anyone lose 100 pounds or around there?

I have 111 pounds to go and I'm scared to have a lot of flabby skin when I start losing more and more. any suggestions on how to avoid it? or if you even can?


  • Phrick
    Phrick Posts: 2,765 Member
    I am down 110 over about 2.5 years - I have some loose skin but not a lot. Age plays a factor (the younger you are, the more elasticity your skin has and the faster it will bounce back, so to speak), as does the rate at which you lose (slower, more gradual losses give your skin a chance to keep up) but genetics is the biggest factor by far. Creams, lotions and potions will lighten your wallet but don't actually do much to help so I'd avoid those.

    Frankly I'd rather have loose skin than be fat - there are just a few months in a year that there's even the remotest possibility that anyone but me and my husband would even see my belly skin - (beach/bikini season, but I'm not a bikini type anyway), the rest of the time it's covered by clothes and no one can tell.
  • ElvenToad
    ElvenToad Posts: 644 Member
    Its taken me 16 months so far to lose 107lbs. I have loose skin on my arms, tummy, and thighs. Stretch marks everywhere as well. I was morbidly obese for 20+ years so I don't think I will have very much bouncing back happening and I've just learned to accept that. In the end, clothing covers it all up and I feel amazing so I am not complaining. It's certainly not pretty, but my quality of life has improved tenfold and for that I am grateful!

  • michaelafoor916
    michaelafoor916 Posts: 710 Member
    yeah, I can live with it if it happens. I just want to be healthy.
  • ewstahl
    ewstahl Posts: 5 Member
    I lost 100 pounds and had 2 c-sections. My entire body now has extra skin, but especially my tummy and between my waist and knees (I'm a pear). I kinda like the looseness- it serves as a reminder of how big I used to be and how I never want that skin to "fit" ever again. So much as I wish it would disappear (and there is surgery to do it if you REALLY want), it's my badge of honor for all the hard work I did to make myself healthier. Clothes cover it- in a much smaller size. :)
  • ElvenToad
    ElvenToad Posts: 644 Member
    yeah, I can live with it if it happens. I just want to be healthy.

    That is the most important thing, don't let the fear of loose skin hold you back from getting healthy. Words cannot even begin to explain how much better you will feel not carrying around that extra weight all day every day. It really makes a huge difference :smile:

  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    edited July 2015
    I'm down 85 and already have some hideous, loose, hanging skin. So very gross.

    I shudder to think what I'm going to look like when 30-40 more pounds come off.

    On the bright side, the parts that look the worst aren't parts that someone would be seeing if they didn't love you already.
  • kjurassic
    kjurassic Posts: 571 Member
    Lost 94 lbs. I'm 60 yrs old, loose skin everywhere...the younger you are the better chance of your skin adjusting. Good luck!
  • lizzocat
    lizzocat Posts: 356 Member
    I've lost 85 pounds so far, I have 40-50 left. Honestly, yes, it sucks, I can see that my stomach just isn't going to be great, but, in the grand scheme of things, it's not a big deal (and other parts of me have tightened up!). I look so much better than I did before in general, am so much more fit, healthy, etc. A little loose skin won't be the end of the world :)
  • ElvenToad
    ElvenToad Posts: 644 Member
    Kalikel wrote: »
    I'm down 85 and already have some hideous, loose, hanging skin. So very gross.

    I shudder to think what I'm going to look like when 30-40 more pounds come off.

    Amazing is the answer to that :wink:

  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    ElvenToad wrote: »

    Amazing is the answer to that :wink:

    That. ^^
    I'm -95 with 55 left to go. Not sure what is still fat & what might be excess skin, but no major concerns yet. I'd rather have loose skin than fat-filled skin at any rate.
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    I have some loose skin. Having had 2 c-sections and a BMI of 44 at one point, I kind of expected it. I'm not to maintenance yet, but it might tighten up a bit over time. What I do have though isn't much and I'm still perfectly happy walking around in a bikini this summer.
    Height: 5'4.5"
    HW: 260 lbs
    CW: 132-133 lbs (fluctuating)
    Goal to lose another 2 - 10 lbs before moving to recomp
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    ElvenToad wrote: »
    Kalikel wrote: »
    I'm down 85 and already have some hideous, loose, hanging skin. So very gross.

    I shudder to think what I'm going to look like when 30-40 more pounds come off.

    Amazing is the answer to that :wink:
    You're very kind, but you haven't seen my asp. Extra skin just hangs down off of it. It's truly gross...and sad, lol.

    But thank you for saying something so very nice. :)
  • bclarke1990
    bclarke1990 Posts: 287 Member
    I lost 90+ and I have a bit of skin around my waist but I'm pretty lucky that I was still youngish. It's still worth it, though.
  • KarlaH9801
    KarlaH9801 Posts: 362 Member
    I have lost 135+, and am a mommy of 4, so I expected to have loose skin. Genetics come into play a bit with skin, as well as the speed at which the weight was lost. Sometimes you have to give your skin extra time to catch up. But, as another poster commented, I would much rather have loose skin over skin full of fat.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    It's partially genetics and age, but not losing weight too fast, strength training or bodyweight routines while you lose weight, and eating adequate protein should help.
  • ElvenToad
    ElvenToad Posts: 644 Member
    edited July 2015
    Kalikel wrote: »
    ElvenToad wrote: »
    Kalikel wrote: »
    I'm down 85 and already have some hideous, loose, hanging skin. So very gross.

    I shudder to think what I'm going to look like when 30-40 more pounds come off.

    Amazing is the answer to that :wink:
    You're very kind, but you haven't seen my asp. Extra skin just hangs down off of it. It's truly gross...and sad, lol.

    But thank you for saying something so very nice. :)

    I'm assuming your talking about your butt.. if it looks anything like mine then I know exactly what you mean! There are just as many wings on my butt as there are on my arms... but (butt hehe) I invested in some butt shaper panties and that fixes the problem and my rear looks great in jeans now :wink:

    All the kettlebell squats in the world may not be able to fix the sad flappy bits when I'm naked, but I can damn sure do something about them when I'm clothed.

  • michaelafoor916
    michaelafoor916 Posts: 710 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    It's partially genetics and age, but not losing weight too fast, strength training or bodyweight routines while you lose weight, and eating adequate protein should help.

    awesome. thank you for this. they have a lot of good articles. I know what i'll be doing tonight!!
  • MsSquatAlot
    MsSquatAlot Posts: 238 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    It's partially genetics and age, but not losing weight too fast, strength training or bodyweight routines while you lose weight, and eating adequate protein should help.

    This summed it up perfectly. I have lost 60lbs so far with no lose skin and I attribute it to high protein and lots of weights.
  • cherishpatterson
    cherishpatterson Posts: 11 Member
    I have lost 175 lbs, started in my early 20's at 337 lbs, now 162 lbs.
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    I'm at 90+ with about 20 pounds to go. I only have loose skin around my belly, but it is quite bad. I am thinking about having surgery to remove it at some point.

    Genetics play a big role--I'm very lucky to have pretty good skin.

    I think that moisturizing and salt scrubs do help. Lifting weights will also make you look better overall, even if some areas are a bit squishy. Good hydration and eating enough healthy fat can't hurt.