Can't stick to anything. How to overcome this?



  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    Get up every morning and pre-log your day, this is what I do.
    Don't stray from your plan/menu plan. It will give you structure and a simple plan to follow.

    "Dieting" is a pain in the butt, but the sooner you start , the sooner you'll be done and have it all behind you, and be headed into the blissful maintenance phase.

    Don't still be sitting there in 6mths time carrying even more weight and still wearing your several same outfits.

    Do it, just do it!! Most of us here have been, or are in your same position. You have all the help and support you need right here. It's up to you to get the ball rolling xx
  • SusanKing1981
    SusanKing1981 Posts: 257 Member
    You know what, I was like you many many times before, then something just clicked a year ago and I've not looked back. I'm not saying it's been easy, but once you start seeing the results you have the motivation to stick at it. It's the getting started that's the hard part.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    Also, I'm 43 and never had a weight problem or dieted in my life.
    I put on 20 something kgs over the last few years. So last August I buckled down and lost the weight. It was difficult to get in that mindset, but I'm so glad I did it now! Because if I hadn't, no doubt I'd be even heavier right now and have more work ahead of me.

    It's hard to lose weight, but it's harder to be overweight. ..
  • sevans85mfp
    sevans85mfp Posts: 25 Member
    Thanks Everyone! I will take it all onboard.
    I'm confused about the exercise advice. Two runs a week makes me feel great and gives my mind a break from thinking about baby. Im not classed as obese, I just want to lose the extra weight I am carrying. I exercised through my pregnancy and had a great pregnancy. I don't believe it is stopping me from eating the way I should be.

    I'm going to record every mouthful on myfitnesspal. Might try recruit a buddy to help.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Losing weight is about calories. "Healthy eating" is generally a meaningless gimmick. Eat what you want, just stick to a calorie goal. It's really that simple.
  • timtakel
    timtakel Posts: 50 Member
    I'm confused about the exercise advice. Two runs a week makes me feel great and gives my mind a break from thinking about baby.

    Then keep it! :smile:
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Thanks Everyone! I will take it all onboard.
    I'm confused about the exercise advice. Two runs a week makes me feel great and gives my mind a break from thinking about baby. Im not classed as obese, I just want to lose the extra weight I am carrying. I exercised through my pregnancy and had a great pregnancy. I don't believe it is stopping me from eating the way I should be.

    I'm going to record every mouthful on myfitnesspal. Might try recruit a buddy to help.

    I'm glad you're confused about the exercise advice cos it made no sense

    You don't have to exercise to lose weight but it certainly doesn't hurt, it gives you additional calories to eat and is great for cardiovascular health

    Your primary focus for weight loss must be on your food consumption though



    And commit

  • professionalHobbyist
    professionalHobbyist Posts: 1,316 Member
    It is just a matter of getting sick and tired of being fat

    No way to dress it up

    That is what it took for me

    And a high school friend that was my size had is first heart attack

    Fat is more than not good looking, it will kill you.

    Plus my daughter needed her dad alive.

  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    It is just a matter of getting sick and tired of being fat

    No way to dress it up

    That is what it took for me

    And a high school friend that was my size had is first heart attack

    Fat is more than not good looking, it will kill you.

    Plus my daughter needed her dad alive.

    That's the first post I've seen from you where you haven't filled my screen with your bike ride jpg..thank you for that
  • oh_happy_day
    oh_happy_day Posts: 1,137 Member
    Thanks Everyone! I will take it all onboard.
    I'm confused about the exercise advice. Two runs a week makes me feel great and gives my mind a break from thinking about baby. Im not classed as obese, I just want to lose the extra weight I am carrying. I exercised through my pregnancy and had a great pregnancy. I don't believe it is stopping me from eating the way I should be.

    I'm going to record every mouthful on myfitnesspal. Might try recruit a buddy to help.

    If running makes you feel great of course you should continue! Exercise is good for your general health, your emotional health and it sounds like it gives you some 'me time' as well.

    Totally agree with the advice to batch cook, pre-log and then just stick to it. Try to make gradual changes. Don't set your calories for a maximum weekly loss, because it sounds like anything too restrictive will have you throwing in the towel. One bad meal is no reason to give up for the day, just keep going and try to do better tomorrow. You do need to be in the right head space. Just keep logging and trying to make changes. If your profile photo is current then your baby is still pretty young, so don't be too hard on yourself.
  • timtakel
    timtakel Posts: 50 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    I'm glad you're confused about the exercise advice cos it made no sense

    It does, not for everyone but still it does. If you don't like exercise it's demotivating, will strain your willpower, then it just leads to abandonment of the whole diet. Some people get beastly hungry from exercise and tend to overeat the calories they spend, that's also a big strain on your willpower perseverance, it also will easily lead you to abandon your diet.

