When do I get energy?

Some coworkers and I started group sessions with a trainer this summer. I need to lose about 40 more pounds and have been exercising regularly (4-5 days a week cardio, 2-3 days weights) since the beginning of June, and eating 1500 calories a day in six 250 calorie meals. And I'm TIRED. Some days I'm just spent by about 4 pm and have to sit, other days I am so tired I have to nap. I've tried just powering through, but I'm just spent and find myself knodding off! I HATE naps and it's really bugging me that I'm so tired all the time! I wasn't super sedentary before, but now I can't go to the gym and clean my house in the same day. How long does it take to feel the increased energy exercise and healthy eating is supposed to bring?!?


  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    What is your height and weight?
    Are you eating your exercise calories back?
    Are you hitting your macro and micronutrients?
  • jennifreckles1
    jennifreckles1 Posts: 5 Member
    5'5", 198
    Not eating them back, who knows how many calories I'm burning anyway!
    I'm okay on macros, right about 40 percent for carbs, 30 for fats and proteins.
    Not sure on micros.
  • SuggaD
    SuggaD Posts: 1,369 Member
    Well that's why. You need to eat enough to fuel your workouts. You aren't doing that.
  • mclainst1027
    mclainst1027 Posts: 2 Member
    The sort of exhaustion you're experiencing may be symptoms of other underlying medical conditions. You should consider consulting a physician. That being said, if your exhaustion only began after you began this fitness regimen, it may be a result of starvation. Take a moment to tally up how many calories you're burning in a day.

    A simply TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure) calculator can be found here: http://iifym.com/tdee-calculator/

    Figure out how many calories are going out, then look at how many calories you're taking in. A deficit of much more than 1,000 calories is unhealthy and you should reconfigure your goals accordingly. Then, if you're still experiencing exhaustion like this, see a doctor to look at the root causes.
  • kittywrangler
    kittywrangler Posts: 81 Member
    I wonder about your nutrition. Maybe 6 X 250 calorie meals isn't what works for you. Try switching things up while keeping within your calorie daily allowance. A larger breakfast, medium sized lunch and small dinner.? Small breakfast, large lunch, small dinner and snacks? I do well eating most of my calories during the lunch hour and having a smaller dinner and snacks.
  • pineapple_pizza
    pineapple_pizza Posts: 34 Member
    SuggaD wrote: »
    Well that's why. You need to eat enough to fuel your workouts. You aren't doing that.

    This. You are working out heavily! Log your workouts and start eating back your exercise calories (around half is a good place to start and experiment). Also make sure you allow your body rest too.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    With your stats, you can definitely eat some of your exercise calories back. Log it in MFP and eat at least half back (because as I'm sure you've seen, MFP overestimates exercise calories). Just to put it into perspective for you, I'm 5'4" and 132 lbs and I would lose very easily eating 1500 calories per day, weighing 50-60 lbs less than you. Give yourself some fuel!

  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,940 Member
    You may want to read the announcement post and follow the link about adaptive thermogenesis. Evgeni does an excellent job of explaining things in the first few posts of the thread. It sure sounds like you're experiencing it. Fuel your workouts....
  • nordlead2005
    nordlead2005 Posts: 1,303 Member
    If you want to know how much you are burning, take your average daily weight loss and multiply by 3500 and add 1500.

    If you are losing 2lb/week, then you are burning 2/7*3500+1500=2500 calories/day.

    If you are losing more than 2 lb/week, I would up your calorie intake to make that your average weekly loss at minimum, and maybe go to 1.5lb/week.

  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    As soon as you eat enough to substantiate your workouts, you'll get your energy back.
  • Cortneyrenee04
    Cortneyrenee04 Posts: 1,117 Member
    Eat more. Our workouts are quite similar and I usually eat about 1800 calories per day. I make sure to eat lots of protein, veggies and make the most out of my calories. When I'm experiencing fatigue, I eat a little more carbs for energy.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    Most people begin having more energy within a couple weeks.

    I don't know why you're tired. Maybe you aren't eating enough. Maybe you're doing too much. Maybe both or something else entirely. All weight loss journeys should begin with a visit to the doctor. All the experts will tell you that, but nobody ever does it. I don't know why. It's the smart thing to do - that's why everyone tells you to do it! If you haven't, do that. And maybe eat a little more until you do. :)
  • barbecuesauce
    barbecuesauce Posts: 1,771 Member
    Some coworkers and I started group sessions with a trainer this summer. I need to lose about 40 more pounds and have been exercising regularly (4-5 days a week cardio, 2-3 days weights) since the beginning of June, and eating 1500 calories a day in six 250 calorie meals. And I'm TIRED. Some days I'm just spent by about 4 pm and have to sit, other days I am so tired I have to nap. I've tried just powering through, but I'm just spent and find myself knodding off! I HATE naps and it's really bugging me that I'm so tired all the time! I wasn't super sedentary before, but now I can't go to the gym and clean my house in the same day. How long does it take to feel the increased energy exercise and healthy eating is supposed to bring?!?

