GoodLife Body Combat and Pump classes instead of elliptical?

Hi everyone, I have a question about my work outs. I used to do a lot of cardio at the gym running for ~40-60 mins on the elliptical and burning ~400-600 calories. Ive started going to the Body combat (cardio) and Body Pump (strength training) classes offered by Goodlife and enjoy these much more, plus they burn about 700 and 550 calories per 60 min sessions, respectively. However since Ive started these classes, I dont run on the elliptical anymore since the above workouts are quite intense. Do you think the classes can be a substitute for traditional cardio? I also go for a 1 hour walk each day. I'm 21 and weigh 160 lbs. Thanks in advance!


  • Pittleydink
    Pittleydink Posts: 68 Member
    Combat and Pump definitely sound much more fun than 60 min of elliptical. As far as the calories burned don't count on those being exact just because you show up to class, how many calories you burn will depend on your intensity each class. I think it will be as effective or more effective at burning calories as the elliptical was, as long as you bring it every time you go to class. I don't think those classes will improve your cardiovascular endurance as much as other forms of cardio like running or HIIT training.
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    Lida16 wrote: »
    Hi everyone, I have a question about my work outs. I used to do a lot of cardio at the gym running for ~40-60 mins on the elliptical and burning ~400-600 calories. Ive started going to the Body combat (cardio) and Body Pump (strength training) classes offered by Goodlife and enjoy these much more, plus they burn about 700 and 550 calories per 60 min sessions, respectively. However since Ive started these classes, I dont run on the elliptical anymore since the above workouts are quite intense. Do you think the classes can be a substitute for traditional cardio? I also go for a 1 hour walk each day. I'm 21 and weigh 160 lbs. Thanks in advance!

    Yes, they can. That's pretty much the only form of cardio I did primarily, but then I started to add running (outside) and the elliptical to supplement weeks I couldn't get to the gym. With the classes it's easier for me to do a one hour workout since its in a group setting and the instructor keeps things interesting from start to finish. There's options if you want to take it easy, and you can always make things more challenging by taking the high options (BodyCombat) or increasing your weights (BodyPump).

    Careful about overstating the burns, though. 700 cals per hour in BodyCombat seems pretty high so you must be going full pelt from beginning to end!
  • AsISmile
    AsISmile Posts: 1,004 Member
    I don't think those classes will improve your cardiovascular endurance as much as other forms of cardio like running or HIIT training.

    I think in a way they both create a different endurance.
    I've been doing combat for over 7 years now, and it is a great and intensive workout.

    If your goal is just to get fit i don't see any reason why you should do eliptical instead of combat or pump.
    You'll be able to keep it up much better if you enjoy it. And just like eliptical, it offers a lot of chance to give it more and make it more intrnse every time.
    Seriously, I've been doing this for a while, but those switch lunches still beat me every time. Plenty to improve.
  • Lida16
    Lida16 Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks for the responses everyone, it really helps!
  • DoogCampbell
    DoogCampbell Posts: 53 Member
    If you are getting out of breath then its working!

    Just consider what you are trying to achieve by cardio because I guarantee that its just about where you are getting the benefit rather than IF you are getting the benefit.

    You can do cardio for many reasons, some people do it for weight control, some for general fitness. When we consider the general fitness I believe we are considering aerobic fitness. You can measure this using methods such as VO2 max. In order to train in this area you want your heart rate and breathing in a specific range.

    You get that cardiovascular strain regardless of what you are doing, just different exercises will create different strains. When you use an elliptical you rely on a certain set of muscles (legs, shoulders and arms) to create that strain. If you cycled, you would focus more on the legs and core. The combat and pump classes all inherently take you to a cardio training level they just use different muscles combinations to do it. Work on a treadmill very day you will get the cardio improvement and get good at running efficiently, work on an elliptical all the time, you will get the cardio improvement and get good at elliptical movements efficiently.

    So really the question is, do you want to be good at the elliptical movement and have good aerobic fitness (maybe that movement translates well into something you do every day), or are you happier with a more general range of movements provided by pump and combat as well as the aerobic fitness?

    You'll never be sure on the calories you are burning, the elliptical will give you a guess based on your weight and age maybe but that's very general. Even a heart-rate monitor during a pump class wont tell you what you actually burned. These are guides only. The important thing is if the results are in line with what you want to achieve.

    I have done both of these classes and loved them, I think they are superior to more traditional forms of cardio and they are certainly more fun!