What Went Wrong

lovz2cycle Posts: 5 Member
I haven't been doing well with food. I kind of said f$%# it at the beginning of the year and even then I had let myself go some. I have put on way too much weight and have not cared about taking it off. Yes I have exercised here and there but I am nowhere close to where I was at when I was at my healthiest. Today I am brushing off my F$%# it attitude and I am going to get my health back. I have started Medifast today. I have enough for 4 weeks (28 days). Yes it is an extreme diet but I need that to get the taste of all that yummy NON healthy food out of my system. I want to write down my experience from the good bad and ugly and find out why I tend to yo yo my weight. What triggers me to go back to an unhealthy life style. Is it stress? Is it boredom? Is it just being lazy or no self control? Many questions, hopefully I will find the answers and fix my problem permanently. Today I weight 191 pounds. My goal is to be 160. I have a long way to go that will not be easy but I am ready.


  • swansong1001
    swansong1001 Posts: 53 Member
    I tried Medifast once and realized that it had lots of soy...Not good for me!
    Good luck on you new endeavor!!
  • ShellyBell999
    ShellyBell999 Posts: 1,482 Member
    It only goes wrong if you give up.
  • esaucier17
    esaucier17 Posts: 694 Member
    I have done the same. Gave up. Life was stressful. I didn't care. I drank too much. I hate pizza and take out wayyyy too much. I stopped exercising. I gained all I had worked so hard to lose back in a matter of a few months. I am determined not to go back a again once I lose it. I let life and little things get to me. You can do it. I don't think there is just one answer as to why. It's so easy to get off track. it can take me only like a week and I'll totally fall off the wagon. But I have disappointed myself so much this time I am ready! And you can do it too!
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    Most of the people I know who yo-yo all the time keep going on restrictive diets that make them miserable. They put themselves in a situation where they feel guilty if they have a bad day or eat some "forbidden" food. They burn out and give up.

    You don't have to give up yummy food and starve yourself to lose 30 lbs. Just put your stats into MFP, set your goal to lose 1 lb per week, weigh and log your food, and eat your calories. That's it. Do some exercise to preserve your muscle mass and give yourself a few extra calories to eat if you want. Some days you'll eat too much, and that's no big deal. Just do better the next day. You learn over time how to eat and feel satisfied at the correct calorie level. I eat 1500-1600 cals a day, and I have ice cream almost every day. I have fast food for lunch sometimes. It's all good, it took me a while but I learned to make it work.

    The key is not to make it more complicated than it is, be patient, and don't give up. :drinker:
  • Jruzer
    Jruzer Posts: 3,501 Member
    OP, I wish you nothing but success.

    That said, my friendly suggestion is that you should find a way to do this without relying on extreme and costly diet plans. If you want to make a change for life it's better to find a way to modify your lifestyle. This seems to me to be yet another cycle in the "yo yo".

    Spend some time in the forums here, especially the "Success" one. You'll hear from all kinds of people who lost weight and got healthier using this more moderate approach. I personally lost 50 lbs I despaired of ever losing and have kept if off for several years now. I'm healthier and fitter than I've been in my adult life AND I still eat lots of yummy foods: ice cream, beer, cheese, cake, cookies, etc.

    Good luck getting healthier no matter how you choose to go about it.
  • lovz2cycle
    lovz2cycle Posts: 5 Member
    Thank you all for the suggestions and support!