Logging exercise calories

maybe a stupid question but why doesn't fitness pal allow us to add calories burned during a strength workout? I wore my hrm while doing 30 minutes of weights for back and chest and it's saying I burned about 175 calories and when I log the Info it only asks for reps/sets etc.


  • amr32r
    amr32r Posts: 245 Member
    I was going to get ahrm and asked some questions and was told hrm are for steady state cardio. You can log your stength training in cardio under strength /weight training but the calorie burn eont be accurate.
  • vorgas
    vorgas Posts: 741 Member
    1. At the top of this page click 'Search'
    2. Type in your question 'why doesn't fitness pal allow us to add calories burned during a strength workout' (or copy/paste)
    3. From the list of thousands of results, easily find people that have asked this exact same question and gotten an answer
    4. Enjoy your new-found knowledge and ability to get the answers you seek without having to wait on a reply :)

  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Add strength training in the cardiovascular section to get a burn guesstimate. What AMR32R said.........HRMs are designed for steady state cardio. I wouldn't rely of your HRM number....it seems very high.
  • madhatter2013
    madhatter2013 Posts: 1,547 Member
    vorgas wrote: »
    1. At the top of this page click 'Search'
    2. Type in your question 'why doesn't fitness pal allow us to add calories burned during a strength workout' (or copy/paste)
    3. From the list of thousands of results, easily find people that have asked this exact same question and gotten an answer
    4. Enjoy your new-found knowledge and ability to get the answers you seek without having to wait on a reply :)

    So many times I've wanted to say this LOL.

    On a side note, I do not log my excercise because I can never figure out accurately what I burned. I leave it as an extra deficit in case I go slightly over that day. :smiley:
  • mgallo717
    mgallo717 Posts: 5 Member
    TeaBea wrote: »
    Add strength training in the cardiovascular section to get a burn guesstimate. What AMR32R said.........HRMs are designed for steady state cardio. I wouldn't rely of your HRM number....it seems very high.

  • mgallo717
    mgallo717 Posts: 5 Member
    Teabea ....I guess because I was moving pretty fast and did cardio in between sets such as jumping jacks, high knees etc. my average heart rate in that 30 minutes was 130 so I guess that's why it was on the high side?
  • mgallo717
    mgallo717 Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks Vorgas for the info....I will check that out. This was my first question and first time using the boards :) thanks
  • mgallo717
    mgallo717 Posts: 5 Member
    amr32r wrote: »
    I was going to get ahrm and asked some questions and was told hrm are for steady state cardio. You can log your stength training in cardio under strength /weight training but the calorie burn eont be accurate.[/quot

    Thanks amr32r. I did that and it said 92 so I guess that makes sense because i added the cardio in between sets.