What Was The Turning Point For You?



  • zaidasky
    zaidasky Posts: 20
    my turning point was when i get on the scale and seen 376 i wanted to cry cause i let myself get so big i didn't do much about it but about 2 weeks ago i got back on and i weighed 356 and i knew that if i could lose almost 20 lbs with out really trying that if i tried hard enough that i could lose so much more
  • hazelnutflav
    hazelnutflav Posts: 391 Member
    stepping on the scale and seeing 299, OH HELL NO!!!!! I GOTS TO TURN THIS ***** AROUND.
  • sunshine__angel
    sunshine__angel Posts: 366 Member
    Thanks so much for everyone's responses. I see a lot of different reasons, mostly everyone wanting to be better for themselves and their families. These are very inspirational (some funny, too!) and I really do thank you all for responding! :)
  • lilac01
    lilac01 Posts: 180 Member
    When I couldn't fit into my jeans.
  • sassyfit04
    sassyfit04 Posts: 9
    My turning point took quite a while and a lot of baby steps to achieve. I was in an emotionally and physically abusive marriage for ten years. I had absolutely no desire to look good (why bother?? the last thing I wanted was any "attention" from my ex) and I wasn't capable of feeling good about myself with all the negativity surrounding me. I finally got up the nerve to sneak out of the house in the middle of the night with my two kids about a year and a half ago. I spent the last year trying to get my life back together.

    I guess a few months ago I decided I was ready to stop letting my fear control me and I want to start a new life. I was 130 lbs when I met my ex and went up to 200. I want to get back that confident feeling I had. I want to look good and feel good about my life. No more shame for me!!! So that is what I am trying to do.
  • KayakAngel
    KayakAngel Posts: 397 Member
    My turning point was about a year ago when I started thinking about what my life will be like when my oldest son and eventually youngest son leave the house. My oldest will be a senior in high school this fall. I realized that I need to get it together, to have a plan for my life with no kids at home. I definitely didn't want to be the mom that clings to a child ready to be an adult, that holds them back. I want my kids to be excited about going to college and starting their lives on their own, not worried about mom. I bought a kayak, took lessons, and that hobby has taken on a life of its own. I lost 8 pounds last summer only because of increased activity and made lots of new friends. This year, kayaking started in March, and by logging food and exercise on MFP, I'm pushing my weight loss and increasing my activity levels. I want to be prepared to live healthy and happy for ME and to support my kids in their own lives and their own adventures.
  • BenKnowsFitness
    BenKnowsFitness Posts: 451 Member
    Forgive the dissertation…

    I’ve seen 160lbs 3 times. On my last assent to fatness (made it to 265) I quit exercising when I went back to school as a working adult. Every second I was not at work (and during lunch at work) I was in the books. School has been over for a while now and I am making excellent progress towards a lighter healthier me. So what happened, how the heck did I go so high? Before, I never paid attention to the diet, I did not have to, I was running 30 miles (minimum) a week and taking 3 tae bo classes a week and lifting weights 4 times a week and maybe a few other things. I remember eating whatever the heck I wanted. I wish I would have eaten sensibly after giving up the exercise but for some reason I didn’t. Now I am eating under 2000 cals a day and exercising on a more reasonable schedule (7 miles a week run and 6 miles a week walk, takes 3.5 hours total). It is working.
  • dnthaveasn
    dnthaveasn Posts: 113
    Mine was when I couldn't get my seatbelt on. No matter how much I sucked in my stomach, that seatbelt was not coming on.
  • Unpacking my summer clothes and trying them on. Being strangled by every pair of bottoms I owned! I have let myself slide since finishing university, so it's time to be more conscious. And I don't want to have to re-purchase my summer- or winter!- wardrobe.
  • kayleeblue
    kayleeblue Posts: 273
    Mine was my 18 year old son saying "Mom, I Love You, you have to do something now, I want my kids to have a grandma!" Tear jerker..17 weeks 17 pounds..I figure if I can lose a pound a week by the time he is done with college and gets married...I should be one healthy grandma! He just better wait til he's done with college!
  • ChloMonster
    ChloMonster Posts: 19 Member
    For me it started with quitting smoking. I had asthma, was more than 100 lbs overweight/morbidly obese, stressed out to the max, fatal family history hanging over my head. For Valentine's Day 2009 I decided I would love myself enough to take care of myself and quit smoking. It was the best decision I ever made and started my being aware of the state of my health in general. In 2010 I joined WW and learned so much about diet and what I was putting into my body. I lost 62 lbs and 43 inches. The first 4 months of 2012 I sat back, maintained, and finally got my motivation back at the end of April. I will be 40 on June 8th, and hope to spend the year learning to be active and reaching my goal weight. My asthma is all but gone now, my stress level has really improved with exercise, and my blood work looks great!
  • jhamlin6668
    jhamlin6668 Posts: 23 Member
    February 21, 2001, 330 lbs - Gastric Bypass Surgery
    February 2002 - 175 lbs - felt like crap
    May 2010 - weight 294 - doctor wanted to put on me on blood pressure medication. I had always prided myself (falsely) that well, I may be fat, but at least I don't have any "fat people" diseases - high bp, diabetic, etc... Well, that false pride has been my kick in the butt. I refuse to go on bp meds (it is only about 15 pts over normal, so it's not like I'm going to drop dead in a month. I just don't want to be on meds for something I can fix myself)) so I have made drastic changes. I don't feel deprived (yet), I've been doing it for a month and have lost 14 lbs. My skin looks better, I am even taking better care of my home, body, and clothes.
  • nrvo
    nrvo Posts: 473 Member
    I have a lot of knee problems and have had surgery on one of em.....didn't really help much though. My doc said that losing 1lb of weight alleviates 5lb of stress on my knee, so I am trying to get to the point where I can walk around comfortably.

