Home workout or gym

msnspurs Posts: 2 Member
edited July 2015 in Fitness and Exercise
Hi there, i will be sharing progress/deterioration about myself as i switch from going to the gym to working out at home. My local gym prices recently reached new heights so thought i would invest a little in a home gym instead. I have to say it is nice having something tangible already, rather than just hand my card over and that be it for another month. So i will update you the pros and cons as i go along.

Things i will try and keep track of:
Progression in fitness

Please fell free to add your own views on working out at home

Stay tuned!


  • R_Turnz
    R_Turnz Posts: 36 Member
    There's many ways to exercise at home. Anything is achievable depending on how much you want it!
  • jenspears31
    jenspears31 Posts: 51 Member
    I workout at home..never been to a gym in my life..I went from 260lbs to 175lbs( and still losing) .all done in the comfort of my living room...
  • Siran12001
    Siran12001 Posts: 51 Member
    Are you going to build a home gym or to do bodyweight exercises?
  • ammadden97
    ammadden97 Posts: 11 Member
    I have a home gym but still carry my gym membership. I like the comfort of home n being able to work out when ever I want.
    I miss gym after awhile because it has equipment I don't have at home of course. So i try n rotate my days....2 or 3 at a gym the rest at home or I go to a school track to run n do bleachers.