Why you gain weight if you eat more than your cut



  • 3kidshubby2
    I like what you had to say, but if I'm 5 ft and weigh 104 lbs and would like my weight to be about 98 consistently after I start adding some carbs back in, do I still need to get down to 93 first? That would put me well below a normal BMI. I can keep my weight at 98 as long as I don't eat carbs, but the minute I do (like starches and sweets on a weekend) I gain like 7 lbs just like that. I would like to be able to eat low carb during my morning and lunch times but maybe eat a cheeseburger and some chips or something similar like every other normal person on this earth and not gain. All my friends eat like that every single day and don't gain (of course they weigh more than they want). I'm just starting to not feel very good on this diet and I feel deprived. I walk 3.5 mph on my treadmill for 37 min at least 4 days a week and sometimes ride either my bicycle or stationary bike 20 min at a moderate pace 2-3 days as well. I'm hypoglycemic so I'm not sure whats healthiest for me. Thanks for any advice.
  • dwygtd
    dwygtd Posts: 19 Member
  • 3kidshubby2
    I hope somebody can respond to my last reply. I could really use advice and I'm new to this community and how the website works. I filled out my fitness and food diary and apparently I'm actually eating like 500-700 calories less than I should be to be healthy. So if the tracker tells me I should be consuming 1450 calories a day including my fitness to be able to drop from 106 to 98 by October something, won't I gain weight if my body has been used to eating so little calories and carbs for so long? I am 5ft tall and about 106 lbs. The doctors tell me I should weigh between 98 and 105. I look best at around 98 because I'm so short. I probably only get about 20 carbs a day. I am hypoglycemic and I am tired of being on Atkins for 7 years. Its true it has helped me stay close to my target weight, but I am noticing that I don't feel that good anymore and I'd like to start eating some carbs once a day like "normal" people do and not pork out. Please give me some advice. When you get to be 44 and have had three kids, things just don't look the same and keeping your weight down is tough. Thank you!
  • 3kidshubby2
    I hope somebody can respond to my last reply. I could really use advice and I'm new to this community and how the website works. I filled out my fitness and food diary and apparently I'm actually eating like 500-700 calories less than I should be to be healthy. So if the tracker tells me I should be consuming 1450 calories a day including my fitness to be able to drop from 106 to 98 by October something, won't I gain weight if my body has been used to eating so little calories and carbs for so long? I am 5ft tall and about 106 lbs. The doctors tell me I should weigh between 98 and 105. I look best at around 98 because I'm so short. I probably only get about 20 carbs a day. I am hypoglycemic and I am tired of being on Atkins for 7 years. Its true it has helped me stay close to my target weight, but I am noticing that I don't feel that good anymore and I'd like to start eating some carbs once a day like "normal" people do and not pork out. Please give me some advice. When you get to be 44 and have had three kids, things just don't look the same and keeping your weight down is tough. Thank you!
  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    Awesome post! Thank you for sharing!

    Seriously, this is good to know as I have never been down to my "ideal weight" before, but at this point it seems like I can definitely do it. I would have been frustrated pretty much exactly as you described putting 5 pounds back on, and probably would have just given up eventually and said. "Yeah, well, my body won't go down tot eh 180 BMI recommendation, it only stays at 185 minimum".

    Knowing this, I can at least anticipate this gain, and maybe even get ahead of it as you described by shooting for 175 first.

    That is unless I look to scrawny to everyone at the gym before I get to 180. I mean, I am building some muscle, so the "ideal BMI weight" might not be where I wind up either.

    But this knowledge is very, very good to have. Thanks again.
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    I hope somebody can respond to my last reply. I could really use advice and I'm new to this community and how the website works. I filled out my fitness and food diary and apparently I'm actually eating like 500-700 calories less than I should be to be healthy. So if the tracker tells me I should be consuming 1450 calories a day including my fitness to be able to drop from 106 to 98 by October something, won't I gain weight if my body has been used to eating so little calories and carbs for so long? I am 5ft tall and about 106 lbs. The doctors tell me I should weigh between 98 and 105. I look best at around 98 because I'm so short. I probably only get about 20 carbs a day. I am hypoglycemic and I am tired of being on Atkins for 7 years. Its true it has helped me stay close to my target weight, but I am noticing that I don't feel that good anymore and I'd like to start eating some carbs once a day like "normal" people do and not pork out. Please give me some advice. When you get to be 44 and have had three kids, things just don't look the same and keeping your weight down is tough. Thank you!

    Hey I see you messaged me but I haven't had a chance to respond... I'm not an expert here, and it sounds like you've been dieting a long time. This isn't necessarily the right place for this post, but I'll respond here anyhow. At 44 years of age, 5'0" and 106 lbs you have a BMI of 20. You're aiming for a BMI of 19. That's unlikely to be reasonable for you. If you want to look less soft, I'd aim to calculate your Total Daily Energy Expenditure and eat right around that (estimate maybe 100-200 calories less because you probably eat more than you journal) and then lift weights. Full body weights in the 8-10 rep range as heavy as you can for 3 sets of each exercise and do it 3 times a week. You will end up adding muscle and burning a little fat... it's a very slow process and you will not add significant muscle without eating at a caloric surplus. But if you put on 2 lbs of muscle and lose 3 lbs of fat I bet you'll love the difference it makes to your body.
  • 3kidshubby2
    Thank you so much for getting back to me! My husband is a swim coach and I talked to him about it after seeing your post. He said he thinks I have been eating too little and causing my body to go into starvation mode. He thinks that I've messed up my metabolism. I'm hypoglycemic and sometimes I go for hours before eating and I'm tired of worrying about my weight and not feeling good. He suggested I quite focusing on a perfect weight and work towards a better body. He thinks I should incorporate weights and strengthening exercises along with my walking on the treadmill (40 min at 3.5 mph) and eat smaller more frequent meals with some more complex carbohydrates. What do you think. I don't think my eating between 700-1100 calories a day and not losing fat is healthy. Thanks for any advice.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    Great post! thanks for putting it so clearly ☺
  • KylaDenay
    KylaDenay Posts: 1,585 Member
    Awesome read!
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    mrsbigmack wrote: »
    ........ I have found water weight fluctuations are much higher than when you're eating at maintenance.

    ^^ interesting thought :)
  • lashonda28
    lashonda28 Posts: 17 Member
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
  • vgnfarmer
    vgnfarmer Posts: 108 Member
    @arditarose fingers crossed your TDEE is way higher....yay for all the foodz
  • WingardiumLeviosa91
    WingardiumLeviosa91 Posts: 296 Member
    Great post! Now it makes sense why I am gaining weight.
  • lululapagaille
    lululapagaille Posts: 84 Member
    Bump and thank you ;)
  • sunandmoons
    sunandmoons Posts: 415 Member
    Good read.

  • ARGriffy
    ARGriffy Posts: 1,002 Member
    Good god you just blew my mind this is why I'm never at my goal always dancing around it!!!! This has changed my life!!!!!!!
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    edited January 2016

    Thanks for bumping this one. It's a great post to put some things into perspective and I always forget that it's available.
  • lohlgren
    lohlgren Posts: 34 Member
    Wow, wow, wow. 11 years of maintaining and I never understood why my goal weight was repeatedly 'just out of reach'. Now I'm pushing to a new low and this is so incredibly eye opening (as I bang my head on the table) thank you