Help, i binged :(

lifeskittles Posts: 438 Member
edited September 28 in Motivation and Support
Okay so today was the worst day I've had in awhile..I ate great for breakfast and I did good with my lunch...and then out of NOWHERE I got starving and I ate "lunch" again about 2-3 hours later - a tuna wrap...and then I got back to my chu and was confronted with zebra cakes...And not only did I eat One zebra cake..One cannot have just one zebra cake....I ATE FOUR...then a bag of popcorn...So today I was 1000 Calories over my daily intake...I had planned on going to the gym shortly after but work-related crap got in the way and I was unable to go! So angry...How do I make myself feel better? Ive done 45 minutes of cardio with varied weight training every day for the past 3 weeks without missing a day...Now I feel so guilty :(


  • laurenlei
    laurenlei Posts: 96
    Im in the same boat today! Had sooooo much chocolate today :(
    Today is my day off as well after 4 days exercise! I was going to just jump back on the bandwagon' tomorrow but decided to use my home stepper for half an hour whilst watching TV - maybe go for a walk? The way i see it, anything is better than nothing, even a little exercise will make u feel better about binging :) and dont worry, everyone falls off sometimes, what counts is that you get back on with it!!!
  • JLPearce12
    JLPearce12 Posts: 23
    It happens.....TO US ALL! Forgive yourself and move on. You can do it!!! :flowerforyou:
  • cawfeesong
    cawfeesong Posts: 34
    I binged super bad over the weekend. I have learned it is best not to get down about it or feel super guilty because that usually spawns a downward spiral of binging....for me anyway,
  • It's OK! It's in the past. Zebra cakes aren't good for you, so they can't be good for your kids. Check out my diary!
  • khrys1
    khrys1 Posts: 444 Member
    Just think of it as a bad day, and you'll do better tomorrow. I also have some days where I am WAY over on calories (as in 2000, because I also can't "just have one.") Just start fresh from NOW, and try not to let it continue until tomorrow. One day isn't so hard to get over, when it gets to be a bad week (as I've had) or month, it gets harder and harder. So, don't beat yourself up, and start fresh! Good luck!
  • Jalachri
    Jalachri Posts: 47
    Just start over tomorrow. I do the same thing about every 4-5 week! :)
  • innerfashionista
    innerfashionista Posts: 451 Member
    I know how you feel. For me, the urge to binge never went away. I still have it, it just took me awhile to figure out how to cope with it. I keep my hands busy - I'll knit or clean. If the urge is REALLY bad I go to bed. Depending on how many calories you eat and how much you work out, your body may have needed the extra calories. Don't beat yourself up...easier said than done, I know!...and it can be overcome. I hope you find what works for you!
  • myvenus
    myvenus Posts: 188 Member
    seriously, one day of this binge is OK - you are human and this is normal so just let it go.....the best you can do for yourself is let it go and move on to the next day with success!!
  • cscoggins
    cscoggins Posts: 17
    The best thing you can do is forgive yourself and move forward!! It was a bad day. What's done is done. We all slip up. We just have to learn from our mistakes so that next time we are stronger!! :) If you can identify the "trigger" that caused you to binge- maybe you can find a way to avoid it or fight it off next time! From what I've been reading on this website- it's very healthy to give yourself a "free day" once a week to re-set your metabolism. Don't "binge," but give yourself permission to have a few things you don't normally eat (within reason). Doing that can help you resist temptation the rest of the week! :) Good luck, fitness pal sister! And- breathe in hope and strength- breathe OUT all that yucky guilt!! :)
  • pelone5k
    pelone5k Posts: 18
    Maybe it's good to fall off the wagon once in a while. IT helps us to remember why we are on the wagon in the first place. As long as you really fel like crap afterwards, thne you can just start over.

    Just get back on track, hit the gym, and burn baby burn!
  • mytink03
    mytink03 Posts: 4 Member
    Oh sweetie! No worries. Sometimes you just have to have some fun with your food. You're not doing it everyday and you are exercising. You seem really dedicated. The reason you felt the need to keep eating snacks is that when you eat sugar (or carbs that convert to sugar) your brain says I need more of that. You really don't! Next time you have a "snack day" keep an apple handy or a bottle of water. Both will fill you up when that "I need more junk food" craving starts. If it makes you feel any better my diet yesterday consisted of an entire bag of caramel rice cakes/about 2 cups of raisinettes/a bagel with cream cheese and a slice of pepperoni pizza. Was up 2 lbs this morning. Just gotta start a new day! Keep going'll get there!
  • lifeskittles
    lifeskittles Posts: 438 Member
    Thanks for the support guys. Glad to know that I'm not the only one with a sweet tooth..I think I just feel so guilty because I have been doing so good with eating healthy, not even craving ANYTHING, and then the damn boyfriend has to come up to me with a box of zebra cakes..what a jerk right? Lol
  • dalzinho
    dalzinho Posts: 52
    "How do I make myself feel better?"

    Think about how much you **enjoyed** it!

    Then try not to do it again tomorrow.
  • kalelwifey
    kalelwifey Posts: 172
    What you can do is...Accept that You fell off the wagon...just get back on and remember how you felt this time time you get hungry you will think before consuming 1000 Extra calories? lol thats what i do
  • marci355
    marci355 Posts: 292
    Just go onto the forums and count how many people totally binged this past weekend!! It seems like we all did! I've had a super bad sinus infection for going on 2 weeks, so I haven't been working out. I totally SUCK. (and so does my sinus') LOL No worries! We're all human.
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