I want to lose 100 pounds in 6 months



  • taylorstege431
    taylorstege431 Posts: 31 Member
    @taylorstege431, Regardless if your decision, you have been give excellent advice in this thread. Either way, get started. period. You'll learn along the way and hopefully make adjustments and minor course changes as you press forward. Be open to learn from others who have learned ahead of you and are posting good information.

    Starvation mode?? Are we still peddling that myth around here?

    I'm working hard now (: I'm shooting towards my goal. I'm ignoring those who say it can't be done. I've seen it done and maybe it'll take me longer. I will see how it goes. 6 months is just a time to shoot for
  • taylorstege431
    taylorstege431 Posts: 31 Member
    ultrahoon wrote: »
    Why not 100 pounds in a year? A year goes by fast and such a goal is much more likely to happen.

    Very true :) 6 months was just something to aim for. Maybe I will only get halfway there in 6 months and that's okay. It's just something to shoot for

    The problem isn't that you might fail to reach your goal in 6 months, it's that you might suceed.

    I may! And if I do I'll be so proud of myself! If I don't I won't be upset I'll just try harder :)
  • taylorstege431
    taylorstege431 Posts: 31 Member
    Also, I haven't weighed myself in quite some time. So, it may only say I lost 5 pounds on my profile because I haven't stepped on a scale in a few weeks
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    You don't seem willing to look at this in a healthy way. Your replies come off as dismissive of the informed advice you've been given. It is not a wise course of action to have an unhealthy goal ... PERIOD.

    I'm okay defensive because those who say I can't just seem to doubt me.. And everyone has a different opinion on what's healthy.. It's like no one knows what actually is. It's a goal. If I don't meet it I don't meet it. Then I just keep shooting. Maybe it'll take me 8 months, or a year. But 6 months is just a time to shoot for to make progress

    People are saying your goal is unhealthy. The concern is that you might succeed which will bring a host of issues. If one of your twins had the goal of jumping off a 1,000 foot cliff ... would you encourage them? Your goal is the dietary equivalent.
  • taylorstege431
    taylorstege431 Posts: 31 Member
    You don't seem willing to look at this in a healthy way. Your replies come off as dismissive of the informed advice you've been given. It is not a wise course of action to have an unhealthy goal ... PERIOD.

    I'm okay defensive because those who say I can't just seem to doubt me.. And everyone has a different opinion on what's healthy.. It's like no one knows what actually is. It's a goal. If I don't meet it I don't meet it. Then I just keep shooting. Maybe it'll take me 8 months, or a year. But 6 months is just a time to shoot for to make progress

    People are saying your goal is unhealthy. The concern is that you might succeed which will bring a host of issues. If one of your twins had the goal of jumping off a 1,000 foot cliff ... would you encourage them? Your goal is the dietary equivalent.

    I don't see the correlation between jumping off a cliff and losing 100 pounds in 6 months. It's been done. The bigger you are the more weight you can lose. I may not lose that fast, it's just something to strive for. If it takes longer it takes longer
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    You don't seem willing to look at this in a healthy way. Your replies come off as dismissive of the informed advice you've been given. It is not a wise course of action to have an unhealthy goal ... PERIOD.

    I'm okay defensive because those who say I can't just seem to doubt me.. And everyone has a different opinion on what's healthy.. It's like no one knows what actually is. It's a goal. If I don't meet it I don't meet it. Then I just keep shooting. Maybe it'll take me 8 months, or a year. But 6 months is just a time to shoot for to make progress

    People are saying your goal is unhealthy. The concern is that you might succeed which will bring a host of issues. If one of your twins had the goal of jumping off a 1,000 foot cliff ... would you encourage them? Your goal is the dietary equivalent.

    I don't see the correlation between jumping off a cliff and losing 100 pounds in 6 months. It's been done. The bigger you are the more weight you can lose. I may not lose that fast, it's just something to strive for. If it takes longer it takes longer

    I beg to differ with you-losing 100 pounds in six months is not something to strive for. In fact, I agree with Brian your goal is similar to allowing your child to do something really dangerous. I personally cannot support you in your wish to lose 100 pounds in 6 months.