    Plus my work clothes were getting super duper tight, and it's cheaper to lose weight than to buy all new clothes :)
  • NA_Willie
    NA_Willie Posts: 340 Member
    When I thought I was just a normal fat guy (5'5" 250) and found out a few months ago my Dad had high blood pressure so I made an appointment with a doctor and mine was 180/100. Ive dropped about 40 lbs since then (3 months) and am trying to get to 180. For any concerned parties the blood pressure is fine now.
  • I'm a big fan of Hervé Léger dresses, but the weight I've gained in the past 3 years has made it impossible for me to feel comfortable wearing one. Now when I wear one of those form-fitting dresses, I see a body that doesn't feel like it belongs to me. At one point, I even told my boyfriend that I wanted to get liposuction. In fact, I looked up the best plastic surgeons in my area for a consultation! That was it for me. I'm still very young and I never, ever even entertained the idea of plastic surgery, and now I want to get procedures done on all parts of my body?! I needed to regain control of how I looked, so hopefully in a few months, I can fit into those Hervé Légers again.
  • chezmama
    chezmama Posts: 396 Member
    Looking at pictures of myself from a side view and I don't have a neck. I hate my double chin...and when I got too fat to even wear some of my necklaces, I thought "This is crazy! It has to change!" I was working on it a few weeks before I found MFP, but joining MFP is when things really clicked for me.
  • chezmama
    chezmama Posts: 396 Member
    Looking at pictures of myself from a side view and I don't have a neck. I hate my double chin...and when I got too fat to even wear some of my necklaces, I thought "This is crazy! It has to change!" I was working on it a few weeks before I found MFP, but joining MFP is when things really clicked for me.
  • Midori_i
    Midori_i Posts: 91 Member
    I'd been unhappy with my bad physical shape for years, hated always doing worse than everybody else in gym class back in school. Hated looking at myself in changing room mirrors. Never wanted my photo taken. But the turning point for me was three months after I found out that I was going to move to California and three months before I actually moved there. I met a guy from there, really liked him, and knew that in three months time I'd see him again there.
    I decided to be a slimmer me by the time I'd start my new life there and when I'd see him again - and I was.

    He and I didn't make it in the end, but I continued to watch what I eat and to exercise just for me, and I've kept exercising and eating healthy for the past three years. I gradually started to eat too much again, and didn't have much of a motivation to stay skinny in cold, rainy England, but now I'm on here to get my California weight back.
  • SweetLe
    SweetLe Posts: 157 Member
    As embarrassing as it is….It was last summer, I was at my local amusement park with my daughter. She wanted me to go on the slide with her…heres a picture of it (http://www.knoebelsfun.com/pics/skyslide.html). Well I agreed, as I got to the top I realized how narrow it is but tried anyway. Well as you can guess…I got stuck. Not only was it a disappointment to my daughter, my family was there to see me struggle to make it all the way down. As silly as it may sound, that ride haunts me and I never EVER want to be in that situation again.
  • Mrsshellers
    Mrsshellers Posts: 157 Member
    When I stepped on the scales and realised that in under 10 months I had piled on a stone in weight (14lbs) - and I have gone up a dress size. I got engaged at Christmas and want to make sure I lose this weight and keep it off for my wedding next year
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