help needed.....

since March I have been trying to lose weight. I booked my wedding and at this point I needed to lose around 56lbs....I'm not an excellent dieter as I find a lot of the plans are pretty much what I eat and some of them waaaaay more than I can stomach - I've tried slimming world, weight watchers, terri ann name them I've given it a go. Best one by far has been terri ann 123, however, when I started this in March it did noting for me in the 6 weeks I was on it, in fact I gained 12lbs so obviously gave up on that one! decided counting calories (between 1400 and 1500) was the way to go. Its now end of July and I STILL weigh 208lbs!!!!! don't get me wrong some weeks I lose but the weight seems to be going up and not at all down consistently!! I've no idea if my diary is open but to give you an idea of a normal day:-

Breakfast - Special K (50g)
Snack - Fat Free Yog and Satsuma
Lunch - Tuna, Toms, Cucumber, Pickles and boiled eggs (2) *
Snack - Fat Free Yog and Apple
Tea - Meat with veggies *

* One of these meals will also have potato, pasta or rice but never both.
I will also have something sweet - this may be 10 cola bottles or a kitkat and isn't a daily occurrence and always falls in with my allowance

I also do C25k and 30 Day Shred but these I only started on 10th July and before that it was a 5/7 days 5k walk. I work on a 2 on 1 off with the exercising due to family commitments. Jumped on the scales this morning and yet another gain! I am at a loss here I am 4 months in to an 11 month journey and I'm worse than when I started....oh and should add I am also not losing inches!


  • kaiwooglin
    kaiwooglin Posts: 59 Member
    Could it actually be a health condition such as a thyroid problem?
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,447 Member
    Do you weigh your food?
  • kaylz0106
    kaylz0106 Posts: 117 Member
    Ummm.....I actually hadn't given that any thought. Is this a trip to the doctors for a blood test?
    kaiwooglin wrote: »
    Could it actually be a health condition such as a thyroid problem?

  • kaiwooglin
    kaiwooglin Posts: 59 Member
    As an example, I used thyroid, but yes either hyper or hypo thyroid conditions are tested by blood draw. Weight gain alone isn't a solid indication of a thyroid problem, there is many symptoms.

    It could be merely that you are not measuring the amount of food correctly, over / under estimating caloric consumption or burn. Macros could not be correct. It's actually endless possibilities.

  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    do you weigh your food with a food scale?
    do you eat back 100% of exercise calories?
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    OP before running off to the doctor I would take a look at your logging practices on here. Are you logging everything? Using a food scale? Eating back exercise calories? All of them or just a portion? Have you read the helpful posts at the top of the forums, particularly in the Getting Started section?
  • kaylz0106
    kaylz0106 Posts: 117 Member
    Yes I weigh and input everything correctly - I don't always eat 100% of exercise calories back but I try my best, it's usually a nightmare because I exercise quite late at night 9/10pm and I'm in bed not long after that ready to start my day at 5:30am with two children so eating back 300cals that late at night isn't the best option x
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    kaylz0106 wrote: »
    Yes I weigh and input everything correctly - I don't always eat 100% of exercise calories back but I try my best, it's usually a nightmare because I exercise quite late at night 9/10pm and I'm in bed not long after that ready to start my day at 5:30am with two children so eating back 300cals that late at night isn't the best option x

    what are you using to measure exercise burns?

    do you use a digital food scale, or cups and what not?
  • kaylz0106
    kaylz0106 Posts: 117 Member
    kaiwooglin wrote: »
    As an example, I used thyroid, but yes either hyper or hypo thyroid conditions are tested by blood draw. Weight gain alone isn't a solid indication of a thyroid problem, there is many symptoms.

    It could be merely that you are not measuring the amount of food correctly, over / under estimating caloric consumption or burn. Macros could not be correct. It's actually endless possibilities.

    I've not been small since having my eldest in 2008 but always been around 168 even after my 2nd I quickly went back down to that and whenever I've gained a little weight for whatever reason it's always come off when I've worked hard but since my holiday last December weight has crept on, made a decision in March to lose it and I'm getting nowhere. I weigh everything and log it all correctly - even if it's a bad day and I know I'm over it goes in - macros are as they've always been, would they need adjusting?

  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    kaylz0106 wrote: »
    kaiwooglin wrote: »
    As an example, I used thyroid, but yes either hyper or hypo thyroid conditions are tested by blood draw. Weight gain alone isn't a solid indication of a thyroid problem, there is many symptoms.

    It could be merely that you are not measuring the amount of food correctly, over / under estimating caloric consumption or burn. Macros could not be correct. It's actually endless possibilities.

    I've not been small since having my eldest in 2008 but always been around 168 even after my 2nd I quickly went back down to that and whenever I've gained a little weight for whatever reason it's always come off when I've worked hard but since my holiday last December weight has crept on, made a decision in March to lose it and I'm getting nowhere. I weigh everything and log it all correctly - even if it's a bad day and I know I'm over it goes in - macros are as they've always been, would they need adjusting?

    do you use a digital food scale?

    are you using correct MFP database entries..

    it would help if you could open your food diary.

  • kaylz0106
    kaylz0106 Posts: 117 Member
    yes digital food scales.
    As far as I'm aware I am.
    I'll get it made public.
    Thank You