Female trying to gain muscle



  • AsISmile
    AsISmile Posts: 1,004 Member
    edited July 2015
    gymrat04mf wrote: »
    Also, is there a difference between a clean bulk and body recomp, or are they both terms for the same thing? I'm seeing that in both, you're supposed to either maintain or lose body fat while gaining muscle mass.

    A clean bulk is eating at a 250 cal surplus to gain weight while lifting heavy in order to gain muscle qnd some unavoidable fat. (500 cals+ is considered a dirty bulk).
    Body recomposition is about maintaining the same weight and trying to reduce fat and add muscle at the same time. As far as I am aware, you should not be eating a calorie surplus since you do not want to gain weight in recomposition.
    A bulk will not help you lose body fat. You will gain fat. A bulk is continued for a few months untill the bulker is happy with the amount of muscle they have put on. After that they run a cut, which is eating at a defecit to lose weight while continue to lift. This will maintain the muscles and decrease the fat. End result of a bulk + cut cycle: more muscle less fat.

    Only gaining muscle weight is impossible while increasing overall weight.
    Your options:
    - recomp at 115 lbs, so try to decrease your bf% and add on a little muscle.
    - Do a bulk a bulk + cut. Gain muscle and fat, and then diet and train off the fat.

    So for what you want, which is gaining weight, you need to eat at a surplus. That is bulking, not recomp.
  • Earthrider1017
    Earthrider1017 Posts: 2 Member
    Bump - must soon review for my situation - appreciate the detail
  • gymrat04mf
    gymrat04mf Posts: 51 Member
    Would you guys suggest that I do a cut first to get to my ideal BF % and then slow muscle gain recomp at 15% surplus training days and 10% deficit rest days? If so, how do I do the cut without looking skinny or losing any of the muscle I have?
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    gymrat04mf wrote: »
    Would you guys suggest that I do a cut first to get to my ideal BF % and then slow muscle gain recomp at 15% surplus training days and 10% deficit rest days? If so, how do I do the cut without looking skinny or losing any of the muscle I have?

    My personal opinion, if you're going to cut more-you might as well just run a bulk. If I were you I'd stay where you are and recomp. You don't need to cycle your calories in a recomp if you don't want. Personal preference.

    If you do decide to cut, the whole purpose of lifting in the deficit is to save muscle so you'd keep doing what you're doing, assuming you're lifting heavy and meeting your macros.
  • slaite1
    slaite1 Posts: 1,307 Member
    gymrat04mf wrote: »
    Would you guys suggest that I do a cut first to get to my ideal BF % and then slow muscle gain recomp at 15% surplus training days and 10% deficit rest days? If so, how do I do the cut without looking skinny or losing any of the muscle I have?

    No. You have to stop. You can't have everything at once. You have 3 choices

    1-recomp NOW. Eat at maintenance (daily calorie fluctuations are irrelevant-sorry) lift heavy. Slowly lose body fat while slowly gaining/maintaining muscle mass.

    2-bulk. You are already at a low enough body fat to bulk. Eat at a 250 calorie surplus and lift heavy. Accept that you will gain some fat while putting on muscle. Gain weight (including muscle) and cut later.

    3-cut. You are already small. If you keep cutting you will lose muscle as well as fat. There is no miracle here. You cannot lose or gain ONLY muscle or ONLY fat. In my opinion, if you keep cutting you are just going to be skinny. You are not very muscular as it is.

    That's it. Asking the same question over and over will not change the facts. I would suggest #1-a recomp, because I don't think you will like the effects of a bulk right now-it is too long term. You can stop asking now. These are your choices. Everyone has told you to recomp or bulk. Only keep cutting if you want to be even skinnier.

  • aledba
    aledba Posts: 564 Member
    gymrat04mf wrote: »
    I need 2000 calories/day to maintain my weight. But shouldn't I be eating around 2200 then to gain muscle? Also, the reason I'm doing cardio is to lose a few lbs of fat (but not muscle) so my muscles like my abs will show more easily, and also just to have that balance.

    You're going to need to get down to about 7-8% body fat to have your abs show. You don't seem like you have much fat to begin so I think it's going to be fairly simple for you to do a recomp. Your existing muscle definition will be more apparent at that point, regardless if you build more muscle mass.
  • yellowantphil
    yellowantphil Posts: 787 Member
    edited July 2015
    aledba wrote: »
    You're going to need to get down to about 7-8% body fat to have your abs show.

