staying motivated while pregnant?

Pregnant with twins and trying to stay motivated in an exercise regiment. Im usually the "sit on my butt all day and eat junk" kind of person and im trying not to do that so i dont gain more than the recommended weight of 35 to 45 lbs. So far i have gained 11 lbs and i am 19 weeks in. Ive noticed larger gais lately and my thought process is to keep active (not something im good at). I start strong but lose interest quickly. Any tips?


  • janjunie
    janjunie Posts: 1,200 Member
    I believe the recommended 35-45 lb weight gain is for single babies, not multiples, and even that is just a suggestion based on your starting weight. Anyways it's good to focus on eating healthy while pregnant, I had a hard time staying active my last pregnancy and really regretted it, but I was always just too exhausted. Congrats on your pregnancy, twins seems so exciting :)
  • sevans85mfp
    sevans85mfp Posts: 25 Member
    edited July 2015
    I had so many plans for my pregnancy but reality hits, I would plan a walk but end up falling asleep on the sofa lol. It is crazy how exhausted you get making a baby.

    I would say eat well, lots of healthy foods, your babies need the nourishment. Don't be too hard on yourself regarding exercise.

    I found walking great, depending on your fitness level you can do more. I'm not sure regarding twins, but I got to about 32 weeks and the head was pushing down so much that I would get pains shooting up my leg when I walked too far.

  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    Congrats! I'd have thought the recommended weight gain for twins would be higher. At the end, 2 babies, placentas, fluid etc is going to equal at least 20lbs, depending how far you get in the pregnancy. I know some women can have twins at 6lbs each.

    I've got 3 children, and I've kept active in all my pregnancies, especially my first and third, but I've still gained too much weight. My third is 14 months and I logged on MFP in my pregnancy with her, and exercised until 38 weeks (gym, spinning, aerobics etc). It was worth it to keep my fitness up, and it's definitely worth it for an easier labour/birth.

    I also found that the exercise gave me more energy. Working as a teacher, with a 4 and 2 year old to look after too, meant that I needed that extra energy. Plus with 2 kids at home I enjoyed having that gym time to myself.

    Obviously try to eat healthily as you'll feel better for it. Eating junk will make you feel more lethargic.
  • chispas12
    chispas12 Posts: 2 Member
    I had plans too. Ended not working out! But what helped was getting others involved, like my mom or husband would walk with me.
    I was dancing at my college for a couple classes and finished both right at the end of my first trimester. The classes were nice because even when I was exhausted I was doing it for a grade, so I felt obligated to go. Definitely had to modify some moves (especially floor work) but my teachers were awesome!!
  • slowrollem
    slowrollem Posts: 55 Member
    Something to consider if you have a club nearby that offers it, water aerobics. I usually see older folks that have joint or stability issues but I did this when I was preggo with my second and 8 months along.

    It helps keep you keep stable and avoid injury from falls (we all get clumsy as we get bigger) but offered great cardio and resistance with weights in the water.

    I'd check with your OB first to confirm your targeted weight gain if you haven't already and mention any excercise you want to start just to be safe.

    Congratulations by the way!
  • busyPK
    busyPK Posts: 3,788 Member
    Congratulations! I would say consult your doctor to make sure whatever you decide to do is ok health wise for you. I would say walking would be a good form of exercise for you, and make sure you eat small meals often! Your body will gain weight at the rate it needs to to sustain growing 2 babies so try not to put too much value in the number on the scale. I had 3 babies and gained 20lbs with the first 2 then 49lbs with my 3rd. I was able to drop all the weight (and then some) afterwards so know you can do it too. Enjoy growing those babies! :)
  • AmyG1982
    AmyG1982 Posts: 1,040 Member
    I have the same problem! I'm way too lazy and really struggle to eat good. I'm 19 weeks (in 2 days) with our first child (just a single) and I've already gained like 9 lbs. terrible. I actually had thought I'd lose weight cuz I'd finally had the motivation I needed to stick to healthy eating. I did great for the first few weeks, was exercising and eating really well and lost a few pounds. Then the food aversions and nausea set in (for like 3 months) and I've been struggling to get back on track ever since. I do walk for 20-30 minutes a day but thats just cuz I have high energy dogs that need the outing. I'd like to get back on the exercise bike and eating healthy but ice cream is so much yummier than lettuce >_< Feel free to add me and maybe we can motivate each other?