What was your 'I finally need to lose this weight' moment? (And was it as bad as mine?)



  • SparklySarah412
    SparklySarah412 Posts: 74 Member
    Somebody asked me when my baby was due. There was no baby.
  • baldielove13
    baldielove13 Posts: 219 Member
    My most recent Aha moment was when I was looking at my honeymoon pictures. I was mortified at how I looked. I didn't think I was as big as I actually was. My clothes were also getting too small, and I couldn't afford to buy new ones at the time. So I said, "it's either lose weight or continue looking terrible in my clothes". There are other moments, but those are two.
  • mousie1973
    mousie1973 Posts: 438 Member
    for me it was when this winter i bought a wheelchair because with my fibro it had gotten so bad that I couldn't walk on some days... I would lose feeling in my legs... I know that the weight loss won't fix my fibro (because it is a nerve issue not weight related) but it will help and I also hate being the "Fat friend" and seeing myself in pics... I haven't taken a picture with my kids in over a year and I am sad about that... it is due to how i looked in the last pic i have of me and my kids. i also hate being not able to fit into some nice clothes that I have that used to fit... sigh...
  • boogiewookie
    boogiewookie Posts: 206 Member
    I was so used to just being comfy in my hubby's shirts and pajama pants but one day I wanted to put on lady clothes and feel pretty. my moment was when I was crying on the bedroom floor on a pile of clothes that I looked horrible in and I realized that I had done this to myself. I was miserable every day, I didn't like to leave the house, I cried all the time becase I was so ashamed of my own body, I never had any energy to have fun with my kids, and I did this to MYSELF! I thought I need to change this NOW. not on Monday, not tomorrow....now. I'm down 23lbs. I still have a way to go but this is the beginning of my journey and I'm already so much happier :-)
  • muffin1848
    muffin1848 Posts: 20 Member
    Mid-life crisis. I'm 44 a widow and diabetic. Need to change my life.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    A bad photo.
  • acmiranda7
    acmiranda7 Posts: 26 Member
    My doctor said if in 2 months my sugar stays high I am going to be diabetic type 2. Scared me to death. Read Cardiologist Dr. William Davis "The wheat belly" following the program, and I have lowered my sugar to norm levels, and lost 13 lbs in a month in a half. Food is not worth your life! I cannot even think about going back to eating the fast foods I once ate on a daily basis, I literally get nauseous in grocery stores near most isles. I only eat organic and grain free and sugar free, My bloated stomach is wayyyyy down nd people are noticing ;)
  • mozisagod
    mozisagod Posts: 2 Member

    I wasn't that big to begin with, husky yes, but big woman??? It's nice when we go in for breakfast on Saturday mornings, my @ss is getting tighter and his belly stays the same. [/quote]

    Good for you! I don't think I would want to go back in to his diner after that!
  • sldenis86
    sldenis86 Posts: 6 Member
    For me its the clothes. Not being able to wear the clothes i want is jacking my style. Plus i had gone through my old clothes i have packed away in the basement and realizing how great it would be to wear them again.
  • mozisagod
    mozisagod Posts: 2 Member
    I thought I was 11 stone (154 pounds). I am 5ft 6 and even knowing that 11 stone was heavy I didn't think it was *that* bad. It was the beginning of the year I was starting a new job and just generally wanted to be healthier. But my real aha moment came when I actually stepped on the scales 11 stone 11! I was mortified. I knew I was fat but seeing it on the scales gave me the motivation I needed.

