Flucuating weight?why?

I started dieting x4weeks ago,exercising and eating right under my calorie goal (1200 ) drinking tons of water!and going to the gym atleast 4-5days a week i always change up my routing(treadmill,eliptical bycicle,or stair climber) and added weights, Ive lost 7lbs but been on the same weight for 2weeks!! I knw it takes tym and patients but im frusterated when i been working really hard?!?


  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    New workout routines, excessive sodium intake, hormones (especially those related to the female reproductive system), inaccurate logging...those can all account for fluctuations.
  • strong_curves
    strong_curves Posts: 2,229 Member
    malibu927 wrote: »
    New workout routines, excessive sodium intake, hormones (especially those related to the female reproductive system), inaccurate logging...those can all account for fluctuations.

    This is true.

  • crazyjerseygirl
    crazyjerseygirl Posts: 1,252 Member
    You are human, and biology is complicated. Trust the method, you'll get there!
  • gaelicstorm26
    gaelicstorm26 Posts: 589 Member
    I was thinking it might be related to hormones or water weight.

    When my time comes I have a good 10 day period where my weight either goes up or just stagnates. It sucks, but after it's over it all evens out and I can see the loss.
  • atypicalsmith
    atypicalsmith Posts: 2,742 Member
    stephlzo wrote: »
    I started dieting x4weeks ago,exercising and eating right under my calorie goal (1200 ) drinking tons of water!and going to the gym atleast 4-5days a week i always change up my routing(treadmill,eliptical bycicle,or stair climber) and added weights, Ive lost 7lbs but been on the same weight for 2weeks!! I knw it takes tym and patients but im frusterated when i been working really hard?!?

    When you first start exercising, muscles hold onto water. Give it time.
  • ncboiler89
    ncboiler89 Posts: 2,408 Member
    stephlzo wrote: »
    I started dieting x4weeks ago,exercising and eating right under my calorie goal (1200 ) drinking tons of water!and going to the gym atleast 4-5days a week i always change up my routing(treadmill,eliptical bycicle,or stair climber) and added weights, Ive lost 7lbs but been on the same weight for 2weeks!! I knw it takes tym and patients but im frusterated when i been working really hard?!?

    Get used to it. No big deal. If you are eating to your goal and burning as much as you think you are then you are fine. Two weeks is nothing.
  • KateTii
    KateTii Posts: 886 Member
    edited July 2015
    Make sure you are logging accurately - a "healthy diet" does not always result in weight loss. You can overeat on anything! Don't forget, 1200 calories is a MINIMUM. That's what keeps your heart beating, brain thinking and legs moving. Eat at least 1200 calories PLUS some of your exercise calories (usually no more than 50%). You'll be able to add in some "treats", be happier and healthier on more than 1200.

    If you don't have a food scale, get one. You'd be surprised how awful human estimations are.
  • arb037
    arb037 Posts: 203 Member
    Women tend to retain water at different times. When in a calorie restriction your cortisol increases. Which causes water retention. Stress causes water retention. Best thing is to try and relax on the weight, stick with it. The body will adjust to the new composition and flush the excess. You will have a "whoosh" effect most likely and have a nice loss.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    stephlzo wrote: »
    I started dieting x4weeks ago,exercising and eating right under my calorie goal (1200 ) drinking tons of water!and going to the gym atleast 4-5days a week i always change up my routing(treadmill,eliptical bycicle,or stair climber) and added weights, Ive lost 7lbs but been on the same weight for 2weeks!! I knw it takes tym and patients but im frusterated when i been working really hard?!?

    You need to be patient. Weight loss is not linear. Besides, 7 pounds in four weeks is pretty darned good.

    Changing your exercise routine doesn't have anything to do with weight loss (you can lose weight without exercise), but you will usually retain water.

    Do you weigh your food? Log every single thing you eat? Do you log exercise calories and, if yes, where do you get those calorie burn numbers from?
  • stephlzo
    stephlzo Posts: 5 Member
    Just wanted to say thanks to everyone who took the tym to reply this has been. Great challenge because after 3 years after having a bby i finally gave in i cant stand this excessive wight i put on !!!! This has been the longest ive actually stick to a diet to better eating habits and excersise
  • stephlzo
    stephlzo Posts: 5 Member
    SLLRunner wrote: »
    stephlzo wrote: »
    I started dieting x4weeks ago,exercising and eating right under my calorie goal (1200 ) drinking tons of water!and going to the gym atleast 4-5days a week i always change up my routing(treadmill,eliptical bycicle,or stair climber) and added weights, Ive lost 7lbs but been on the same weight for 2weeks!! I knw it takes tym and patients but im frusterated when i been working really hard?!?