    I'm 5'6", 134, and eat more than you. I think I would suffer from fatigue if I ate that little and worked out like you do.

    I think you need to eat what MFP tells you + half of exercise calories (unless you're using another TDEE calculator). If you're still fatigued in a few weeks, see a doctor. Or book that appointment now just in case.

    Oh, and the meal timing/six small meals thing is more of a muscle building than a weight loss thing. I generally eat 2 meals plus a couple of snacks, because that's how I like to eat. Other people on here apparently eat once a day. If you prefer your meal structure don't let me talk you out of it, but it' not necessary for fat loss.
  • galgenstrick
    galgenstrick Posts: 2,086 Member
    Eat more across the board. Also, you could try taking a diet break for a week to give yourself a physical and mental break. Or, just include a refeed day where you eat at maintenance once a week. I found doing one of those two things put my energy back up to continue on to the next week.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    Also look at your hydration and sleep quantity/quality.
  • prettywingss04
    prettywingss04 Posts: 29 Member
    edited July 2015
    arditarose wrote: »
    With your stats, you can definitely eat some of your exercise calories back. Log it in MFP and eat at least half back (because as I'm sure you've seen, MFP overestimates exercise calories). Just to put it into perspective for you, I'm 5'4" and 132 lbs and I would lose very easily eating 1500 calories per day, weighing 50-60 lbs less than you. Give yourself some fuel!
    you have a gorgeous body ! (your avatar) :o
    Quick q for anyone..
    Im 5'6 at about 155 pounds, and I'm not too concerned about weight since i weight train more than cardio. Im currently at about 1770 calories for my deficit (I used a tdee calculator to get this amount, based on my activity level being 3-5 days (i go about 4 days or so a week, with only one 30 min cardio sessions, everything else is say 10 min warm up then my weight training). I am trying to lose weight though. Should I be eating back my calories or not ?
  • BasicGreatGuy
    BasicGreatGuy Posts: 857 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    With your stats, you can definitely eat some of your exercise calories back. Log it in MFP and eat at least half back (because as I'm sure you've seen, MFP overestimates exercise calories). Just to put it into perspective for you, I'm 5'4" and 132 lbs and I would lose very easily eating 1500 calories per day, weighing 50-60 lbs less than you. Give yourself some fuel!
    you have a gorgeous body ! (your avatar) :o
    Quick q for anyone..
    Im 5'6 at about 155 pounds, and I'm not too concerned about weight since i weight train more than cardio. Im currently at about 1770 calories for my deficit (I used a tdee calculator to get this amount, based on my activity level being 3-5 days (i go about 4 days or so a week, with only one 30 min cardio sessions, everything else is say 10 min warm up then my weight training). I am trying to lose weight though. Should I be eating back my calories or not ?

    If you find yourself hungry, then eat some. I wouldn't put 100% confidence in the numbers to eat all burned back.
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    OP-I have been doing this almost 3 years(on the 3rd of aug) and I still dont have the energy everyone talks about. right now Im eating at maintenance(personal reasons) but I was eating between 1500-1800,and still no energy and weight loss was really slow). blood work comes back normal every time. I dont need naps but some days I cant do much of anything, and I am fueling my workouts,getting plenty of sleep,etc. the only time I have noticed energy is after my workout(which is short lived) or with the new preworkout Im taking and then it gives me so much energy that I cant sleep.I have tried cutting things down,out,etc and nothing works. so dont feel bad you are not alone.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Nobody's asked the obvious question - how much do you sleep?
  • prettywingss04
    prettywingss04 Posts: 29 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    With your stats, you can definitely eat some of your exercise calories back. Log it in MFP and eat at least half back (because as I'm sure you've seen, MFP overestimates exercise calories). Just to put it into perspective for you, I'm 5'4" and 132 lbs and I would lose very easily eating 1500 calories per day, weighing 50-60 lbs less than you. Give yourself some fuel!
    you have a gorgeous body ! (your avatar) :o
    Quick q for anyone..
    Im 5'6 at about 155 pounds, and I'm not too concerned about weight since i weight train more than cardio. Im currently at about 1770 calories for my deficit (I used a tdee calculator to get this amount, based on my activity level being 3-5 days (i go about 4 days or so a week, with only one 30 min cardio sessions, everything else is say 10 min warm up then my weight training). I am trying to lose weight though. Should I be eating back my calories or not ?

    If you find yourself hungry, then eat some. I wouldn't put 100% confidence in the numbers to eat all burned back.

    thank you !