HRM Accuracy (Polar FT7)?

Hi all, not sure if this is where I'd put this question, but I'll fire away!

Try to make this short: bought a polar FT7 and took it out for a spin for the first time today. I did my usual 5k run (around 3.5 miles)--takes me about 35-40 minutes. I looked down at the end of my run to see how much I burned: 401 calories!

That seems like a lot...doesn't it? Whenever I've logged it on MFP, I've gotten 360ish or so calories...and that it's if I run the whole time. I fast-walked maybe 8 out of the 40 or so minutes.

I entered in al the info correctly in the HRM.

For reference, I am 5'4", 125lbs with a GW of getting back down to 117lbs (almost there!).


  • beauchampsara
    beauchampsara Posts: 19 Member
    Personally, I believe the HRM is the most accurate. If all of your personal data is entered accurately, the HRM should portray pretty accurate results. I find when I'm at the gym, my Polar A300 gives me different results than the treadmill, bike, and stair master. Those tools provide generic burns. Those machines don't know your gender, your height, or your weight. No machine, including your Polar will ever be 100% as there always has to be room for error, but you can believe your calorie burn was in and around the area of 401. :)

    My workouts are 10000000x better with my Polar. I love it. I had to send it in a week ago for a warranty repair, and I missed it so, so much.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    I did my usual 5k run (around 3.5 miles)--takes me about 35-40 minutes. I looked down at the end of my run to see how much I burned: 401 calories!...
    For reference, I am 5'4", 125lbs.

    5km -> 3.1 miles -> 3.1 * 0.6 * 125 -> 235-ish calories

    Heart rate is a poor proxy for calorie burn, except under very strict conditions.
  • petitehealth
    petitehealth Posts: 148 Member
    I really like my Polar H7 and believe it is pretty accurate. I almost always burn more than the average that MFP will calculate for the same amount of time/activity. This is a good thing! You are pushing yourself harder than the average person! Keep up the good work!
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,879 Member
    Look up the MET value of your activity:

    Convert to Calories:
    (Use MET Value - 1 for an approximation of NET calories)

    Use corrected MET values if your body type warrants it: