Best NSV ever.

Suedre Posts: 435 Member
This time last year I went to my yearly physical after about six months of eating better and exercising. I was thrilled when my blood tests showed all indicators including blood sugar, cholesterol, liver, pancreas, and thyroid functions to be normal. For me, that was a big deal. Imagine my surprise this year when they were not only normal, but significantly improved over last year. Seriously, I’m healthy. Completely and totally healthy. My doctor had not one suggestion for improvement. I feel both extremely fortunate and proud of myself for managing the things I can control. Knowing that I don’t have any added risk factors for heart disease, diabetes, or other things that kill you before you time makes me want to run right out and eat a pile of fruits and veggies. I am living breathing proof that it does happen and just because I don’t always see it in the numbers in front of me (scale, clothing size, measurements, etc) doesn’t mean there aren’t improvements in the numbers I can’t see.

I’m healthy. For the time in my life. It’s fan-tastic and worth every step to get here.


  • bltmgray
    bltmgray Posts: 163 Member
    That is awesome! I feel exactly the same way! This is a most amazing journey! Here's to a healthy, happy life!
  • mehmig
    mehmig Posts: 55 Member
    That is wonderful!
  • jesseBYAH
    jesseBYAH Posts: 446 Member
    That is amazing! Congrats, you should be VERY proud!!!!
  • bettertracie
    bettertracie Posts: 196 Member
    Bravo!! I know when I lost the first 50 over a 6 month period, I never thought of the difference in how I looked, but I had a 6 month follow up at the pain specialist, and when the nurse walked in she said, "Are you Tracie?" I said "yes ma'am", then she turns around leaves the room grabs a chart and comes back in. After showing me a ppicture of me they had on the chart from earlier in the year, She sits down and we proceed to gab for the next 30 minutes about the differences in my routine, quality of life, how my pain levels have responded, etc... and by the end of it she was telling me I should be a posterchild for fibromyalgia because I havea positive outlook on the disease and strongly believe it really can be worked around if you take care of yourself.. (sorry, not my soapbox :))

    Anyway moral of the story is AWESOME WORK!! YAY FOR MFP!!
  • 4jenniferk
    4jenniferk Posts: 307 Member
    A round of applause. I'm personally working to get off my cholesterol meds by this August. Your story helps and let me know it's possible. I'm hoping for the same results. BTW.. loved the line "made you want to run right out and eat a pile of veggies and fruit" Don't think I've made it to that point just yet.
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