I want to lose 100 pounds in 6 months



  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    jrami24 wrote: »
    your 20 years old, whats the rush?

    No rush. Just a goal set. I've been big my whole life. I want it to end

    It won't end if you do it fast, it will if you do it the healthy way.
  • livijane07
    livijane07 Posts: 21 Member
    Perhaps you need to ask yourself if you're ready to change at all. If you're not putting your health first you will be right back where you started before you've even reached your goal.

    It's a shame, there are people who genuinely wish success for you and are offering great advice.

    There is no point continuing this thread. Lose weight fast, damage your health, regret doing it later in life.

    Good luck.
  • taylorstege431
    taylorstege431 Posts: 31 Member
    livijane07 wrote: »
    Perhaps you need to ask yourself if you're ready to change at all. If you're not putting your health first you will be right back where you started before you've even reached your goal.

    It's a shame, there are people who genuinely wish success for you and are offering great advice.

    There is no point continuing this thread. Lose weight fast, damage your health, regret doing it later in life.

    Good luck.
    Losing 100 pounds in 6 months isn't unhealthy. If you are over 300 pounds it should be easier to lose weight than If you're thin. I understand what people are saying but they're more so coming at me than helping. I set it as a goal. If I don't reach it I won't be mad ill just keep going
  • taylorstege431
    taylorstege431 Posts: 31 Member
    Serah87 wrote: »
    jrami24 wrote: »
    your 20 years old, whats the rush?

    No rush. Just a goal set. I've been big my whole life. I want it to end

    It won't end if you do it fast, it will if you do it the healthy way.

    You are right. 6 months is just a goal. If it takes longer it takes longer
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    livijane07 wrote: »
    Perhaps you need to ask yourself if you're ready to change at all. If you're not putting your health first you will be right back where you started before you've even reached your goal.

    It's a shame, there are people who genuinely wish success for you and are offering great advice.

    There is no point continuing this thread. Lose weight fast, damage your health, regret doing it later in life.

    Good luck.
    Losing 100 pounds in 6 months isn't unhealthy. If you are over 300 pounds it should be easier to lose weight than If you're thin. I understand what people are saying but they're more so coming at me than helping. I set it as a goal. If I don't reach it I won't be mad ill just keep going

    Roughly four pounds per week without direct medical directive, supervision, monitoring, and testing is unhealthy. But you have your mind made up ... logic and facts be damned. Follow your plan and risk permanent damage ... it is that simple. Go look at your twins and prioritize your life.
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    edited July 2015
    livijane07 wrote: »
    Perhaps you need to ask yourself if you're ready to change at all. If you're not putting your health first you will be right back where you started before you've even reached your goal.

    It's a shame, there are people who genuinely wish success for you and are offering great advice.

    There is no point continuing this thread. Lose weight fast, damage your health, regret doing it later in life.

    Good luck.
    Losing 100 pounds in 6 months isn't unhealthy. If you are over 300 pounds it should be easier to lose weight than If you're thin. I understand what people are saying but they're more so coming at me than helping. I set it as a goal. If I don't reach it I won't be mad ill just keep going

    Roughly four pounds per week without direct medical directive, supervision, monitoring, and testing is unhealthy. But you have your mind made up ... logic and facts be damned. Follow your plan and risk permanent damage ... it is that simple. Go look at your twins and prioritize your life.

    ^ This.

    ETA: It is often highly recommended you aim to lose 0.05% of your body weight every week. If you do some research, you will find this to be true.

    If you are currently 300 lbs, and your goal is 200 lbs, you should be aiming to complete this in February, 2017.

    Going any faster than 0.1% of your body weight per week, and you'll be risking long term or permanently physiological damage.

    But hey, you've got three kids. It doesn't matter if you mess yourself up for the rest of your life, right? They've got their dad to take care of them.
  • itsthehumidity
    itsthehumidity Posts: 351 Member
    Why not 100 pounds in a year? A year goes by fast and such a goal is much more likely to happen.
  • MsMargie1116
    MsMargie1116 Posts: 323 Member
    I second what everyone else is saying... learn from ME... I was ALMOST 400 lbs. lost almost 60 doing the Atkins diet... gained all but about 20 back after I stopped. Now I'm losing it slowly, and it is staying off - for the most part. I have to keep focused on what, when, how much I eat and exercise... Sometimes you may lose 4-5 lbs. here and there, but on average, if you are losing more than 2lbs a week, you are doing more harm than good. I'm at 300 now, and when I lose focus and just eat whatever I want, I am tempted to say, "Maybe I should starve myself", then I think how stupid that sounds and get my focus back!!! :smile:
  • mart001
    mart001 Posts: 194 Member
    it took me 13 months to lose 100 pounds and I was very good the whole time, so you better rethink this because if that is what you think, you wont last on here a week. You are not going to be losing everyday, maybe not every week or month. And why the time limit? Is it so bad if you lose 50 pounds in 6 months? If you think there is a quick fix, there is not. You have to work at it everyday, every time you put something in your mouth. Be bad 1 day can set you back a week.If you want to be successful, set short goals and see how it goes.If you think 100 pounds in 6 months is possible, you are going to be very disappointed, make this a positive experience!!! :)
  • noobletmcnugget
    noobletmcnugget Posts: 518 Member
    edited July 2015
    You may well have dropped 13lbs doing a 3-day cleanse, but unless you had a deficit of 45,500 (3500 x 13) calories during those three days (impossible), 11-12 of those pounds were water weight lost by depleting glycogen stores.

    Why not just aim for 2lbs a week, thereby losing 100+ pounds in a year instead of 6 months? That is so much more sustainable and healthy. 4lbs a week (which is what you're proposing) would require a 2,000 calorie deficit every day which is just ridiculous and impossible to sustain for any amount of time. It's not a healthy goal.