    You need to be patient. Weight loss is not linear. Besides, 7 pounds in four weeks is pretty darned good.

    Changing your exercise routine doesn't have anything to do with weight loss (you can lose weight without exercise), but you will usually retain water.

    Do you weigh your food? Log every single thing you eat? Do you log exercise calories and, if yes, where do you get those calorie burn numbers from?

    I get my calorie count for my meals/food off of this App my fitness pal is it not accurate?
  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    Perfect calorie information is still only as accurate as your weighing and logging.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    stephlzo wrote: »
    SLLRunner wrote: »
    stephlzo wrote: »
    I started dieting x4weeks ago,exercising and eating right under my calorie goal (1200 ) drinking tons of water!and going to the gym atleast 4-5days a week i always change up my routing(treadmill,eliptical bycicle,or stair climber) and added weights, Ive lost 7lbs but been on the same weight for 2weeks!! I knw it takes tym and patients but im frusterated when i been working really hard?!?

    You need to be patient. Weight loss is not linear. Besides, 7 pounds in four weeks is pretty darned good.

    Changing your exercise routine doesn't have anything to do with weight loss (you can lose weight without exercise), but you will usually retain water.

    Do you weigh your food? Log every single thing you eat? Do you log exercise calories and, if yes, where do you get those calorie burn numbers from?

    I get my calorie count for my meals/food off of this App my fitness pal is it not accurate?

    It's accurate for the weight of one serving, but if you aren't weighing your food then most likely you're eating more than you think
  • Merkavar
    Merkavar Posts: 3,082 Member
    A you a robot?

    Got to give it time and have patients like you and others have said.

    If your weights stable for a few weeks then maybe you got an issue. But one week isn't long enough.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Water retention is normal when beginning a new exercise program.
  • stephlzo
    stephlzo Posts: 5 Member
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    Water retention is normal when beginning a new exercise program.

    Thanks i will keep that in mind
  • lalainap19
    lalainap19 Posts: 165 Member
    I was also stuck for 2 weeks then I lost 2 pounds in 2 days just be patient the good outweighs the bad. And its worth the wait. Good luck and great job!
  • EnriqueLuviano
    EnriqueLuviano Posts: 16 Member
    Your body could just be slowing your metabolism a but since it's not getting the same amount of calories as it was , try a refers day to shock the body and then go back to your deficit and it should continue the fat loss. Remember weight loss isn't always a good thing, fat loss is.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    stephlzo wrote: »
    SLLRunner wrote: »
    stephlzo wrote: »
    I started dieting x4weeks ago,exercising and eating right under my calorie goal (1200 ) drinking tons of water!and going to the gym atleast 4-5days a week i always change up my routing(treadmill,eliptical bycicle,or stair climber) and added weights, Ive lost 7lbs but been on the same weight for 2weeks!! I knw it takes tym and patients but im frusterated when i been working really hard?!?

    You need to be patient. Weight loss is not linear. Besides, 7 pounds in four weeks is pretty darned good.

    Changing your exercise routine doesn't have anything to do with weight loss (you can lose weight without exercise), but you will usually retain water.

    Do you weigh your food? Log every single thing you eat? Do you log exercise calories and, if yes, where do you get those calorie burn numbers from?

    I get my calorie count for my meals/food off of this App my fitness pal is it not accurate?

    Not all the entries in the MFP database are correct. You will need to do your own research by reading packages, searching the USDA database, as well as creating your own entries in your food database. I suggest you weigh your food because even if you have the correct entry, you're not really correct unless you know that your portion is accurate. I suspect you might be eating more than you think you are, but the only way to tell is to weigh your food and ensure you are using correct entries.

    Also, do you eat your exercise calories back? The calorie burns in MFP, on gym machines, and on the internet, are very inflated. I'd suggest only eating about 75% of those back.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Your body could just be slowing your metabolism a but since it's not getting the same amount of calories as it was , try a refers day to shock the body and then go back to your deficit and it should continue the fat loss. Remember weight loss isn't always a good thing, fat loss is.

    As you lose weight, your calorie goals do become less.

    What's a refers day? Or, do you mean refeed day? If so, that is not the answer. Your body doesn't need to be shocked. :)