wrote: »
    That's a little more than 2 lbs a week... so no it's not realistic.
    Secondly, giving yourself a time frame is a BAD idea. If you don't reach your goal by that time how are you going to feel? Most people who approach weight loss this way end up giving up or at least become very frustrated because they realize their timed goals are unattainable. Stay away from time constrained weight goals.
    Instead just focus on doing what you're doing. More calories in than calories out... don't try to lose more than 2 lbs a week. Keep to your calorie goal and be happy with every little victory. Have a goal in mind, but don't say "I need to lose this much by this date." Just work hard and keep consistent and you'll get there in a healthy amount of time.

    This. It might be doable, though it's a stretch. But you need to make a lifestyle change, and the things you would need to do in order to lose that much in that short period of time would be challenging to maintain. I had 20 pounds to lose when I started on here (for the third time), but this time I'm taking it much more slowly. I've lost 15 pounds in 2 months through making changes I can stick to forever. I would love to be at my goal by my friend's wedding in October, but I've learned from the times that I gained the weight back to not make things too hard on myself.

    Best of luck!! Whether you lose 50 pounds in 6 months or 25-30, you'll start feeling so much better about yourself!

    This is exactly what i'm talking about. Listen to this woman.
    kateyb94 wrote: »
    That's a little more than 2 lbs a week... so no it's not realistic.
    Secondly, giving yourself a time frame is a BAD idea. If you don't reach your goal by that time how are you going to feel? Most people who approach weight loss this way end up giving up or at least become very frustrated because they realize their timed goals are unattainable. Stay away from time constrained weight goals.
    Instead just focus on doing what you're doing. More calories in than calories out... don't try to lose more than 2 lbs a week. Keep to your calorie goal and be happy with every little victory. Have a goal in mind, but don't say "I need to lose this much by this date." Just work hard and keep consistent and you'll get there in a healthy amount of time.

    Not sure what math is being used in this post but 6 months is 26 weeks. 26x2 is 52. So no, it's not over 2lbs a week. It would be tough but probably doable. Shoot for it and you will probably get pretty close to it. If not, you'll still be much closer to your goal than when you started.
  • barryplumber
    barryplumber Posts: 401 Member
    I'm currently 214 lbs and looking to lose 50lbs give or take in a 6 month timeframe. Is this realistic?

    I am keeping my calorie intake to a max of 1500 and working out 5 days a week for at least 60 minutes.
    kateyb94 wrote: »
    That's a little more than 2 lbs a week... so no it's not realistic.
    Secondly, giving yourself a time frame is a BAD idea. If you don't reach your goal by that time how are you going to feel? Most people who approach weight loss this way end up giving up or at least become very frustrated because they realize their timed goals are unattainable. Stay away from time constrained weight goals.
    Instead just focus on doing what you're doing. More calories in than calories out... don't try to lose more than 2 lbs a week. Keep to your calorie goal and be happy with every little victory. Have a goal in mind, but don't say "I need to lose this much by this date." Just work hard and keep consistent and you'll get there in a healthy amount of time.
    Patttience wrote: »
    kateyb94 wrote: »
    That's a little more than 2 lbs a week... so no it's not realistic.
    Secondly, giving yourself a time frame is a BAD idea. If you don't reach your goal by that time how are you going to feel? Most people who approach weight loss this way end up giving up or at least become very frustrated because they realize their timed goals are unattainable. Stay away from time constrained weight goals.
    Instead just focus on doing what you're doing. More calories in than calories out... don't try to lose more than 2 lbs a week. Keep to your calorie goal and be happy with every little victory. Have a goal in mind, but don't say "I need to lose this much by this date." Just work hard and keep consistent and you'll get there in a healthy amount of time.

    This. It might be doable, though it's a stretch. But you need to make a lifestyle change, and the things you would need to do in order to lose that much in that short period of time would be challenging to maintain. I had 20 pounds to lose when I started on here (for the third time), but this time I'm taking it much more slowly. I've lost 15 pounds in 2 months through making changes I can stick to forever. I would love to be at my goal by my friend's wedding in October, but I've learned from the times that I gained the weight back to not make things too hard on myself.

    Best of luck!! Whether you lose 50 pounds in 6 months or 25-30, you'll start feeling so much better about yourself!

    This is exactly what i'm talking about. Listen to this woman.
    kateyb94 wrote: »
    That's a little more than 2 lbs a week... so no it's not realistic.
    Secondly, giving yourself a time frame is a BAD idea. If you don't reach your goal by that time how are you going to feel? Most people who approach weight loss this way end up giving up or at least become very frustrated because they realize their timed goals are unattainable. Stay away from time constrained weight goals.
    Instead just focus on doing what you're doing. More calories in than calories out... don't try to lose more than 2 lbs a week. Keep to your calorie goal and be happy with every little victory. Have a goal in mind, but don't say "I need to lose this much by this date." Just work hard and keep consistent and you'll get there in a healthy amount of time.

    Not sure what math is being used in this post but 6 months is 26 weeks. 26x2 is 52. So no, it's not over 2lbs a week. It would be tough but probably doable. Shoot for it and you will probably get pretty close to it. If not, you'll still be much closer to your goal than when you started.

    I agree I've lost 27 lbs in 100 days and i run 4 + miles a day and work out strength training 4:1 days