  • chelsy0587
    chelsy0587 Posts: 441 Member
    edited July 2015
    livijane07 wrote: »
    Perhaps you need to ask yourself if you're ready to change at all. If you're not putting your health first you will be right back where you started before you've even reached your goal.

    It's a shame, there are people who genuinely wish success for you and are offering great advice.

    There is no point continuing this thread. Lose weight fast, damage your health, regret doing it later in life.

    Good luck.
    Losing 100 pounds in 6 months isn't unhealthy. If you are over 300 pounds it should be easier to lose weight than If you're thin. I understand what people are saying but they're more so coming at me than helping. I set it as a goal. If I don't reach it I won't be mad ill just keep going

    It might seem like people are being harsh... but it is true. Losing so much so fast ISN'T healthy. You might be able to lose a large amount in a week, but not long term. As your weight comes down your loss will slow also, not stop, but slow down.

    DO NOT let that discourage you, keep it all going and you'll continue to see weight loss. Trust me, you will start to enjoy the process and learn how certain foods make your body feel and how great it feels to truly care for yourself.

    YOU NEED TO BE EATING MORE THAN 900 calories!!! No Doubt about that... I've eaten as many at 1900 calories in a day and still lost at the end of the week. DO NOT stay at such a low amount of calories, its detrimental to everything you are trying to do.
  • optionsgod
    optionsgod Posts: 144 Member
    listen to everyone, it will only help you.
  • LilannB
    LilannB Posts: 99 Member
    I can understand wanting to get the weight off but you are only 20 years old. At a safe weight loss of 2 pounds a week you will lose 100 pounds in a year and you'll only be 21. You are also less likely to regain the weight you lost plus additional pounds which often happens with crash diets and quick weight loss.
  • taylorstege431
    taylorstege431 Posts: 31 Member
    chelsy0587 wrote: »
    livijane07 wrote: »
    Perhaps you need to ask yourself if you're ready to change at all. If you're not putting your health first you will be right back where you started before you've even reached your goal.

    It's a shame, there are people who genuinely wish success for you and are offering great advice.

    There is no point continuing this thread. Lose weight fast, damage your health, regret doing it later in life.

    Good luck.
    Losing 100 pounds in 6 months isn't unhealthy. If you are over 300 pounds it should be easier to lose weight than If you're thin. I understand what people are saying but they're more so coming at me than helping. I set it as a goal. If I don't reach it I won't be mad ill just keep going

    It might seem like people are being harsh... but it is true. Losing so much so fast ISN'T healthy. You might be able to lose a large amount in a week, but not long term. As your weight comes down your loss will slow also, not stop, but slow down.

    DO NOT let that discourage you, keep it all going and you'll continue to see weight loss. Trust me, you will start to enjoy the process and learn how certain foods make your body feel and how great it feels to truly care for yourself.

    YOU NEED TO BE EATING MORE THAN 900 calories!!! No Doubt about that... I've eaten as many at 1900 calories in a day and still lost at the end of the week. DO NOT stay at such a low amount of calories, its detrimental to everything you are trying to do.

    I usually eat more but I skipped breakfast yesterday since I was busy
  • taylorstege431
    taylorstege431 Posts: 31 Member
    mart001 wrote: »
    it took me 13 months to lose 100 pounds and I was very good the whole time, so you better rethink this because if that is what you think, you wont last on here a week. You are not going to be losing everyday, maybe not every week or month. And why the time limit? Is it so bad if you lose 50 pounds in 6 months? If you think there is a quick fix, there is not. You have to work at it everyday, every time you put something in your mouth. Be bad 1 day can set you back a week.If you want to be successful, set short goals and see how it goes.If you think 100 pounds in 6 months is possible, you are going to be very disappointed, make this a positive experience!!! :)

    It's just something to aim for :) doesn't matter if it takes longer it's just a goal. I have every right to have one
  • taylorstege431
    taylorstege431 Posts: 31 Member
    Why not 100 pounds in a year? A year goes by fast and such a goal is much more likely to happen.

    Very true :) 6 months was just something to aim for. Maybe I will only get halfway there in 6 months and that's okay. It's just something to shoot for
  • ultrahoon
    ultrahoon Posts: 467 Member
    Why not 100 pounds in a year? A year goes by fast and such a goal is much more likely to happen.

    Very true :) 6 months was just something to aim for. Maybe I will only get halfway there in 6 months and that's okay. It's just something to shoot for

    The problem isn't that you might fail to reach your goal in 6 months, it's that you might suceed.
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    You don't seem willing to look at this in a healthy way. Your replies come off as dismissive of the informed advice you've been given. It is not a wise course of action to have an unhealthy goal ... PERIOD.
  • Oldbitcollector
    Oldbitcollector Posts: 229 Member
    @taylorstege431, Regardless if your decision, you have been give excellent advice in this thread. Either way, get started. period. You'll learn along the way and hopefully make adjustments and minor course changes as you press forward. Be open to learn from others who have learned ahead of you and are posting good information.

    Starvation mode?? Are we still peddling that myth around here?
  • taylorstege431
    taylorstege431 Posts: 31 Member
    You don't seem willing to look at this in a healthy way. Your replies come off as dismissive of the informed advice you've been given. It is not a wise course of action to have an unhealthy goal ... PERIOD.

    I'm okay defensive because those who say I can't just seem to doubt me.. And everyone has a different opinion on what's healthy.. It's like no one knows what actually is. It's a goal. If I don't meet it I don't meet it. Then I just keep shooting. Maybe it'll take me 8 months, or a year. But 6 months is just a time to shoot for to make progress