How often do you weigh yourself?



  • RAinWA
    RAinWA Posts: 1,980 Member
    Every morning. I had planned to switch to weekly since I've been in maintenance for a while and am trying to relax a bit but I am under strict doctor's orders to not exercise beyond moderate walking and also not gain weight pending surgery. So I figure it's better to keep a really close eye on my weight for the moment, although I still plan to switch to weekly once I have the medical issues resolved.
  • joeyzuraski
    joeyzuraski Posts: 47 Member
    Daily to check the fat percentage and weight loss. Just a quick step on the scale and record the numbers.
  • sakurablush
    sakurablush Posts: 104 Member
    I was weighing myself every month as I have a bit of a phobia about my weight (I can't believe I got so big >.> I was so skinny in my teens and twenties). Now I'm getting a bit less obsessive over my size I'm considering weighing in every weekend to see how I'm getting on.
  • hallen17
    hallen17 Posts: 9 Member
    Once a week on a Sunday to give myself a boost or pep talk for the week ahead.
  • Keith3481
    Keith3481 Posts: 91 Member
    Every morning. It gets my day started off thinking about my weight goals. I track the seven day moving average and see how I've progressed over the last 30 days.
  • Sommerrae82
    Sommerrae82 Posts: 4 Member
    I do once every two weeks because usually. I tend to get discouraged easily so I try to just focus on my work out routine and eating healthy and not focusing too much on my actual weight. If I feel like I'm light one day I'll hop on and check it out.
  • brandyosu
    brandyosu Posts: 257 Member
    Every morning. It's just my routine. I weighed daily even when I wasn't tracking...of course the scale was moving in an unpleasant direction, but I still weighed.
  • RLeighP
    RLeighP Posts: 232 Member
    Every morning, naked and after peeing. It keeps me focused, and I like seeing what yesterday's choices come up as today. I retain water like a sponge, so I can tell if I'm getting enough water by how the scale is the next day. I usually am down a few days, back up a lb or so, then back down a few more lbs, so as long as the trend is downwards I don't fret.
  • ReeseG4350
    ReeseG4350 Posts: 146 Member
    Once a month! Body weight fluctuates so much, even on a daily basis. Once a month to weigh and measure gives a better "snapshot" of progress than obsessively weighing every time you go near a scales. BTW, I also have counter weight triple beam scales in my home gym which tends to be more accurate than spring-loaded or even digital scales.

    And, yes, I walk past them a couple of times a day. And some days it about kills me. I want to just step off the hamster wheel... er, treadmill or spring off the weight bench and jump right on to the scales. But I know if I'm down a pound or two I would be elated but, conversely, if I was up, I would be in a bad mood all day. So, ADHD creature that I am, I stick to the first Saturday of every month.
  • lauraesh0384
    lauraesh0384 Posts: 463 Member
    Every morning. I don't get obsessive nor do I freak out if there is a fluctuation, though I don't see much in regard to fluctuations. If I do then it's no more than 1/2 a pound.
  • Yoshirio
    Yoshirio Posts: 242 Member
    Every morning...and every time I go to the bathroom lol. I just like to see the fluctuations,they don't bother me. I'm a bit geeky and like seeing data.
  • pteryndactyl
    pteryndactyl Posts: 303 Member
    Every morning, usually. I only record new low weights on MFP. I don't get bothered much by fluctuations (I enter daily weights on the Happy Scale app, which shows me a downward trend) and I feel like I regained the weight I had previously lost mostly because I had stopped weighing myself and holding myself accountable. (That, and eating too much...but y'know what I mean.)
  • pooks1976
    pooks1976 Posts: 22 Member
    Every morning, because I like data points. I like the history of seeing how my weight fluctuates, based on time of the month, foods high in sodium, or intense work outs.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,940 Member
    Every morning; enter weight via which connects to MFP,, and trend

    You can also use Libra on android and happy scale on iphone.

    Doing so every day forces you to deal with the fact that we have a weight range mostly affected by water weight. The trendline helps you understand which way your underlying weight is heading
  • knockall
    knockall Posts: 7 Member
    Everyday, Morning afternoon and night. im a little obsessed with my weight fluctuations
  • DuckReconMajor
    DuckReconMajor Posts: 434 Member
    edited July 2015
    knockall wrote: »
    Everyday, Morning afternoon and night. im a little obsessed with my weight fluctuations

    Omg, finally someone else who has done it multiple times in a day. mid-day fluctuations ftw!
    Stacey765 wrote: »
    oh I dunno.... before I use the restroom, after I use the restroom, before I eat, after I eat, before I work out, after I work out, when I am bored... lol! I only record once a week... but find it fascinating what little things trigger a "big" jump in weight, not because I feel I really lost anything in the couple of hours since my last weigh in.

    Ok i lied here is another person LOL. Hi!
  • tonysan65
    tonysan65 Posts: 23 Member
    Once a week. It takes a loss of approx 3000 cal to lose a pound. Weighing yourself every day can be disappointing, having to lose that many cal to lose a pound the possibility is to see a gain rather than a loss. The gain will usually be from retention of water. If you weight once a week there is a great chance to see a one or two pound loss maybe more, this becomes an incentive to continue losing weight. Also, do not keep the scale in the bathroom, to much temperature change and the humidity fluctuation has an effect on the scales accuracy. Another good routine is to weight yourself once a week, first thing in the morning with clothes on.
  • dmt4641
    dmt4641 Posts: 409 Member
    Every morning after I pee.