    I've lost about a stone so far and would ideally like to lose one more. Feeling a lot better about myself and my eating habits now.
  • littletdogg
    littletdogg Posts: 7 Member
    My moment happened a couple times actually since I started and stopped a few times but the last one that really kicked me into high gear was when I was diagnosed with MS last year. The doctor told me that my best chances to avoid having as many side affects and possible complete disability later in life was to lose weight. I knew right then I needed to be as healthy as possible for my kids because I didn't want them to see me in a wheelchair or have to take care of me. (There is still a chance that could happen since they don't know what a persons body will do but I didn't want my weight to add to it or be the reason) so I fully committed for the first time in my life and did it! I have lost 105 pounds and feel amazing!
  • melissaovadare
    melissaovadare Posts: 191 Member
    Well, a few "Aha" moments that have been slowly burrowing in my brain over the years:
    1. My sister in law told me "Maybe you are just not meant to be a skinny person"
    2. 10 years ago the first comment from new people that met me was, "Wow, your wife is hot/beautiful/pretty", to "Wow, your wife is so nice"
    3. My son saying, "Mommy, why don't you ever swim/go to the park/play sports with us? You can wear something the covers your bad parts". My little angel, he just wants me to be present, he loves me no matter what....
    4. My son, again, asking me "Are my thighs fat? They jiggle a little". OH HELL NO...I will not let my 7 year old have a bad self image of himself, only being taught this from his mother hating herself and verbalizing it. *My bad mother moment as well
    5. Last Straw: I am a CMA and surgical assistant in dermatology. In surgery, a patient had an arterial spray (sorry for the weak stomach folks lol) and blood sprayed all over my green scrub top. Well, this was the first surgery of the day, and you can be around patients looking like a horror movie. No extra scrubs in my locker. The only option was to wear a surgical coat that is disposable. My doc, bless her heart is a size 6. I am an 18. I sat in the bathroom trying to "stretch out" this coat, and I couldnt button it, the arms were so tight, and I was sweating down my back. I had to wear this for SEVEN HOURS. I called my husband after work and just bawled. Never been so embarrased.
  • SimplyMicheleR
    SimplyMicheleR Posts: 89 Member
    I am sick and tired of being sick and tired. Not really a moment, but a refusal to keep buying bigger clothes. Also, diabetes and heart problems run in my family. I also have Sjorens Disease and want to do everything that I can to stay relatively healthy for as long as I can.
  • spearmintskies
    spearmintskies Posts: 31 Member
    I've had a lot of little moments.
    -I weigh about 27 pounds more than I did 3 years ago, before I got pregnant. I still have the majority of my clothing and only shop for "new" (Value village, anyone?) clothes maybe twice a year. I haven't bought a bikini in five years. --Not fitting into some of my favorite articles of clothing is a moment.
    -Also, not feeling confident/worthy of getting new clothes is a trigger moment.
    -My sister being naturally very lean, and knowing I used to be able to fit into her clothes.
    -An ex(my baby's father), telling me I was "regressing" a year after I had my son, because I wasn't down to prepregnancy weight (still am not there)
    -The daily feeling of being uncomfortable, knowing I have less physical ability than I did before and knowing I can get back to it, but haven't.
    -One of my regulars at work the other day called me "thick" in comparison to his "slim, like really skinny" wife.
    -Bad photos, always

    those are the ones I can think of at the moment.
  • sherbear702
    sherbear702 Posts: 649 Member
    I didn't have a "moment" per say, it took me almost a year to get my head on straight and finally do it. It took months of the mantras " I don't want to buy the next size up in clothes. I want to look go for my husband. I don't want to be a fat mom" before I was like, yep. It's time. Here I am 8 months later and almost 30 pounds down. I have another 20 to go before I start maintenance.
  • chrisfwood
    chrisfwood Posts: 37 Member
    My current diet is driven by being diagnosed with NAFLD, my BMI is the top end of normal so my goal is not exactly a large weight loss under 10Kg but to lean up.
  • JessikahRae
    JessikahRae Posts: 1 Member
    My 'moment' came in two parts. About 2 years ago I went with my brothers fiancé, now my sister-in-law, wedding dress shopping. I sat in a little chair right in front of this huge set of mirrors for an hour and a half staring at myself in misery. About a week later I was in the car with my dad, a man of few words that usually keeps his thoughts to himself. He calmly mentioned that he thought I should start going for a walk every day because he had noticed I had started putting on a bit of extra weight. I knew on that moment that if he had thought it important enough to mention, I need to get serious about losing some weight! Those two moments felt pretty terrible at the time, but I am so thankful to my sister in law for taking me wedding dress shopping and my dad for speaking up at that moment because over the last two years I have lost 40 pounds and I am excited to get back on track to lose another 40!

    Start weight was 240ibs, current weight is 204ibs and my goal weight is 160ibs! (5 foot 8)
  • jsdholland
    jsdholland Posts: 77 Member
    Mostly pictures and health reasons. Socially I don't feel fat or out of place (most of the time) but my knees are not happy with all the extra weight. Plus shopping sucks now. I am tired of being "the fat sister" in the family.

    You sound just like me. These are the things I struggle with.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
  • IronBatMaiden
    IronBatMaiden Posts: 377 Member
    Mine is probably a lot smaller than most people, but after my 2 1/2 year relationship ended back in April, I stepped on the scale and I saw I had gained 12 lbs. I knew I kept gaining weight over that time, but I knew in my head that if I continued the way I was going, that I was just gonna keep gaining more. I didn't want that to happen, so that's when I signed up for this site so I could lose those 12 lbs. I also wanted to set a goal. Go get in shape by the time I'm 25. I just turned 24 two weeks ago and I've been working on it.