    Let's say there are 26 weeks in 6 months--that means you would have to lose 3.8 pounds per week for that entire time. Do you really think that's a goal to strive for?

    My sister-in-law had gastric bypass and lost about 100 pounds in 6 or 7 months. She also lost a lot of muscle, has saggy skin (similar to the picture someone posted up stream), and she ended up gaining quite a bit of her weight back. She says now that if she had to do it over again she would not have lost weight so quickly.

    I encourage you to go down to the success stories forums and find those who, like you, had a lot of weight to lose. Find the people who took it a bit slower and absorb what they have to say. Think about your health and about your family who you love, and who love you too.

    You can do this, just slow it down, please.
  • jaqcan
    jaqcan Posts: 498 Member
    edited July 2015
    You would have to eat at dangerously low levels to hit the 6 month goal, THAT is why everyone is saying it's unhealthy. If you are eating at 1800-2000 calories a day, that may be just fine, but it WILL take longer than 6 months, and as you lose lowering your calories further. The problem is eating so little you are planning on losing 4-5 lbs a week. But if you are eating a nutritionally sound level, UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF A DOCTOR then it probably is ok to lose more than 2lbs a week.
  • cabwj
    cabwj Posts: 843 Member
    You don't seem willing to look at this in a healthy way. Your replies come off as dismissive of the informed advice you've been given. It is not a wise course of action to have an unhealthy goal ... PERIOD.

    I'm okay defensive because those who say I can't just seem to doubt me.. And everyone has a different opinion on what's healthy.. It's like no one knows what actually is. It's a goal. If I don't meet it I don't meet it. Then I just keep shooting. Maybe it'll take me 8 months, or a year. But 6 months is just a time to shoot for to make progress

    I don't think many, if any, people are saying you cant do it or doubting you. They are saying you shouldnt do it. If you are not comfortable with the advice being given to you here, by people who have, and are, losing weight and becoming fit in healthy ways then share your plan with your doctor. See if he/she thinks it's a reasonable plan for you.
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    You don't seem willing to look at this in a healthy way. Your replies come off as dismissive of the informed advice you've been given. It is not a wise course of action to have an unhealthy goal ... PERIOD.

    I'm okay defensive because those who say I can't just seem to doubt me.. And everyone has a different opinion on what's healthy.. It's like no one knows what actually is. It's a goal. If I don't meet it I don't meet it. Then I just keep shooting. Maybe it'll take me 8 months, or a year. But 6 months is just a time to shoot for to make progress

    People are saying your goal is unhealthy. The concern is that you might succeed which will bring a host of issues. If one of your twins had the goal of jumping off a 1,000 foot cliff ... would you encourage them? Your goal is the dietary equivalent.

    I don't see the correlation between jumping off a cliff and losing 100 pounds in 6 months. It's been done. The bigger you are the more weight you can lose. I may not lose that fast, it's just something to strive for. If it takes longer it takes longer

    You are unwilling to listen to logic, fact, or common sense. You are bound and determined to approach weight loss in an unhealthy manner. People here are not telling you that you cannot lose weight rapidly .... we're telling you that your planned rate of loss is unhealthy, dangerous, and foolish to set as a goal. There is a major difference in what you're being told and what you're allowing yourself to hear.

    The only way losing weight at the rate you propose is ever acceptable is when it is medically prescribed, supervised, and monitored. The reason for that is because of the inherent health risks.

  • lfetter61
    lfetter61 Posts: 8 Member
    You really need to listen to the posts above. Your goal is unrealistic without having a trainer and nutrionist and medical supervision. Look at the show Extreme Weightloss. Yes there are people who lose 90 pounds in 90 days, BUT they are exercising several hours a day, have their food monitored and are monitored by a doctor. You said you have twins, that takes A LOT of time. Your babies are your priority - life did not get in your way. Your choices are what has gotten you to your current weight. Having babies is no excuse to pack on the pounds. If you eat seasonably, exercise reasonably (while babies are sleeping or have someone watch them while you work out) you will lose the weight. You didn't put on 100 pounds in 6 months and you don't lose it in 6 months. I would sit back and talk to someone to find out what your real reasons are that you put on all this weight. It's not life and it's not babies. Until you address this issue, you will put the weight back on.