    For women, 7–8% body fat would be very unhealthy. Women could probably see abs somewhere between 12 and 15% body fat, according to the usual picture that people use to estimate body fat.
  • aledba
    aledba Posts: 564 Member
    aledba wrote: »
    You're going to need to get down to about 7-8% body fat to have your abs show.

    For women, 7–8% body fat would be very unhealthy. Women could probably see abs somewhere between 12 and 15% body fat, according to the usual picture that people use to estimate body fat.

    Oh bother. I forgot about gender. Thanks!

  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    slaite1 wrote: »
    gymrat04mf wrote: »
    Would you guys suggest that I do a cut first to get to my ideal BF % and then slow muscle gain recomp at 15% surplus training days and 10% deficit rest days? If so, how do I do the cut without looking skinny or losing any of the muscle I have?

    No. You have to stop. You can't have everything at once. You have 3 choices

    1-recomp NOW. Eat at maintenance (daily calorie fluctuations are irrelevant-sorry) lift heavy. Slowly lose body fat while slowly gaining/maintaining muscle mass.

    2-bulk. You are already at a low enough body fat to bulk. Eat at a 250 calorie surplus and lift heavy. Accept that you will gain some fat while putting on muscle. Gain weight (including muscle) and cut later.

    3-cut. You are already small. If you keep cutting you will lose muscle as well as fat. There is no miracle here. You cannot lose or gain ONLY muscle or ONLY fat. In my opinion, if you keep cutting you are just going to be skinny. You are not very muscular as it is.

    That's it. Asking the same question over and over will not change the facts. I would suggest #1-a recomp, because I don't think you will like the effects of a bulk right now-it is too long term. You can stop asking now. These are your choices. Everyone has told you to recomp or bulk. Only keep cutting if you want to be even skinnier.

    OP - it pretty much boils down to this…^

    I would highly recommend that you not cut anymore as you are just going to lose muscle mass and to lower your intake more is going to make you feel like crap in the gym …

    but pick a strategy, commit to it, and do it.

    sorry, but you can't have everything you want at the same time. building mass while losing appreciable fat is the holy grail of lifting, and the closest anyone has come to finding it is recomp ….
  • gymrat04mf
    gymrat04mf Posts: 51 Member
    Thanks guys, I'm going to stick with my recomp plan. But my only question about doing recomp is calorie cycling. For my goals, should I be eating at a slight surplus on training days and at maintenance on rest days? Or maintenance on all days, or what?
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    gymrat04mf wrote: »
    Thanks guys, I'm going to stick with my recomp plan. But my only question about doing recomp is calorie cycling. For my goals, should I be eating at a slight surplus on training days and at maintenance on rest days? Or maintenance on all days, or what?

    It's not necessary. Some people do but I don't know if there's much research supporting that it is needed. Someone correct me if I'm wrong?
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    gymrat04mf wrote: »
    Thanks guys, I'm going to stick with my recomp plan. But my only question about doing recomp is calorie cycling. For my goals, should I be eating at a slight surplus on training days and at maintenance on rest days? Or maintenance on all days, or what?

    It's not necessary. Some people do but I don't know if there's much research supporting that it is needed. Someone correct me if I'm wrong?

    As far as I know the differences tend to be mostly due to people being able to stick to their goals. There may be some super perfect nutrient timing for each person for optimum muscle growth, but I doubt you'd be able to find it.

    Op, if you are already training, just do what you currently do but up the calories to maintenence level. Your current method (whatever it is) seems to have worked for you.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    gymrat04mf wrote: »
    Thanks guys, I'm going to stick with my recomp plan. But my only question about doing recomp is calorie cycling. For my goals, should I be eating at a slight surplus on training days and at maintenance on rest days? Or maintenance on all days, or what?

    stop trying to over complicate everything.

    figure out maintenance calories and eat to that number every day.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    gymrat04mf wrote: »
    Thanks guys, I'm going to stick with my recomp plan. But my only question about doing recomp is calorie cycling. For my goals, should I be eating at a slight surplus on training days and at maintenance on rest days? Or maintenance on all days, or what?

