Half-Marathon Training Help!



  • Happydancer99
    Happydancer99 Posts: 6 Member
    Do you have a running room or other similar store or running club in your area ? There are really inexpensive groups available that you can join to train for your half marathon and a group can be so supportive (and motivate you to keep with the program). Wishing you both big smiles as you cross the finish line.
  • FireStorm1972
    FireStorm1972 Posts: 1,142 Member
    edited July 2015
    I agree with The Running Room store. They have Clinics, though you have to pay for. Here they have a free running group mid week and on weekends. I dropped from 280+lbs to 155ish lbs within a year and ran my 1st 1/2 marathon in just under 2hr3min. This was way faster than any of my training runs that I ran alone all the time and being deathly ill 3 weeks prior to the race and not running at all those 3 weeks. Just crossing the finish line almost brought me to tears LOL. 7 weeks till my 2nd 1/2 and my plan is to break 2 hours hopefully, but training has been slacking. I use Hal Higdons 12 week program it helped me a lot. The goal is that long weekend run to help endurance. Run/walk, do what ever , the goal is that finish line. YOU GOT THIS!!!
    Any of you are free to add me as I always need running/motivation friends on here.
    keep up the work people.
  • ColinsMommaOC
    ColinsMommaOC Posts: 296 Member
    Sounds like a Disney race - those have 16 min/mile cutoffs. Wine & Dine? And if you don't meet that, yes, they will sweep you.

    I second/third/fourth Galloway for you. You'll be able to run/walk it fine enough.

    But.... I really, really encourage you to give yourself some real time to train for a half next time!!! I'm doing the Disneyland Star Wars in Jan 2016 (I did it this year too) and am hoping to spend several weeks at 20 miles per week before launching into a more formal training plan of 30-40 miles per week from October - January.

    Finishing a race - you'll do it. But I hope you can come back and do another one, giving yourself lots of time to drop weight and improve your distances and pace. (Losing weight helped my times ENORMOUSLY. I pretty much PR'd my half marathon time in my sleep this year!)

    Good luck.

    Yes it is the Disney Avengers Half Marathon. And ideally I would have loved more time, but this is something I am doing with my Mom and sisters, my mom is in the same place i am, but my sisters are more fit, one of them runs and trains regularly. They picked the race and I just found out 2 weeks ago which one they chose. I will look at Galloway thanks.

  • mwyvr
    mwyvr Posts: 1,883 Member
    Try not to over analyse things - get out there and get active and push yourself a little and you'll probably surprise yourself. You've got four months. Given where you are starting from that should give you enough time to build something of a base from which you can do a half with a walk-run-walk plan of some sort. Don't look at that as a defeat but celebrate it as your first half marathon, a huge achievement.

    Then, pick a half in Spring 2016 and aim to run the whole thing. You can do it.
  • ElleBelleLiptak
    ElleBelleLiptak Posts: 21 Member
    edited July 2015
    Don't let my advice deter you from your goal, BUT I would suggest running a 5k or maybe a 10k. It takes a lot of conditioning to get your body ready to run 13.1. Trying that much distance without some other races under your belt could cause injury, especially if you don't regularly run. Plus, races can be mentally tough as well, and experience helps with that!
  • _Waffle_
    _Waffle_ Posts: 13,049 Member
    Hi! My mom and I signed up to do a half-marathon in Mid-November as motivation to kick-start our weight loss and getting back into shape.

    A full marathon would have been double the motivation. :laugh:

    Seriously, just try doing the C25K program and worry about that hurdle first.
  • patrikc333
    patrikc333 Posts: 436 Member
    step by step, try a 5k and a 10k first

    ignore the pace

    think about the distance, if you have to walk for a bit, do it

    and more importantly, set your mind to do it, find the right motivation

    progress will come and it'll be natural, both on pace and distance

    21.1k can be challenging in your situation but it can be done