Had an off weekend and having trouble getting back on

After a weekend away with friends that involved a lot of fun activities, meals and drinks I gave myself a pass and went way over calories without guilt. It's been rough getting back on track so far this week. My will power is down and I need to get back on track. Was doing well yesterday until the end of the day. It's now Wednesday and I woke up guilty about the past few days derailing the success I've had the past three months.


  • jaqcan
    jaqcan Posts: 498 Member
    Just Do It!
    You didn't undo anything in 1 weekend, so stop feeling guilty. Do you have your next few days meals planned out? Having a meal plan always helps me. I recently got back from a 6 week road trip (gained and ate and gained) but first day back I wrote down a weekly menu and stocked up on everything I needed for success! Plan out what you're going to eat, and I think you'll stick to your goals a little easier!
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    It helps me to know that IF I get back on track now, I can have more of those fun crazy over the top weekends in the future WITHOUT being fat. But only if I get back on track.
  • jhall260
    jhall260 Posts: 111 Member
    Don't stress it. We all need to have some fun every now and then. I myself went camping this weekend. It included many pina colidas and lots and lots of bacon. Like the previous poster said it helps me to plan out my meals as well. One weekend wont derail your successes, but staying off track will.
  • 970Mikaela1
    970Mikaela1 Posts: 2,013 Member
    It helps me to know that IF I get back on track now, I can have more of those fun crazy over the top weekends in the future WITHOUT being fat. But only if I get back on track.

    One or two days ok. People always ask how I can I eat a family sized pizza and stay the same. I tell them it's the 85% of time they don't see me eat.
  • strangeling06
    strangeling06 Posts: 25 Member
    After a weekend away with friends that involved a lot of fun activities, meals and drinks I gave myself a pass and went way over calories without guilt. It's been rough getting back on track so far this week. My will power is down and I need to get back on track. Was doing well yesterday until the end of the day. It's now Wednesday and I woke up guilty about the past few days derailing the success I've had the past three months.

    I, personally, don't feel that a few days will ruin months of work. However, I have also had a rough time getting back on track from the weekend. I know it can be difficult to get back into the mindset, but you will. Try to focus on your reasons why you started in the first place and remind yourself what you are working for and get back to it. :smile:

    You're going do great!
  • blueriotgirl
    blueriotgirl Posts: 151 Member
    Having fun once in a while is ok..going off track ok our lives are very busy and sometimes you have to let go. I have been off this past month as well between ushering my son to swim practice and meets not being able to cook a decent meal very often and it being bbq season i stopped beating myself up. When you have time make time to get back on track.
  • Hulbert0089
    Hulbert0089 Posts: 97 Member
    Went out for a 6 mile brisk walk to burn some calories. Felt great and appreciate the positive vibes, I needed that. I'm embarrassed to say how much higher the scale read Sunday night two days after my weekly Friday entry.