    If these factors are not relevant, or you are able to deal with them, exercise is king. If it leads you to stop your diet, because its really making it hard to stay on your diet and be motivated, it's just not worth it. Its more important to lose weight, because that's the major health risk in this equation. After you reached your weight goal, you should exercise (until you like it ;).

    Take me for example. I really like running, but I need to lose weight and can't do both. It just makes me way to hungry to stay at a deficit, without driving me mad. So I took a break, until I reached my weight goal. Running then will be easier, more effective and because my weight is lower I'm much healthier.
  • Dariasen
    Dariasen Posts: 145 Member
    OP: pre-logging and getting everything ready the day before has been made a huge difference in my calorie counting. If everything is already planned out then I don't need to figure out what to eat on the fly and give up. Not only do I prelog but I also have plan-b options if something goes wrong with plan-a. Putting the work into my diet when I'm "in the mood" helps combat any poor decisions when I'm tired and just don't care. I'm at 60+ days of calorie counting and I have yet to have one of the I'll just start tomorrow moments this time.
  • ohgeeque
    ohgeeque Posts: 224 Member
    You are the only one who can fix this. When you are ready to overcome your eating habits you will do it. Just remember, you haven't failed until you quit trying. IF you mess up at 10:00, try again at 10:05, don't Start Again Tomorrow". It will never come.
  • labohn91
    labohn91 Posts: 113 Member
    Motivation is a limited resource find a reason to stay fit like so you can see your grandchildren is a much better push.
  • bscott0114
    bscott0114 Posts: 5 Member
    Having three kids myself,im going to say you have the exercise part down at least for now so the main thing would be planning your meals ahead. even if it's just your lunch for the week fully planned out then if you start out good by the time lunch hits and you want to quit you really don't have a reason to because it's already done for you so no excuse ☺ kinda like a healthy cheat...I remember making my smoothies for 3 days straight I did not regret it at all and even if that was my only healthy meal of the day it helped alot energy wise
  • jessicarobinson00
    jessicarobinson00 Posts: 414 Member
    Honestly it takes time in order to make this a lifestyle. I started by telling myself that I'm going to do 1 active thing/day. Some days that was just walking around the block...some days playing soccer with my some days I walk on my lunch and others I hit the gym.
    And it also helps to have some great MFP motivational pals on here! I look forward to logging on, because I'm excited to see what ideas others are incorporating to make sure they are successful. Find some active fun MFP members to friend!
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    Don't change what you eat, just the amounts. Concentrate on logging as accurately and honestly as you can and sticking to your calorie goal. Eventually you might add more vegetable or something but don't worry about overhauling your diet right now. Calories are what matter for weight loss.
    Set a reasonable goal. If you have less than 50 lbs to lose your goal should probably not be to lose 2 lbs a week. If you have less than 25 lbs maybe just .5 lbs a week is the most reasonable goal. Be patient.
    Plan meals in advance. Pre-log your whole day.
    It is okay to have leftovers or eat the same thing for breakfast most days. You don't have to make elaborate food to lose weight. A simple sandwich and some carrots can fit your calorie goal and require very little effort.

  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,988 Member
    It literally gets to 10am and I give up and say....I'll just start tomorrow.
    Any advice how to overcome this?

    If you've been logging, I'd love to take a look at your diary and see what you have for breakfast. But I'd bet that you're not starting your day with enough foods that fill you up.

    I'd give up if I were always hungry. But by eating more protein and fiber, and less carbs, I'm not hungry while losing a pound per week.

  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    edited July 2015
    Keep running.

    Don't think of it as a diet. No foods are off limits. (Just maybe eating LESS of them...)

    Find a sensible deficit, perhaps somewhere in the range of 500 calories per day less than your TDEE. If you try to change from 2000+ calories per day to suddenly 1200 calories of rabbit food, yes, you'll be hungry by 10 a.m. DONT DO THAT. Eat what you enjoy and what gives you enough energy for your life and exercise. And eat enough so you keep losing, but you're not hungry and driven to snack/binge.

    If you need help figuring your TDEE (how many calories you burn per day), then let us know. We'd love to help.
  • professionalHobbyist
    professionalHobbyist Posts: 1,316 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    It is just a matter of getting sick and tired of being fat

    No way to dress it up

    That is what it took for me

    And a high school friend that was my size had is first heart attack

    Fat is more than not good looking, it will kill you.

    Plus my daughter needed her dad alive.

    That's the first post I've seen from you where you haven't filled my screen with your bike ride jpg..thank you for that

    Maybe next time, because you are so sweet.

    Map my run has a screen as well. I'll put up one of those from my next 10K.