    If you are going to recomp, just be prepared for results to take quite a long time. Many recomps can take a year or more. If you want quicker results, then a bulk/cut is faster. But for some, recomps are better psychologically.

    But if you do recomp, I would highly suggest you start setting your goals based on performance and let the bf%/weight a secondary goal
  • lthur714
    lthur714 Posts: 105 Member
    Wow....I think you are working out more than you need to. 5 days a week is a lot. Where is your day to rest your muscles? Sometimes we think more is better but maybe not. Plus now you've added weight training. Strength training is the best for women, I think. Even if you didn't lose another pound you already are at a great weight and BF index, I think. Strength training will build muscle and muscle metabolizes fat. Muscle weigh more than fat. I have a daughter who is 130 lbs and practically no fat at all. Her body looks like she is 100 lbs tops and she is so toned and looks so good, so I am following her lead with the strength training. She never counts calories and she just does strength training and it seems to have worked a long time for her. You look wonderful in your picture and if I were you, do something that you can continue with the rest of your life cause as you get older you won't always feel like doing everything you are trying to do now.
  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    gymrat04mf wrote: »
    Thanks guys, I'm going to stick with my recomp plan. But my only question about doing recomp is calorie cycling. For my goals, should I be eating at a slight surplus on training days and at maintenance on rest days? Or maintenance on all days, or what?

    It doesn't matter.
  • mattyc772014
    mattyc772014 Posts: 3,543 Member
    I do calorie cycle in my recomp. But I do it because for me it is more satisfying to eat like this. It works for me. But as said it does not matter. Really a personal choice so I suggest you do what you feel is best for you. Lots of luck. :)
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    lthur714 wrote: »
    Wow....I think you are working out more than you need to. 5 days a week is a lot. Where is your day to rest your muscles? Sometimes we think more is better but maybe not. Plus now you've added weight training. Strength training is the best for women, I think. Even if you didn't lose another pound you already are at a great weight and BF index, I think. Strength training will build muscle and muscle metabolizes fat. Muscle weigh more than fat. I have a daughter who is 130 lbs and practically no fat at all. Her body looks like she is 100 lbs tops and she is so toned and looks so good, so I am following her lead with the strength training. She never counts calories and she just does strength training and it seems to have worked a long time for her. You look wonderful in your picture and if I were you, do something that you can continue with the rest of your life cause as you get older you won't always feel like doing everything you are trying to do now.

    to clarify ..

    two days rest a week is more than adequate
    muscle does not weigh more than fat
    calorie deficit leads to fat loss. If you strength train and eat in a surplus you will gain muscle and fat.

  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    auddii wrote: »
    arditarose wrote: »
    gymrat04mf wrote: »
    Thanks guys, I'm going to stick with my recomp plan. But my only question about doing recomp is calorie cycling. For my goals, should I be eating at a slight surplus on training days and at maintenance on rest days? Or maintenance on all days, or what?

    It's not necessary. Some people do but I don't know if there's much research supporting that it is needed. Someone correct me if I'm wrong?

    As far as I know the differences tend to be mostly due to people being able to stick to their goals. There may be some super perfect nutrient timing for each person for optimum muscle growth, but I doubt you'd be able to find it.

    Op, if you are already training, just do what you currently do but up the calories to maintenence level. Your current method (whatever it is) seems to have worked for you.

    That's what I thought as well.

    OP I'm trying a recomp again. I don't cycle my calories but I don't eat the same every day either. I like high Saturdays and I leave some room for the day after I dead lift because hanger. It's just a personal choice though and has nothing to do with aesthetic/strength results.
  • brittrogers1
    brittrogers1 Posts: 3 Member
    But just let me know your height and your activity level outside of the gym and I can give you pretty accurate macros.

    Would you be able to tell me what my macros should be? I'm female, 110 lbs 5'3. I workout 3 times a week at the gym. Just lifting with little cardio. I'm trying to put on some muscle but I don't know what my calorie intake should be for maintenance OR what it should be for gaining. Someone said you add about 200 calories to your maintenance intake if you want to gain muscle. Or slowly add more. I don't want to add too much too fast and gain a lot of fat, although some fat is inevitable. I also have no idea what my ratio of protein to carbs to fat should be.