My Husband Died and I Need Support



  • Marilyn0924
    Marilyn0924 Posts: 797 Member
    My condolences for your loss. Be gentle with yourself, but don't lose yourself in the fog. My mother-in-law also lost her husband of 50 years at the end of February. It is not easy to find that motivation again, but take care of you, get back to routines and create new ones that help you feel good about yourself. ((hugs))
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    It sounds like you really loved him. I don't know why, but that warms my heart. I'm really sorry for your loss

    Just wanted to say, it may not be your previous level, but twice a week exercise is pretty good. Hang in there
  • LoveYourHeart2015
    LoveYourHeart2015 Posts: 13 Member
    I'm so sorry for your loss. Xx
  • tekkiechikk
    tekkiechikk Posts: 375 Member
    To all of you who are bearing such grief, I am so sad for your losses. If there isn't a group on MFP for people in need of this kind of support, there should be! I have no words of wisdom about weight loss at such a time, but you feel what you feel and nothing but time will lessen the heartache.
  • Dad623
    Dad623 Posts: 14 Member
    I've been there. Where you are now, you might even have to remind yourself to breathe in and out.But, take it slow,and remind yourself that you were chosen by that person and they saw the value and beauty in you that I'm hoping you'll see in yourself. You'll go through alot, but realize that you are worth taking care of and that love lives on. Be good to yourself and know people on here care and want to see you succeed. Add me if you like. All the best in your happiness and health.
  • s_y8s
    s_y8s Posts: 1,849 Member
    Kakalina2 wrote: »
    I haven't logged on in months, I haven't been keeping up my food diary. I can't remember if I ate let alone what I ate.

    I've been in a fog since my beloved died 155 days ago. I was doing so well with my life style changes. But now, I just don't seem to care. I am lucky to get to the gym twice a week now instead of my normal 4 plus swimming.

    Does it even matter anymore if I stay healthy?

    I am so sorry! Please know I'm praying for you!
  • kimberlyjoy159
    kimberlyjoy159 Posts: 23 Member
    I'm so sorry for you loss and continuing grief. There is some good advice here already!
  • shadowfax_c11
    shadowfax_c11 Posts: 1,942 Member
    I am so sorry for your loss. I went through it myself 16 years ago. I stopped caring for a very long time and ended up putting on a lot of weight. I ended up well over 300 pounds within the year. It takes a long time to get very something like this. For me 10 years passed before I could start to pull myself back together. Grief takes as long as it takes. It is different for everyone. Don't ever feel bad for feeling good or feel bad for still feeling bad. You just have to keep putting one foot in front of the other. Eventually life will get easier.
  • eihcir1
    eihcir1 Posts: 11 Member
    So sorry for your loss Kakalina2. I find one of the best ways of dealing with loss is to keep busy. You need to go out to let the sunshine in. Even if its for a walk or two. Exercise is a great way i cope with issues and stress.Give yourself a pat on the back once in awhile. PLEASE do not keep yourself locked away. It doesn't do any good.Best wishes. Rich.
  • bametels
    bametels Posts: 950 Member
    Kakalina2, I'm am very sorry for your loss. Yes, staying healthy matters because you matter. Healthier eating, some exercise, sunshine, and connecting with others will help you get through this difficult time. It's good that you reached out. Finding people who can support you is very important.
  • Qwik_Dry
    Qwik_Dry Posts: 13 Member
    Hi Kaklina2 - I've just seen your thread and want to ask how you are doing these days. I'm a widow too - my husband died after just 5 years of marriage and sine we married late, I felt like I lost my future.

    Part of what kept me going was knowing that my husband would have wanted me to look after myself esp since he wouldn't be able to.

    I hope all of the kind words and supoprt here have been of some comfort and help to you - wish I'd reached out the way you have.
