
I am trying an excercise logging App called JEFIT any one have anyone else using it? Looking for any one with experience with it or options on it.


  • FlyingA
    FlyingA Posts: 7 Member
    I use it and like it!
  • lisag0109
    lisag0109 Posts: 18 Member
    I use it also. A few things I would change up, but for the most part works for me!
  • DoogCampbell
    DoogCampbell Posts: 53 Member
    I use this and have done for years. I went through a stage 3 years ago of searching through several apps and found this to be the best (at the time). I originally used it for tracking my Stronglifts 5x5 program as back then there was no specific app. I think the exercise library in there is fantastic and it allows a good build up of logs and records. I don't use it for cardio work (I use runkeeper for my running) so its mostly to support my lifting program now.

    What do you want to use it for? I can't say whether its the 'best' one as they all have a different focus so I guess it depends what you want to track with it.
  • BigGuy47
    BigGuy47 Posts: 1,768 Member
    I've used it for a few years, it works well for my needs. I make any major changes to my routines on the computer. Once it's set up I can move exercises around and make smaller changes on the app. There have been some oddities here are there, but they continue to update the app, It's getting better.
  • cat_lady77
    cat_lady77 Posts: 203 Member
    I started using it to input workout plans from Strong Curves. I have a terrible memory & I would forget what all I needed to do. My only issue is that when you put reps/sets in sometimes it logs it too many times or doesn't log at all. Or when I go to log planks, there's no option for reps at all. I don't really input anymore I just use it as a guide for workouts. It can be pretty helpful for a free app though! I won't complain.
  • TerryJackson61
    TerryJackson61 Posts: 733 Member
    Having a alittle trouble learning how the app works and coordinating it with routines but starting to figure it you.
  • TerryJackson61
    TerryJackson61 Posts: 733 Member
    Starting to figure it out
  • TerryJackson61
    TerryJackson61 Posts: 733 Member
    karla24687 wrote: »
    I started using it to input workout plans from Strong Curves. I have a terrible memory & I would forget what all I needed to do. My only issue is that when you put reps/sets in sometimes it logs it too many times or doesn't log at all. Or when I go to log planks, there's no option for reps at all. I don't really input anymore I just use it as a guide for workouts. It can be pretty helpful for a free app though! I won't complain.

    Yeah for a free appits pretty good and a helpful community there too